Relapse after 90 days


Unfortunately I relapsed to porn pictures after 90 days. Now I feel really huge urge to watch P but I am not going (I have many football trainings,today I had free time). I feel bad with my behavior. I am not going to quit no pmo.

Do you think it can destroy my good erections? I was healed in 70% and now I am afraid of it.

I can't stop thinking about what I did and about those pictures.
Any advices?

I feel like a crap.


Active Member
First off:

Don't feel like crap.
I know it is not of much help to you since you already know that..... ;D But:

managed to go 90 Days without, man!!!!!!

which is formidable.

the second tip: ditch those pics, don't look at them any more, starve your cravings. It usually needs like 3 days to change "obsessive thinking" into "casual thinking" if related to such things -> distance from it will be your hero!!!!

third advice:
start again. Since you "relapsed" you  are NOT finished with your reboot, if your goal was to live porn free. Your erections will only then suffer!!!!
Also, don't get yourself into the anxiety circle -> will cause problems. You relapsed, feel like crap and so on..... that's past stuff. Commit to something new - like 90 days no P-subs and find your way back to the routine, that let you get those 90 days done!!!! you can do it again -> but you HAVE TO DO IT!!!!!

ready? set! Go!!!!!


Active Member
I beat myself when I have relapsed as well.  I feel unworthiness and shame after a relapse, it strangely feels so familiar.  In addiction, it was the shame that I used to justify going on a binge.  What has helped me is to differentiate my addiction and myself. "My addict" likes to swoop in when I'm feeling low or self-loathing and will take advantage of me.  In recovery, I have to block out my addicts' attempts to lure me back in.  I don't beat myself up.  When I relapse, I try to take stock and see the bigger picture.  What is going on in my life that has brought up added stress or concern?  PMO has been medication for me in the past to handle stress and now I am learning new ways to manage my stress.  Reading a good book, getting on this forum, or working on art have been healthier ways to cope and I work hard to turn to these good behaviors in drastic times.  As the OP said, 90 days is quite an achievement and you should be proud of yourself. 