My Story


New Member
I was told its a good idea to keep a journal so I thought I'd start by introducing myself here.

I didn't think I was a sex addict because I thought sex addicts were people that masturbate three times a day and cannot think of anything else. From the age of about 26 I found it pretty easy to attain sex and it's been a big focus on my life ever since. I'm 34 now, and when I think about all the crazy stuff I've done, I find it strange that it didn?t occur to me earlier that this is a real problem. My motto when going out for a long time was 'get high or get laid' which means one of the two was the priority on any given night. Getting high meant cocaine. Getting laid meant getting laid.

I've been following the no-porn program for about 3 weeks now, but I've been cheating because I'm looking at pictures of girls I once slept with and I have hundreds of them ( I selected a couple dozen), so no internet-porn but still pictures of girls. I still masturbate and I don't feel like there has been that much difference in how I see woman.

What I would really like to do is indeed 're-boot'. I consider the way I see the opposite sex really corrupted and wrong. I'm somewhere between a porn-addict and a sex addict (is there actually a difference between the 2?). I've never experience erectile-dysfunction, but porn has definitely affected my sex life. I've lost interest in girls halfway through the act many times, or had to think of a sex scene I watched on porn in order to climax. In the not-too-distant past, one of my favourite things to do was to leave a party with some drugs in my pocket and spend hours and hours watching porn  while finishing off the drugs and chain-smoking. I would  sit there in a trance-like state for hours trying to find that 'perfect video'. I remember how awful I used to feel when I climaxed and would go to bed feeling like the worst person in the world, but even that feeling went away, meaning I became desensitized to that post-climax depression, which is a scarey thought.

This sexual compulsion has caused me to miss a lot of sunny days (sleeping until the late afternoons or even the evening) and important appointments. I've noticed that girls I sleep with now don't really want to see me again, and I think it's because of the way I have sex, which I imagine is very detached and selfish. My compulsion has also, naturally, prevented me from having any meaningful relationships. I lose interest in people very, very quickly. I've noticed that I only really like girls that aren't interested in me, it's the whole hunting ritual thing  I guess.

I've suffered from a lot of depression in my life, and incredibly low-self esteem/ lack of confidence. When I'm flirting with a girl I feel so alive and in the moment, Its a huge endorphin rush. In a way I feel free and good and happy. It's not only about sex, sex is what's driving me but when you're courting a girl, you are also connecting with that person and I really like that.

I've slept with so many girls in the small city where I live, that I've gained a reputation and it's made me completely paranoid. Obviously my reputation is understandable, but it makes it very hard to get to know someone even when you have the best intentions. And lately I really do have good intentions. It?s gotten to the point that I feel it might be in my best interest to move.

I would really like to step out of this whole thing. I would like a healthy relationship. I want to do good with my life and be a good person. I'm really not sure how deep this sexual compulsion goes though. I'm pretty sure that my dad was a sex-addict, as he had many, many affairs. Can sexual addiction be cured or is it a part of one's personality? About a year ago I thought I was a sociopath because I felt I lacked empathy and because I was so selfish and because all my friendships and relationships always fell apart, but now I'm not sure, I think I'm too sensitive to be a sociopath. I think the detachment and selfishness might simply be a defence-mechanism.

I guess I would like some support here because I'm really not ready to share this with people I know. I also don't have any close friends, which is another big part of my unhappiness. I hope this story might help others who are able to relate to it. I'd like to stick around and hear other peoples stories and how they are progressing and share how I'm progressing. It would be really great to have a support group, because I don't think I can do this on my own.

Thoughts anyone?



New Member
I only published my last post a couple of hours ago and already I feel I have something new to say.

After a rather typical, boring, unfulfilling work day, I get on the tram and I see attractive girls all around me. I try hard not to notice them, but in my mind I'm already thinking of things to say to them, things I do not have the courage to say. Therein lies the problem a lot of the time, this desire to put myself at risk to being rejected (which I find healthy) as well as to possibly connect with someone, as well as to escape this boredom. I'm never sure if it's a desire to connect or simply sleep with a girl, or if it's both. I lead quite a lonely and unfulfilling life, and I'm afraid to express my thoughts a lot of the the time, so to me, talking to a girl would serve two functions: my physical desire (sex) as well as living-in-the-moment, which I feel is crucial to feeling happy. Not doing it makes me feel kind of lousy.

I get off the tram and as I'm walking away I spot a very attractive girl standing on her own, and every part of my body is pulling me towards her. But I can't do it, why? Because I'm on this no-PMO program, so what am I supposed to do? It feels unnatural to ignore my desires, I believe not following my heart is what lead me down the path to unhappiness. On the other hand, going in a direction that could very possibly lead toward sex is also screwing up any potential for a healthy relationship and just screwing up my mind in general.

I come home and i feel empty and suppressed and hungry for human contact. A feeling I'm sure I could have avoided had I just gone through with talking to one of these girls. I would have experienced a rush and felt strong and in control again. Right now I feel like I have no control, I feel kinda lousy.

Maybe I should mention that i am kind of an artist, and I'm desperate to find a way to express myself, because this is what makes me feel free. I guess I should learn to talk to people without attempting to have sex. Ignoring the impulse feels kind of wrong.

I should also mention that in the supermarket I saw TWO girls that I sort of had to avoid because I had slept with one, and attempted to have sex with the other. What a ridiculous situation to be in in a f**king supermarket on a Tuesday afternoon.. That has to end.

Can anyone relate to all this?


Active Member
I can relate, you'll start viewing women as more than just a lay, as you progress further on in your reboot.  I was in this same sort of situation, only with going to clubs/bars.  But in all reality, they really won't remember you after a month or so, as they get hit on so much, and have relations with lots of guys if they are attractive.  So, I wouldn't worry about it too much, but just focus on getting some life goals and you'll gradually see this shift I'm talking about.


New Member
Thanks NTG. 'Focus on getting some life goals' sound right, and that's what I'm focusing on. It's obvious this is a way to acquire some self-esteem. It's time to look somewhere else.


New Member
I have not watched porn for close to a month and I believe there are some positive side effects. I'm obviously quite  a long way from being 'cured'. I went out on Friday and it was kind of interesting because I noticed that sex-drive was very low (almost non-existent). I was actually able to just enjoy my company and sorroundings. I felt grounded and well, like a human. At one point a girl started talking to me and I decided I wasn't going to 'play the game', I was just going to try to have a normal conversation with her. I actually found this kind of boring and it occurred to me that taking a total stranger to bed with you is actually easier than having a conversation. Maybe I was just in the wrong place.. Maybe the people I meet are kind of boring? Or maybe I'm kind of boring, because I'm  rather blocked inside.

I ended up taking a girl home that night.  All in all it wasnt that bad an experience (it was a bit differnt this time) and I believe I will stay in touch with her, but on the other hand, it's kind of pathetic that I can't restrain myself for just a few weeks.

I kind of know what I have to do. I have to put my energy into something healthy and try to become a whole person again. That's easier said than done of course.

PS. I'm not  here on to do the no PMO thing exactly the way it was intended, well not yet anyway. I would like to do it in this order instead: no porn for 2 months, then no sex for 2 months, and then no MO for about a month. I feel that I don't have enough going on in my life, or the support that I need to go cold turkey, so I'll start with this for now. I'm glad I haven't watched porn in a while now, that stuffs fucking terrrrrrible for the mind and soul.


Active Member
Good job man, you're getting some clear goals, and that is the best way to improve daily with conquering this habit.  I would agree, that having a conversation is more difficult than just gaming a girl, because it requires you to share yourself, instead of just telling her what she wants to hear.  But in the end, you'll find it's a hell of a lot more satisfying to have a girl sleep with you because she likes you than just because you've made her horny.  Keep going man, you'll notice a lot of shifts as you enter weeks 5 & 6.