How did your sex drive change before, during and after the reboot?

Hey guys,

i am round about on day 50 of my reboot. I do it the intended way of completely staying away from porn, orgasms and touching (imagination is quite hard sometimes, but i do my best).
Short background: I am now 23, started using internet porn around 14 and had sex the first time with 21.
I started my reboot, because i could get hard with different girls during the last 2 years.

It feels to me that during the age 18-20 i had a really low sex drive. Maybe because i was masturbating almost every day.
Now during my reboot, there are days where i have no libido at all, and days, where i would like to fuck every girl i see.
My question is: How did your sex drive change after you completed you reboot?

Stay strong guys!


Active Member
I wouldt say I have completed my reboot yet but I am on day 75 and my sexuality has definately changed. I used to be pretty laid back and not interested in sex much but these days Im horny for my girlfriend almost every day.


Well-Known Member
I'm going through the same thing you are right now.  A week will go by and I'll have zero Libido.. then the next week my dick will be hard the entire week.... I'm looking forward to it normalizing
Well after a year it is kinda different but it almost feel the way it should have been since the beginning. Remember me fapping a lot and constantly feeling tired. In a way I had had 0 libido but would constantly touch myself down there many times even in public and would embarrass myself. So my libido and fapping was more like a scratch you can't get rid off . Now after a year of basically clean reboot it is way different. I mean it is not that you are going to pop boners all the time more like you are able to get attracted by a girl and vice versa and you can get serious and kiss cuddle etc with a girl that doesn't look like a porn star and have more like a normal look. So to be honest I think about sex way less than I uses to during my fapping days but when I have a sexual encounter I do get horn.