HELP! Rebooting in Korea with a Korean girlfriend


Hi friends!  I hope this is the right forum for this.  *Warning*  I?m really hoping you can offer some advice but I will need to go into some sexual details to properly explain the situation,  Also, this post is extremely long.  SORRY!

Reboot newbie, 4 days.  Background info on my particular situation:

I?m 28 yo and I live in South Korea as an English teacher.  I live in a very small town and I have been here for 2 years.  Since I moved here I haven't had any girlfriends and only had sex with a girl in Vietnam while on holiday about a year ago. 

My Korean is at a basic conversational level and I met a girl at my friend?s wedding about 3 months ago.  I got her number and we've been chatting (in Korean) ever since.  It wasn't until about a month ago that we started making the long journeys to see each other on the weekends.

I've had a pretty solid masturbation routine (once a day, with some binges here and there) for as long as I can remember, especially while I've been in Korea.  Although I knew it had a big effect on my libido, I always figured it was probably healthier to masturbate especially since I wasn't able to find any sexual partners in my small town. 

The realization came this weekend when my new girlfriend came to my apartment to spend the weekend with me.  I hadn?t jerked off for a couple days before because I wanted my sex drive to be at its peak.  She?s 30 yo and apparently also a virgin.  It's actually quite common for Korean girls to still be virgins at her age.  It's a different culture, entirely.  People live with their parents until they are married.  That's not just a family rule for many families, it's the cultural norm.  Needless to say, even though she seems to be in love with me and trusts me very much, she was very shy.  After dinner the first night, we started fooling around, mostly making out and grinding a bit with clothes on under the covers.  I remember being hard for this because I remember my underwear being a bit wet from leakage.  But after a long time of back and forth getting her to allow me to take off certain articles of clothing, we both became wiped out and fell asleep.  I remember feeling sore in the nether regions as though I had been holding back a lot of pressure, and perhaps also due to her grinding on my junk for a good part of the evening.

The next morning we started fooling around more for a few hours, then had lunch, then fooled around some more.  At this point she seemed to be ready for sex, in one form or another.  But my dick was absolutely TINY.  My past girlfriends had always been quite impressed with my size, and I really wanted to show this girl what I had to offer.  Turned out all I could offer was the smallest excuse for a dick I had ever seen.  I didn?t even recognize it.  Both of us were disappointed and we tried as many things as possible to get it up, while trying not to make her feel too uncomfortable (being new to this, she didn't know how to jerk me off, and certainly wasn't going to try oral).  I kind of tried to show her how, and even jerked myself a bit, which I know realize was a mistake.

I thought it was because I had been "blue-balled" the night before, and just needed to release some pressure.  I went to the bathroom a jerked a bit (but did not get hard) and semen just kind of spilled out (gross, I know).  I went back to bed with her and figured after 10 minutes it should be all good.  Nope.  More disappointment.

We left it at that.  She still really likes me.  Maybe even more so.  But I feel really embarrassed about it, and I told her that I want to show her my true potential later.

After I dropped her back off at the train station and got home, I immediately jerked off because my balls were so sore.  Probably the biggest load I?ve ever dropped and my nuts felt a lot better after.  I thought, ?Well, now I ought to be back to my normal self the next time she comes over.?  But then I started thinking; ?even though it took a little longer than usual to get hard than it usually does when I masturbate to porn, why was it so easy for me to get hard and blow a load on my own yet I couldn?t even get more than a baby-dick for someone that I find to be the sexiest woman I?ve ever been in bed with?  Could it be?  Do I have porn-induced ED?? 

So I started doing research which led me to yourbrainonporn.  After reading up, it seems I certainly fit the criteria of a porn addict, and I am likely suffering from porn-induced ED.  I even started remembering my last long relationship in Canada.  It finally made sense to me why I wasn?t interested in having sex with my last girlfriend.  I always thought it was because she had been a bit chubby or that I had just lost interest or that I was stressed at work.  Now it seems clear that I was most likely just addicted to PMO.  So, time to reboot.

I need to know what will be my best method for success so that I can be the best lover for this girl that I truly care about. 

Obviously I will stop looking at porn and I will stop masturbating, hopefully forever.  It?s a step I have always wanted to take but could never fully justify before.  Now that I know I have a real problem I think it will be a lot easier for me to give it up.  I can probably give up orgasms as well since my girlfriend is a virgin and I?m sure she?ll be ok with taking it slow, for a while.  I also like the idea of Karezza. 

But I am scared to death about flatlining.  I only get to see my girlfriend once a week and I hate to think that I will have wasted that time having no libido.  However, I realize it is a normal part of the process.

So I guess I will need to tell her about the reboot process and my problem eventually.  The problem is, this culture is very different for western culture.  In fact, internet porn is illegal and the government blocks porn sites.  People need to use a VPN to access sites.  There is a huge prostitution industry here.  I think masturbation to internet porn might be a problem here as well, but it certainly isn?t talked about or known about to the same extent.  Also, she?s a virgin.  It took me 4 hours just to get her to take off her bra.  I?m worried that if I start talking about these things (things that would even freak out a girl of the same culture) it could scare her off, or at the very least taint our intimacy.  Because I can tell she really likes me, I feel that she could be supportive and understanding, but I?m not sure if it will also irreversibly gross her out even if she doesn?t show it.

So what, if anything should I tell her?  I mean, since we only see each other every week, and only some of those weeks will be opportunities to have private intimate time, should I even tell her anything?  Should I only tell her if/when I am flatlining when we are together?  If I?m not flatlining and she wants to have sex, should I tell her I want to take it easy?  Should I penetrate but not orgasm?  I understand that full disclosure is usually the best policy, but in my situation I?m wondering if perhaps it may not be necessary, or at least only partially.  Especially since I?m not too sure how to talk about it in Korean?.not really something discussed in my language classes, obviously.

I?m still very early into my reboot but I feel very optimistic.  I haven?t had any urges to use porn yet really.  I was feeling a bit numb to most things sexual, but now my dick is starting to regain its spontaneity.  I?m not sure if it?s good or bad.  Even while I was writing this I noticed junior was coming alive a little. 

Is it bad to think about being intimate with my girlfriend when she?s not around in a way that turns me on?  Will it put me back if I have sexy chats with me girlfriend?  Does that count as fantasy?  Is it ok to fantasize (without jerking it) about my own girlfriend?

Can you offer any tips for how I should go about my reboot that will give me success while not completely abandoning intimacy with my girlfriend? 

Thank you so much for reading, and thank you for any help you can offer!


Well-Known Member
Well, I just explained all the basics of a reboot in this thread, have a look:

Above you will find plenty of material how to get rid of PIED. Or totally change you life. Or both. You choose :)

Your case is just a bit more complicated, honestly.

You ask for advice, so here is mine. It has an awful lot of questions, spare me.

If Korean culture really is like that, what plans do you have towards that girl? It seems to me that you might be in a position to inadvertently "use" her. The sex that may happen between the two of you might of course the first step on her rediscovering herself and her sexuality, something she badly needs. But what if she thinks of herself lowly afterwards? Or if that creates an expectation on her side that you guys get married? The issue of casual sex is really not that easy and I would just exercise restraint. That might be due to my Catholic background, which I misunderstood when I was an adolescent (to cut the long story short: I think I grossly misunderstood the teaching on sex, which led me to think PMO is fine while real sex isn't - sick!) but I just kind of feel for her situation.

So, maybe you fell in love with her? Maybe you feel you can? Maybe she could be the love of your life? Sure, I understand, sex is brilliant fun between two people and I understand your drive, but maybe this time moving forward slower would not be a bad option? I feel as if that should be discussed between the two of you. Maybe petting is enough for now? Maybe she wants to wait with sex. If she doesn't, fine, but let that be freely expressed (preferably with both of you guys with your pants on).

So next maybe, maybe to a walk in the park, a dinner, some kissing, some rubbing. Maybe petting, a massage, whatever. If she wants to take her bra off, let her, but maybe you do not have to "make her do it using 4 hours"?

This is an extremely delicate topic. My thinking, sorry for being blunt, goes to protect that woman a bit more than caring for your situation. I'm blunt, I know, but that's how I see it.

I think you will enjoy the reboot and man, you will find so much support here, it can change your life completely. Maybe in the process you will fall in love with girl, marry her with a lavish Korean wedding sitting on the floor, and have lots of lovely Anglo-Korean kids. I have no clue. Discover it for yourself. Just take care of her and yourself to the best possible extent you can.



Wow!  That was a lovely reply!  Thank you jkkk.

You helped me think a little more about the situation from her point of view which is very helpful to me as well.  I think that when we live in this porn-soaked age it's so easy to assume that the goal is to stick your dick in everything that moves. 

She is certainly very into me, and that's an understatement.  She cares about me.  As for me, I don't trust my own feelings anymore.  I have been so conditioned over the years that I feel like I can't be sure what true love is.  That being said, the more love she gives me, the more I feel like I really am in love with her.  I think that she deserves the best I can give her.  Although I am rebooting for myself first and foremost, being the best man I can be for her is the best benefit I can think of for doing it.

I was also thinking that it is fateful that I met a girl who is a virgin.  Because I feel like I can fall in love with her (if I haven't already) I think going slow is the best option.  But since I'm still learning about rebooting I'm still confused about how strict everything is or isn't.  What you described sounds good, and I'm looking forward to talking to her about taking it slow. 

But how much should I tell her about my problem, if at all?  Perhaps I should just tell her that since I'm her first boyfriend, as she put it, that her pace is my pace?  She calls all the shots? 


Well-Known Member
What you say sounds very sensible and fair.

Reboot ROK said:
I have been so conditioned over the years that I feel like I can't be sure what true love is.

Yes, that is what the addiction does to us :( It did to me, too, if that's any comfort for you.

I guess from this point of view, it is better to understand what the reboot is about. It's about learning how to love again. I think it might not be about anything else, actually.

I think it might be fateful, too :) Give yourself a chance.

Going slow sounds like a good idea. I think you can talk that over. It should be you common decision. Also, the mere fact of discussing such issues works for bonding.

As regards saying about the reboot. There are many schools here on that topic. I am for speaking about it. As in the previous of sex, it can be a platform to bond. Of course it's not easy. There must be a good moment. You have to have that thought over, because it also a serious declaration on your side. We're saying we have a problem, and we're vowing to fight it for our women.

As regards how strict it is. You will find plenty of information about it here and on The general rule is to start cold turkey - as I wrote in the thread at the beginning of my last post. With you guys, if you decide so, refraining from normal sex it could actually be really fun to somehow relearn the whole experience together. I cannot imaging how close that could bring the two of you.

I must say this is all quite serious stuff, as you see for yourself. But hey, maybe this the Opportunity coming to you here.

The sources I mentioned in my post are really immense. It will take you time to digest them. But don't hesitate. Do it. For her :)