Improvements when practicing sports?


I wondered if quitting porn had any benefits related to how we perform in sports. My guess is it should.

I'm an indoor goalkeeper. Maintaining a cool head and asserting yourself are often necessary do be at your best. And sometimes it feels like a lack of confidence is causing me not to save a shot I should be able to. I'm still in the beginning phase of rebooting, but I'll keep you posted on any progress I make.

I sure am very curious about your sports-related experiences.
It depends on the person, but abstaining from PMO usually results in higher confidence, more energy, and motivation. So to answer your question, yes it would. It may not be immediate, but it will definitely help.
For me, yes.
I am into obstacle course racing and ultra marathons and I have seen great improvements since starting my reboot. I train harder and more frequently and I take less days off. Much more focused.  I'm often very stressed out now and training seems to be the only way to simmer down and get the aggression out. It's very clear that PMO exhausted me, interfered and messed me up on race day.
I had to reply to this question.

                        For me, YES it has caused huge improvements in sports. I haven't ever been the sporty person until last summer. That's when I discovered NoFap and since then my athletic performance has sky rocketed. My friends and other people have also commented on this ever since I started NoFap.. Coincidence? I think not..  I don't want to sound  cocky though. I started to feel a greater mind-body connection ever since I said good bye to Porn/Masturbation. Along with this great mind-body connection came greater control over bodily movements. Maybe, not everybody feels the same but I really gotta say that it made a huge difference for me..

Another proof is whever I relapsed to PMO in the past, I fell back in sports and became very lethargic and after 1 week of no PMO, I got back in track with my sport performances.

Hope you find my answer useful :)

Oh btw, I read on that PMO affects this part of the brain which is related to body movements, maybe it has something to with it too.


Glad to hear it. When you practice sports, this is a huge extra motivation. Only PMO'd once the last 10 days. Unfortunately I have to undergo surgery (knee) in 3 weeks, but I'm curious about improvements from last week 'til then.


Good Idea,
I should also get into some kind of sports.

Abstaining from PMO, helps in everything.
it enhances you in every aspect of life.
you have more energy when you don't PMO
it makes you strong when you don't PMO. so it will definitely help you in sports.


Since seriously cutting down PMO, the last couple of weeks, I played two of my best games in a long time. Maybe too soon to say, but I'll keep you posted. Only started rebooting 3 weeks ago, with 1-2 'relapse' PMO's per week... Trying to not to give in and see the goalkeeping as an extra motivation.
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the topic, I had this doubt about rebooting/noFap and sports/etc, just started quitting PMO, less than 2 weeks, and the info motivated me to go back to sports/etc again. The "depression" of withdrawals had me in a slow pace for a few days, heh. Thx