Questions about rebooting

I am 25 years old, I consider myself to be a moderate porn user. When I was about 14 I would look at soft core pictures, and around 17-18 I started watching standard internet porn videos. It has always been something I did when I masturbate (3-5 times a week).  I have been in a long distance relationship since I was 18, and porn was something I used just when my girlfriend was away, a kind of replacement.  I have been trying to quit for a long time because I felt guilty for watching it behind her back, and when I realized it was giving me ED I had an extra reason.  I was just never able to give it up.  Three days ago my girlfriend and I broke up, and I have been quite sad lately, and this has killed my libido.  I haven't had any erections or any desire to have one. So, as ironic as it is to quit porn right when you become single, it seems like the perfect time considering I don't even want to use it right now and I feel very motivated to quit. So I have been 4 days without PMO, and I had some general questions.

1. When should/can I start MO again?
2. When and how long does the flatline last? (Although I already feel like I am in it)
3. Once the flatline is over, is the reboot complete?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome! You're in the right place. Go to this page and read everything on it. It will pretty much answer all your questions.

Listen to the radio shows too. They were helpful to me.