?mportant question from a rebooter having hard time


Dear supporting friends, I have an important question as follows; I am trying to reboot for about 8 months so far I couldn't manage more than a month or so, but after a while I have realised something different. After staying away from porn or pictures or fetish, if I stare at them for a try I really get an arousal and skyhigh hearth beat for 5 seconds, if I stare the second time after a minute I feel nothing no arousal or excitement.

Can someone please tell me is this a sign of improvement or repair of the dopamin receptors? Do you think If I manage a full reboot, will this effect stay constant?  it is important to me as, for a real long time I haven't felt like this. Any hope?


I think this falls into the simple fact is that after looking at it the first time the high is gone. Part of the porn addiction is the fact that we need more and new. After looking that first time you're wearing the new off so you're not getting as big of a rush the second time. I know at the height of my addiction I had gigs of porn images which worked out to hundreds of pictures, and even with these favorites I couldn't masturbate to one image night after night it lost it's appeal.

Now to cover the real problem here, you need to not look. It's fucking hard. God damn is it hard. I was reminded of it today when I went to an art sight, I was looking for a picture of a bird, and I still had to stop myself from clicking on the picture of the cute girl with large breasts and following that down a rabbit hole of porn. Quit trying to quit, and quit.

There is this mindset that we have in the world today, we try to do a lot of things. Trying is easy doing is hard, but the moment you quit trying doing becomes easy. Like Yoda said do or do not there is no try. The moment you try to quit you leave yourself room to fail, you have this space in your mind that is preparing to fail. Don't try and quit just quit. Trying isn't an option for addicts, every addict is trying to quit. The only one's who succeed are the ones who don't try they just quit.

I know it sounds like I am being hard, but it's a mindset you have to take. I have been around addicts my whole life and it still took me almost twenty years to admit that I was an addict, but watching them made me realize that the only ones who have succeed in quitting are the ones who decided to quit. They didn't try and quit they quit.