200 days strong!


Hello everybody

I just wanted to say thank you to William who posts under "Gentlemen now we begin" and Leon who posts under "To end all flesh" on this forum!

I just wanted to say hello and I thought I would give you a quick update on things.  While my wife and son were in Florida for a few days I did not PMOE!  It was challenging let me tell you but this time in the grace of God I refused to look at porn of any kind. Notgivup gave me a pre pep talk on this forum with his words that were basically "Remember Jason your commitment" and that fired me up. 

The hardest part of the crucible was dealing with being alone all of the time.  However, I did nine basic things (1). Refused to feel sorry for myself.  (2).  Gratitude-I just kept reminding myself of all the things I am thankful for all of the time. (3).  I kept myself busy for example things I did were homework and lots of it,cleaned the house, I got outside where the sun was and did yard work. (4). I read my Bible almost everyday at least ten chapters. (5). I watched good clean movies (6).  I also and am learning to have a sense of humor about things. (7). Pray it is a tonic for the soul. (8).  Be willing to make sacrifices in your reboot (sobriety should not any have limits as to what you are willing to give up to reboot)! (9) I was not on my computer ever day!!!!!!!!!!!  I am its master and it is not my master!!!!!!!!!!!

Those were the things I did while my family was away.  I will say on the last day of this crucible (being apart from my family) I woke up with a morning wood that I could have went and played golf with!  I am deeply grateful for everybody on this forum and if I can do it anybody can. 

Let me also add what else motivated me and it ties in with recovery is "Those who carried burdens were loaded in a such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other" Nehemiah 4:17

In other words men of God always work hard and never ever underestimate the enemy! 


Thanks for the shout out and congratulations on the outstanding run.  Of course, at a certain point, the days, the number, don't matter any more.  I honestly don't know how many days free I am, I don't count.  When I decided to quit porn I decided to QUIT it.  My counter is only on so the newbies can know it can be done.  And that is what you are doing now, you are showing us all, and every newbie here, how to do it and that it can be done.  Keep showing us.  The student has become the teacher.  Keep teaching.
