Recovery, anxiety and the immune system


Active Member
In the process of recovery, I'm feeling a lot of anxiety. It's like I'm stressed out for no particular reason. Anyway, I think this is fairly normal, as I can read from another reports. My therapist told me also that this is an effect of sobriety.

But what I'm also feeling is that I'm getting sick more than usual. It seems that cortisol, which is produced in stressful situations, weken the immune system.

Do you experience the same? what you do to improve this situation? It's difficult to get rid of porn, and have to be stuck at home on top of that.



First of all, 57 days is impressive as hell.  You are not that far from 90, and around 90 days, sometimes a bit longer, many report the anxiety, which is a withdrawal symptom, either goes away or diminishes seriously.  I know that during my reboot I wanted to climb up the walls and rip by eyes out, the anxiety was that bad.  I don't know that the withdrawals affect the immune system.  Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but I do know the addiction will talk to you, when quitting, and give you reasons to relapse, such as "this is bad for you."  Don't listen to it.  It lies.  They don't call it the "hard 90" for no reason.  If quitting porn was easy, this place would not exist.  Keep going, porn is not an option, but the fact you are successfully rebooting is something every guy here should take note of.  You are an example that it CAN be done.



tostadora said:
In the process of recovery, I'm feeling a lot of anxiety. It's like I'm stressed out for no particular reason. Anyway, I think this is fairly normal, as I can read from another reports. My therapist told me also that this is an effect of sobriety.

But what I'm also feeling is that I'm getting sick more than usual. It seems that cortisol, which is produced in stressful situations, weken the immune system.

Do you experience the same? what you do to improve this situation? It's difficult to get rid of porn, and have to be stuck at home on top of that.



Active Member

Thanks for the encouragement. 57 days is indeed impressive, it's the longest I've managed to be without porn. I have orgasmed twice in this two months, though, both with my girlfriend and without fantasy or anything artificial. I don't know if that has something to do with it, but I doubt it.

Anyway, it's true what you say that the addiction will try to reason with me that this is bad for me and now I'm weaker and having cold after cold. But I know it's a lie, because what really happens is that I'm going to feel bad for some months, and then I'll be really free.