When do I start rewiring process?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I began watching porn at age 13 once a day. By age 16 I was consistently having sex with success with a girl until this past august, nearly two years. At this time i was also using porn 6 times a week. We broke up and I exclusively used porn for two months. After this period I tried to have sex, and was unsuccessful. I began to think that maybe I had PIED so I began hard mode on Jan 18, 2015. I began to get sporadic erections about 70% after week 3, probably once a day. After week 4 I began to experience morning wood about 70% strength. Now at the beginning of week 5 I have had wet dreams the past two nights. So my question is when do I begin the rewiring process, and how do I know when I should begin rewiring? Also, can I rewire with masturbation to past sexual encounters? Thanks


Active Member
From what I understood, you cannot rewire to masturbation, because the rewiring you're looking for (I assume) is to real girls. Your imagination and hand is not a woman, so therefore it won't work. I'd say keep on no PMO no M, and if the occasion presents itself, you can try connecting with women. I've been told rewiring is not all about sex either; just having contact with real, living women.


Never too soon to rewire. This article might be useful: http://yourbrainonporn.com/the-lazy-way-to-stay-in-love