is Facebook allowed?


I read somewhere to stay away from lurking on Facebook, is it ok as long as I don't do it looking to masturbate?  I mean at most I just see a bunch of random selfies or are those bad?


Well-Known Member
I think you have to judge for yourself. I decided to cut it out and ever since I have been so relieved not to hear all the stupid whining and shit people put on there. Now I wonder why I was spending anytime there at all. Maybe in hopes of talking to or 'friending' someone attractive? It's all related. I think Gary Wilson suggests if you are 'seeking or searching' for some kind of dopamine boost, from any site, then you might ought to cut it out so your brain can rest during the reboot.


There is nothing inherently wrong with facebook while rebooting but if you're using it to search for hot selfies it's essentially PG13 water down porn and that is counter productive to recovery.

Just remember: If it's not real and it arouses you, it's harmful.