I keep having dreams where I can't get it up with girls


It's annoying.

I had a failed threesome dream with two pornstars a few nights ago.

Last night I had a dream with some hot Asian girl, kept sucking me off, couldn't get hard.

Oh, I also had a dream day before yesterday where I was fucking some girl in the ass in some supermarket in the cereal aisle. Sometimes I can get it up in dreams, but when I do the boner isn't strong and I can't even feel anything, it's so weird!

I don't mind too much though to be honest, because it's just nice being naked with girls in dreams and getting that intimate feeling. When I'm fapping I never have such dreams.

Another common theme in the dreams is that despite the fact that I can't fuck these girls, they still wanna stay with me and are enthusiastic about the sex, even if all I can do is oral. That reminds me of irl... the three girls I couldn't bang irl still wanted to be with me even though I couldn't fuck them. I was still way too embarrassed to stay with them though and broke it off.




Well-Known Member
Are you having these thoughts and feeling while you're awake?  Dreams are insane, and sadly people don't really know too much about them.

How are along are you in your reboot?  Do you MO? Or are you hardmode?

Just focus on your reboot.  Don't worry about the dreams, they are your brain processing information/the situation you're in.

I'm 3 months into my reboot and am seeing great improvements, not only in my sexual drive, but also in my quality of life..  I don't ever remember my dreams though, for YEARS.  I would say within a period of 8 years, I've remebered possibly 2-3 dreams?  Yeah. Crazy.  I dn't quite understand it.

Since my reboot, I've woken up a few times with a boner and really horny.  I suspect I was dreaming something sexual, but cannot grasp what it was.  weird right?


Pr3c1se said:
Are you having these thoughts and feeling while you're awake?  Dreams are insane, and sadly people don't really know too much about them.

How are along are you in your reboot?  Do you MO? Or are you hardmode?

Just focus on your reboot.  Don't worry about the dreams, they are your brain processing information/the situation you're in.

I'm 3 months into my reboot and am seeing great improvements, not only in my sexual drive, but also in my quality of life..  I don't ever remember my dreams though, for YEARS.  I would say within a period of 8 years, I've remebered possibly 2-3 dreams?  Yeah. Crazy.  I dn't quite understand it.

Since my reboot, I've woken up a few times with a boner and really horny.  I suspect I was dreaming something sexual, but cannot grasp what it was.  weird right?
When I'm awake I constantly feel restless during no pmo... like now. It's like there's constant electricity running through my body and I can't relax. I constantly shake my legs and also gring my teeth/clench my jaw a little, too. Also there's this empty feeling I have left inside me. I think the porn drowns that feeling away; feelings of loneliness etc. The plus side is I'm more confident, definitely, and assertive and not nearly as lethargic as I am when I'm fapping regularly. The added energy allows me to do more things, like study better and go to the gym, more motivation, etc. I think there is also more mental acuity, but I don't know how much that actually helps since at the same time I'm constantly thinking about sex and it's hard to focus sometimes. I need to learn to channel my thoughts and sexual energy to more productive matters I guess.

You know when I was a kid I was a really hyperactive little bastard that would find it very difficult to sit still etc. When puberty hit I started fapping a lot, you know, and I wonder if without the nofap I will go back to being more like the full of energy person I was when I was a kid. Obviously I don't want to be quite like I was then but I do wish I had the same energy I had back then now.

Yes I am doing 'hard mode', no MO to go with no P. I'm only three days in currently... yeah, pathetic. But uh, on the positive I've been fapping FAR less recently, like way way less. In the last two weeks or so I've fapped less altogether in my life probably since puberty... so I feel like I'm getting there. The problem is I swear to god it's like I'm jinxed. Every time I say on a forum that I'm doing well and that 'I really think I will do it this time' I fail... like every time. But fuck that, I don't believe in jinxes. It's willpower alone that I need to do this, not supernatural bullshit. It is of course myself pulling the trigger every time.

Congrats on being 3 months in man. I've never beaten a week, lol. Dreams are a phenomenon that I definitely experience with nofap. Like I said, without no pmo I hardly ever dream, or at least I don't remember them. With no pmo I  having way more dreams and more memorable vivid ones at that, many times they're sexual which is nice. Thing is, as I said in the OP, it still kinda sucks dreaming about not being able to get it up. Eh.

I've never had a wet dream in my life either. Would love to have one of those.


Staff member
I use to have dreams like this, too, during the thick of my no orgasm portion of my reboot. I also have similar experiences with the twitchy-ness and electricity-like feeling you are describing. Remember that we are recovering from an addiction, so seeing physical side effects is really common. Some people's side effects manifest themselves as depression, anxiety, and many other things. Keep going strong!


Active Member
I had a failed threesome dream with two pornstars a few nights ago

Now that's a sexually frustrating dream!

the three girls I couldn't bang irl still wanted to be with me even though I couldn't fuck them

Psychology tends to be pretty logical if you understand it well, so it makes perfect sense that your anxiety/shame about not being able to perform with real girls is causing these dreams. I reckon that when you have successfully rebooted and rewired this won't be a problem anymore. In the meantime, just be pleased you're having such fun dreams.

P.S. I'm not an expert psychologist!


I watched a crazy Nova episode about how dreams are a survival mechanism where your body is putting you through essentially a virtually reality test to see how you survive. For example, little kids are afraid of monsters and therefore have nightmares about monsters, their brains are putting them through a virtual test so that if they ever encountered monsters in real life, they would react better because they dealt with them before in their dreams. One of your major fears right now is getting it up, so your brain is putting you through these virtual simulations so in case it happened in real life, you will react better towards it etc.