When does blue balls go away?


Blue balls

Yes blue balls are real!
You get sexually aroused and you don't go all the way. The pressure is not released.

I think in my case, blue balls is constantly there because I'm used to PMO on a daily basis.
I've been without PMO for 8 days now.
If I would even kiss a girl, the effect of blue balls would appear.

And it hurts. Alot. I mean, I can handle physical pain.
It's just that it's annoying. So when does it go away?
I didn't have these problems when I was a teen.

Anyone with these experiences?


Active Member
The more you abstain from PMO, the more sexual desires you'll feel at first, but soon, if you focus on other things, you'll notice a shift to emotions that come up.  A lot of times, the urges I thought were sexual were simply urges to ignore or cover up painful emotions.  About 40 days through the reboot, and I can say that the urges I'm getting now are much different to the ones I got in the beginning.  The urges I have now are to be with real women, experience real intimacy (won't go into details due to triggers, but you get the idea).  I would say give yourself about 20 days of no PMO and see if they don't turn into emotional pain instead.  Everyone responds differently to a reboot, but this is how mine has gone so far.


Active Member
I got bouts of blue balls for probably the first 2-3 weeks.  Icy cold bath can help.  Trying not to think about seemed to help some as I have heard some the physical discomfort of blue balls is psychological.  Try your best to avoid sexual stimulation of any kind for the first few weeks.  Also try clenching your abs  like you are holding your breath.  I've heard that works as well.  Just hang in there bud, it will get better.


Respected Member
If its within the parameters of your reboot, just have a hearty, good spirited toss. Of course dont use any visual stimuli or porn fantasies, just concentrate on your own pleasure.
Nothing wrong with a wank (if its within reason).



Akainu how are your blue balls?

I think i have the same, i feel pressure on my prostate my balls are contracting and penis get very small and hard. It's a nightmare and prevent me from sleep well. Mine came 14 days in reboot and come and goes. i used to masturbate 2-3 times each day several times a week.

Sometime i wonder if i should have quit pmo but continued mo for a while and then trying to reduce mo.


Hey man!

So over two weeks has passed.

When I wrote last time I endured crazy pain.

I took an extremely cold shower. The pain went away because of the cold.
So this is something you could try to ease the pain.

I also realized that you should not MO if you have problems with blue balls.
It does go away. Just find something else to do.

Whatever you do, dont touch yourself down there. If you help blood to flow to your balls, then its your own fault for causing the blue ball pain lol...

Anyways, I think the body adapts fast. I think I can still get blue balls if I even slightly M without O.

I have not PMOd for over 2 weeks. And I have not felt blue balls in days and days.

Hope it helped.