42 yrs old, determined to quit PMO


New Member
Hello every partner:  Glad to join you!

I am 42 yrs old and learned how to masturbate since I was at junior high school, so it has been almost 30 years. To be honest, boys or young men always attract me a lot more than girls, but I do not really identify myself as a 100% gay partially because I never imagine or hope to have a male sex partner or boyfriend, and neither have I imagined that I have sex with a male. Sometimes I think it is due to my low self-confidence and bad self-image. I hate to see myself into the mirror and hate to take pictures for myself, because I have a lot of scars and holes in my face skin caused by acne which embarrasses me always. I like to see handsome boys and men probably because I envy them and want to be part of them, while watching girls usually makes me shy and embarrassed since I think they must dislike an ugly man like me.

Based on the above, i like the porn having good-looking males (making love with women) but I never hope that I can have sex with them. However, I am addicted to porn and masturbation. Before the junior high school life I was quite bold and outgoing, but I became an introvert and easy to stammer after that, which bothers me so much. I always have difficulties to get along with people well. I am a "yes" man, since saying no to others is horrible to me. Every time I get frustrations related to low confidence, I jump into the porn and masturbation to look for comfort and relief, and of course doing so gives me nothing but a short temporary pleasure.

Recently I came across the noFAP site and found that many people face similar problems and take the journey to quit PMO. I also learned from a coach that porn changes our brain to make us weak, less impatient, anxious and even insomnia, which are all the symptoms of me. To conquer the anxiety disease and insomnia I have taken pills for more than 10 years. Life looks so hopeless and meaningless although I act as normal in front of my friends and colleagues. I have made my mind to quit PMO in order to reverse my life, and I sincerely hope to work together with everyone here. Thanks a lot!

Sincerely, tibicos


Hi tibicos....I'm glad you are here. Welcome to RN.

I came here, too, about 55 days ago. This is a great place. There are many supportive men here. This is a place where you can be honest, and men will support you.

I'm glad you are making the decision to turn away from porn. It is a good decision. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Coming here is also one of the best decisions I have made.

I look forward to hearing more from you and seeing your success in this journey. Glad you are here.

pmo is NOT an option.


New Member
Hello notgivinup:

    Thanks a lot for your kind word and support. I am so glad to make a wise decision like you. Let's support each other to beat PMO.


notgivinup said:
Hi tibicos....I'm glad you are here. Welcome to RN.

I came here, too, about 55 days ago. This is a great place. There are many supportive men here. This is a place where you can be honest, and men will support you.

I'm glad you are making the decision to turn away from porn. It is a good decision. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Coming here is also one of the best decisions I have made.

I look forward to hearing more from you and seeing your success in this journey. Glad you are here.

pmo is NOT an option.


Active Member
Welcome, Tibicos! 

I think a lot of men here will attest that their self-confidence got a boost when we were able to push porn out of our lives.  It can be a real struggle, a daily one, but we learn that it has been a crutch to help us avoid feeling our real feelings, and once we are brave enough to face the world without an alternate fantasy world to cushion it, we learn how to live more fearlessly.  It takes time, and it's a challenge - suddenly you realize the shield you've had up is gone and you have to replace it with something more authentic, something healthy that doesn't let you hide from the world, but rather cope with it more bravely.  Maybe that's exercise or volunteering or journaling or meditating or yoga or reading or hiking or?you get the idea.  Getting the PMO out of our lives is rarely enough.  We also have to find something that replaces that tug, and it needs to be an outlet that improves our lives so we start to feel more alive.

I wish you the best.  Keep posting here.  Keep sharing.  And cheer others on along their journey - you'll find it to be a great community. 

Keep going.


Hi tibicos,

I'm so glad to see you here at Reboot Nation (RN).  Welcome!

Thanks for sharing your story.  I can relate to feeling inadequate about how I looked, especially in high school.  I also struggle with same-sex attraction and used almost exclusively gay porn since my 20s.

I've been a Christian since age 13.  The older I get, I gradually realize more and more how much God loves me and accepts me as I am -- faults and all.  I'm in a continual process of learning to love myself the way he loves me.  I wish for you to be able to learn this too.  It's important to learn to love yourself.

We're here for you to help in any way we can.



Active Member

Welcome! We're glad you're here with us! Anything we can do to help, just let us know. Feel free to PM me, feel free to ask any of us if you would like an accountability partner. We care about each other, and we want to help each other any way we can. And that includes you. Thanks for being among us. Our community is supported and enriched by your presence.

Kenny Prester


New Member
Thanks a lot for the kind messages from all of you.

I agree with Dharmabum deeply that I have to find something positive as the substitution for PMO. The temptation becomes less than before and I have a feeling of refreshment. However, it was a relaxing weekend today and I felt almost nothing to do and the emptiness somewhat made me feel like to masturbate. Fortunately I did not yield to it and picked one task of next week to do.
I will figure out some healthy activities for leisure lest I relapse.

By the way, I am impressed a lot by the saying, "PMO is not an option", which tells me PMO is never a reward after I resist it for a long period.Thanks Mr. Notgivinup.
I also appreciate the kind words from ianmac and kennyprester.
I will keep going on quitting PMO.


You're doing great tibicos.  You're thinking long-term.  That will help.

PMO is not an option.



Good job, Tibicos.

I am also new the the forum, but you have a few more days without PMO than I do. I've been two days without, but only became committed to it today.

I need to sign off for the night, but I wanted to make an effort to encourage someone else rather than just giving some of my story and signing off.

We don't need PMO. It does not give any positive benefits in the long run. Stay committed.



Happy Easter, Tibicos.

Still praying with you daily.  You can do this.
