Time to reclaim 20+ years of my life and discover true masculinity

Mood Score: 4/10
Feeling: Frustrated, Uneasy, but Hopeful

It?s time I dedicate myself to spilling my FEELINGS out on a regular basis as a part of my recovery. As a man, my tendency towards stoic behavior and creating distance between my internal and external worlds is larger than I?d like it to be. I?ve decided that acknowledging my emotions on a daily basis will be key to discovering what it really means to be in recovery, what it means to be a man, and what it means to be a human.

I?m 30 years old and I?ve been actively trying to quit porn for 7 years since 2008. I can?t say I?ve had any traumatic life experiences-- I?ve lived a stable life, with a loving and supportive family, great friends, and I?ve shared decent connections with past girlfriends.  I?m doctoral educated, enjoy an active lifestyle, and balance my life with musical hobbies. 

At age 9 I discovered something really novel and exciting. The hazy adult television channel in my room was difficult to make out, but during the brief moments of clear picture I found the involuntary shocks of euphoria zapping through my body to take me to another world. In middle school my friends and I would exchange adult magazines and videos as my curiosity for women and sex grew to whole new levels. I was mesmerized by women and sex. As I grew more attached to the exhilarating bodily sensations, I found myself seeking porn on a daily basis. Anytime I was bored from studying, upset after an argument, or simply wanted to jolt my body into a pleasure mode, I knew I was only a few clicks away. I figured sex, women, and masturbation were all ?natural? and there was no harm in doing this regularly. I mean, what teenage boy wasn't doing it? You were probably WEIRD if you DIDN?T watch porn?.I would do anything to go back in time to tell myself the truth of the matter. Alas, here I am 20 years later feeling defeated that I can?t even control my own mind.

As internet porn emerged in high school, I found myself indulging in 3-5+ hours of porn daily, masturbating up to 6X per day. Despite this INSANELY large consumption, I continued to perform well in school, I was above average in popularity, and played competitive sports. I suppose my continued functionality is much of the reason why I was able to carry my porn habit through adulthood?damn it! I wonder if being a dysfunctional alcoholic would have smacked some sense into me earlier?! As my porn habit grew deeper, I found myself obsessing over sex, fantasizing at all times during the day, and spending hours on end browsing the internet.  I can STILL remember vivid details from some of the first videos I?ve ever watched?it?s somewhat disturbing. COUNTLESS hours  (well, YEARS at this point) and hundreds of THOUSANDS of photos. I distinctly remember engaging all 5 senses during my PMO sessions, successfully transforming a fantasy into vivid reality in my brain-- I *shudder* thinking about how deep rooted I?ve made this addiction. 
As my addiction grew deeper, my tastes for porn morphed into more shocking material as I became unknowingly desensitized. In college my hobbies began to fade as my time viewing porn began to takeover. My social life became limited to: ?Is there any girls coming out? Will I have any sex opportunities tonight? No? Ok, then I?ll just stay in and fire up some porn??

I HATE how I treated my past girlfriends?so selfish and porn-influenced. I broke up with several girlfriends since age 20 because I could not find their bodies to be ?good enough? compared to the hyper-stimulating porn that my brain had been exposed to over many years. I would tell them to lose weight, or if they lacked tone then the opposite?to work out and tone up. I mean, I was NEVER satisfied EVER. To this day I struggle heavily with this and it is the reason why I am newly single once again. Despite my massive porn consumption and obsession with sexualizing everything I came across, it wasn?t until age 23 (2007) that I first experienced a devastating loss in sex drive. This prompted a one year period of frantic doctor visits and thousands of dollars of medical bills as I obsessed over possible ?low testosterone?.low thyroid levels?poor blood flow?failing  adrenal glands?? and other utterly ridiculous and rare diseases that I would try to convince myself I had. I get really upset just thinking about this path I?ve undertaken in my 20s and here I am at age 30 still dealing with this. Have I not had enough??

It wasn?t until 2008 when I finally realized that I had strong urges to watch porn but low sex drive for real life women. I began constantly educating myself on porn addiction?my ?plan? was that I was going to learn about EVERY aspect of this addiction, and through my intellectuality (I mean I did great in school, didn?t I) I would defeat this addiction in a matter of months. Turns out, addiction recovery has little to do with accumulating scientific knowledge, but instead has everything to do with purpose and motivation.  I installed an internet filter, attended online courses (Candeo), and even attended Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings. I enjoyed a 6 month period of abstinence in 2010 when I went to weekly SAA meetings. I found the sense of community to promote the healing process. I stopped doing meetings in 2011 as I find it difficult to find consistent times to attend?.ugh, I hate that I?m making excuses though. Is this going to be a priority for me or what? Right now, I want to try to quit on my own with all the emotional awareness I?ve developed over the years. As a result I have reduced my porn intake significantly from daily sessions to now once every 6-8 weeks.

However, my recovery has reached a HARD PLATEAU. I?ve been relapsing every 2 months or so for the past 4 years despite all the books I?ve read, hobbies I?ve cultivated, emotional awareness I?ve created, and balance I?ve introduced into my life. Whether I am stressed out or gaining success in my abstinence, porn finds a way to creep back into my life. This has brought about true doubt in my ability to overcome porn addiction. I?m feeling like I?m at the end of my rope. I?ve lost great relationships and endless hours of my life to sexual fantasy. My sex drive continues to run low as I edge to fantasy and finally relapse every few weeks. My brain?s dopamine levels are shot and I can?t maintain or derive adequate stimulation from my girlfriends/relationships. I overly prioritize the attractiveness of a women?s body and it hinders my ability to create emotional connection. I AM TIRED OF IT. REALLY TIRED OF IT. I WANT FREEDOM. I WANT TO DISCOVER WHAT THE TRUE MEANING OF MASCULINITY IS ALL ABOUT. 

At this point:
- I started the workshops at RecoveryNation.org about one month ago
-I want to introduce the concept of community into my healing and recovery by joining this forum

Please, join me in this fight for consciousness, fight for masculinity, fight for living freely and peacefully. It starts now. It starts today.
Howdy and thanks for sharing your story.

I wanted to inquire about your "re-wiring" process.  Have you actively re-wired during your reboot?  Abstaining from PMO is excellent, but the re-wiring of the brain to want "normal" things is what I believe keeps you on track over time.  If you still fantasize about P situations or girls, then abstaining from PMO is simply an exercise in restraint, if even that.  You need to eliminate PMO and all situations or thoughts/actions that stimulate thoughts of P to you.  Facebook, tinder, craigslist, dating site trolling for pictures of good looking girls for stimulation is still P!  Thinking of a girl in a bikini and then of her naked and you banging her is P!

To keep it completely out of your mind, try and work on re-wiring your brain.  I am heavily invested into kissing, holding hands, looking at her smile, rubbing arms/legs and just looking at my wife's body.  I'm actively engaging in this activities every night to try and make THESE the situations that my brain/penis respond to (not some fantasy). 

During my porn days, I took her body for granted and rarely noticed it and these little things would never give me wood.  NOW - I can get wood just rubbing her arm or leg and looking at how pretty she is.  Only 20 days ago I could barely get hard with her giving me oral and could not stay hard or O when having sex.  Now I feel like I could O from making out and feeling her up. I have a new appreciation for a woman's body and find myself turned off by women portraying their bodies in demeaning or pornographic ways.



Active Member
Welcome to the forums SayYesToLife. Its interesting how this addiction progresses with desensitization -- even if we tell ourselves that it won't. A friend once reminded me that even if we take a small step over the edge of a cliff, we're still going to hit the bottom. And these lows only get lower over time in my experience. Its interesting that you mentioned SAA. I am a regular attendee and do find that meetings help, mostly for the fellowship and being with like-minded people. Since you got a good period of abstinence while attending, have you perhaps considered going back? -- if that's what it takes right? Keep coming back and thanks for the inspiring username! :)
KarmaPolice said:
To keep it completely out of your mind, try and work on re-wiring your brain.  I am heavily invested into kissing, holding hands, looking at her smile, rubbing arms/legs and just looking at my wife's body.  I'm actively engaging in this activities every night to try and make THESE the situations that my brain/penis respond to (not some fantasy). 

@KarmaPolice: Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I do tend to fantasize about girls I see on the street and I haven't considered the complete cut off of all fantasy. But as I questioned in my initial post, is it truly possible to go without a sexual outlet for months on end when you are single? I suppose I should focus on the things you mentioned when I start dating again.

benhj said:
Its interesting that you mentioned SAA. I am a regular attendee and do find that meetings help, mostly for the fellowship and being with like-minded people. Since you got a good period of abstinence while attending, have you perhaps considered going back? -- if that's what it takes right? Keep coming back and thanks for the inspiring username! :)

@Benhj: Thanks for the welcome! I have considered going back to in-person meetings since that is what helped me the most. However, since my work schedule is highly unpredictable, I wanted to find something more consistent, and joining this forum might be a way to apply a sense of community to my recovery process. But since my recovery is a priority, I'm going to seek out some meetings and see what I can do.
Today I am on Lesson 5 of my Recovery Workshop (http://www.recoverynation.com/recovery/recovery_workshop_005.php). I've made a list of my top 100 personal values, which are derived from my life mission, that I would like to practice in my daily life. Below is my current Life Mission, and my top 20 values.

Life vision:
I will keep my mortality in perspective everyday to renew and refresh my life vision. My life vision is to understand what causes human suffering, discover modern-day solutions, and help lessen this suffering for others and myself. I envision myself empowering others to reduce their pain, and motivating them to find fulfillment, balance, health, and peace in their lives. I envision applying my creativity, knowledge, and empathy to build some sort of entity that will carry out this mission. I will be a mentor and guide for people who are suffering. Equal to this mission, I envision devoting myself decisively to a woman with whom I can share a depth of love, trust, and joy for a lifetime. I will open myself completely to her, build a deep intimacy, feel vulnerable and unselfish with her, and protect her. We will share our emotional, spiritual, and sexual needs and fulfill each other completely. I will also continue to cultivate my creativity and hobbies such as playing music, expanding my knowledge of the world, and finding joy in the arts.

Top 20 Values
1. Allowing peace into my life
2. Deriving stimulation from prioritized values
3. Decisiveness based on my life vision
4. Accepting my daily struggles as a part of life
5. Expressing love for myself
6. Expressing love for others
7. Deepening my relationship with a lifetime partner
8. Cultivating cheeriness
9. Pursuing solutions for easing suffering
10. Prioritizing verbal communication
11. Practicing meditation
12. Quieting intrusive thoughts and fostering positive thoughts
13. Letting go of lifetime mental barriers and fears
14. Staying present and in tune with those around me
15. Practicing my recovery daily
16. Expressing daily compassion for myself
17. Expressing daily compassion for others
18. Practicing gratitude daily
19. Understanding my productivity limits
20. Devoting my sexual and emotional needs to a single lifetime partner
I'm not really sure yet.  I'm still going through what I believe is a flatline about 40 days into recovery.  If you must MO, then make sure you keep your mind on constructive scenarios like MO to a girls smile or legs or normal clothed body.  Do not think about her with porn goggles on and the nasty sh*t you'd do to her if you had the chance.  This really has to be as much about transforming your outlook on girls and life as it is just giving up PMO.  fantasies belong with the P.  ditch them both and hopefully it will help with getting a girlfriend and dealing with your sex drive issues!

Stay motivated my friend

Mood score: 7/10
Feeling: Slightly anxious, "going through the motions", somewhat neutral

As I woke up today, I felt a heavy sense of loneliness come over me as I realized I haven't spoke to my ex-girlfriend for 1 month now. Here I am again, newly single, because I myself ended the relationship due to my chronic feelings of dissatisfaction -- which I am 95% sure is entirely porn-influenced. I just can't seem to derive stimulation and satisfaction from my relationships. I can't even remember the last time I've had an endorphin rush from anything natural -- a great workout, feeling excited about an upcoming trip, or simply enjoying the beauty of life. I am "going through the motions" at work -- an absolute mood and excitement KILLER that is a real threat to my recovery. But I will NOT let my emotions become flattened by my thoughts. I will EXPRESS myself, COMMUNICATE, and stay present and in tune with those around me. I will be a storyteller, entertain and make others laugh, and enjoy my time on this earth. Because, who knows how short life will really be...

I tell myself I shouldn't date because I should gain some momentum in my recovery. I wonder if this is truly the right thing to do. I remember when I started my recovery a few years ago, I avoided all women, and subsequently became very isolated. I went day to day obsessing over abstinence, when what I should have been doing is focus on RECOVERY (big difference between abstinence and recovery, as abstinence involves letting old brain pathways wither away, while recovery involves BUILDING new ones (i.e. socially interacting with others, participating in community events, making phone calls to family and relatives, and participating in life).

I hope my journaling is consistent this time around. I tend to become passionate about things then let them dissolve as I become overloaded. I want my journal to be a place where I can find healing and be an outlet of EMOTION, whether that emotion is up, down, or neutral, I need to acknowledge emotion as a part of life, and as a part of being human. I strongly believe this will help blow some life into my "flat line'. There's nothing worse than feeling sensory deprivation and "flatness". Let today be a renewal of my commitment to my new life.

Please join me in re-committing today.
Re-wiring is the next step after abstaining from PMO.  Once you get the right idea to stop all these negative influences on your life, you need to replace them with constructive actions with girls that re-wire your brain to accept the normal aspects of relationships as "turn-ons" and motivators for sex. 

I can't see ever going back to PMO.  Maybe it's be cause I'm still flatlining and don't have a strong urge to do anything sexual or maybe because my perspective has changed and PMO and stuff has little place in my life.  I'm working on my re-wiring and life hasn't been better.

Cheers and best of luck
Mood score: 5/10

What's up guys! Wow, seems like I've been recovering for weeks but alas, it's only Day 8...hahah.

As I mentioned in my first post, since discovering my PMO compulsions in 2008, I've been able to successfully decrease my PMO sessions from an all-consuming, multiple-times-per-day phenomenon to now one relapse ever 4-6 weeks. However, I found my recovery had reached a hard plateau and subsequently I've joined this forum in order to refine and augment my recovery strategy. I've read some really inspiring posts on this forum, especially some great journalism by MrCicero, and I look forward to others tenacity to fuel my ability to move to the next level.

As member Karmapolice suggested in an earlier post, I've been COMPLETELY shutting down any and all thoughts of sexual imagery. Well, not exactly "shutting down" the thoughts since I find that aggressively suppressing urges only tends to fuel them further. Instead, similar to what I've practiced in my occasional meditation sessions, I "gently dismiss" my thoughts of sex and redirect my attention to my Life Vision and recovery (refer to Life Vision written in my earlier post). Now, I am almost 100% certain that I will not simply be able to dismiss women and sex for 90 days and hope my libido will come raging back. As a matter of fact, I am certain to relapse if I continue this overly simplistic recovery strategy. As KarmaPolice mentioned...what am I doing to REWIRE my brain for healthy recovery? This part of my recovery makes me rather anxious. You see, I am newly single, and I don't feel like jumping into dating since I need some time to reflect on my last relationship and what I'm really looking for in my new one. I prefer not to date for the heck of it. However, I do want to continue interacting with the opposite sex on a regular basis in order to rebuild and rewire my healthy libido...appreciating simple aspects of the feminine and renouncing my prior hypersexualized self. For that reason, I did some dance classes the other day, and had a great time playfully interacting with some girls. It felt good to do that.

My current concerns are that I have a rather important exam coming up in 2 months. Studying is one of my all time biggest triggers. I get bored, daydream, fantasize, feel isolated, and feel flat...most ALL of my emotional triggers are involved with studying. I need to REALLY think hard about what strategies I will put in place to overcome this. I am trying to mentally convince myself to derive stimulation from my study material, and to cultivate intellectual curiosity in order to enjoy the studying process more....it's always a psychological game! I'm also really trying to balance my time with my music hobbies...I'm finding music really drives up my dopamine and I feel good. Really helps fill the void and lift the flatline a bit.

Anyways, I'm on day 8, but its usually around week 3-4 that I begin to struggle hard with my urges. That will fall during the time when I am deep in my studying so I will need to post my strategies for avoiding relapse sometime this week.

I'll close by saying: I've been navigating the recovery path for many years now and I've learned a few things. Abstaining from PMO is step 1....but defining your life vision, redefining what love, sex, and healthy libido really mean, and identifying the values you want to live up to will be the most important parts of your true, lasting recovery.

Let's keep it going boys!

Day 32
Mood score: 6/10

What's up Reboot Nation!

I've reached day 32 of no P or M. This certainly is an accomplishment to be proud of indeed...the one third of the way mark has been reached!

However, one BIG issue I am struggling with is whether I should include orgasm in my "hard 90 days" of abstaining. My original goal of abstaining from P or M did NOT include sex with real women. I'm recently single as of 8 weeks now. During week 3 and 4 of my recovery, I've begun having relentless and intrusive thoughts of sex, women, and porn. I find thoughts of sexual fantasy have become overwhelming. Over the past week I've found myself spending more and more time on dating websites...not necessarily to look at photos of women but to seek out actual dating opportunities. As a single man now, thoughts of sex and women have been dominating my behavior. I start to wonder whether the hours I'm spending on dating websites are arising out of a compulsion to have sex as soon as possible. I feel as though without the porn in my life, my sex urges are now leading me to seek out real women -- which is a GOOD thing in many ways. But my intuition and intentions are telling me this compulsive seeking of sexual opportunities is not entirely a good thing. 

I had sex with a girl last night that I've been flirting on and off with for some time now. I sat down to study yesterday and could not concentrate at all as thoughts of sex pervaded my thoughts. I needed a sexual release and I needed it right away. I was going crazy. I wish I had a gf to practice Kareeza style sex with. I met up with the girl, we had a good time dancing the night away, and ended by having sex. I can't say that I am seeking a long term relationship with her.

Since having sex and orgasm last night I will need to change my counter from saying PMO to simply "P and M". My struggle now is whether I should eliminate orgasm for the next 90 days (for which day 1 would be today), or whether to restrict the goal to simply P and M. Abstaining from Porn and masturbation were the primary goals. However, I am trying to define whether seeking sex is truly a compulsive behavior for me or whether I am simply having normal sexual needs/urges that need to be met. I would lean towards the former. My overall goal is not to just overcome porn addiction but to build a lasting, stable, growing relationship with another women. Someone I can build depth with over a lifetime. Persistently seeking out new sex opportunities seems to weaken this overall goal. During all my past relationships I felt sexually dissatisfied over time -- at first I knew this was due to porn but now I am finding that simply wanting to pursue other women for sex is an underlying issue as well.

I'll need to continue addressing this as I navigate the bold recovery journey. Thanks for reading.

Day 32-  second post for today

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
? Mahatma Gandhi

I've decided to revisit Lesson 5 of the Recovery Workshop

I want to make my personal values list that I posted a few weeks ago more functional. I want the list to be something I can apply on a daily/weekly basis instead of simply stating idealistic and intangible adjectives.

Top 15 Personal Values

1. Journaling and going  to counseling at least twice monthly to ease my thoughts
2. Being decisive and committing to that decision without over-analysis
3. Extinguishing resentment from my life by practicing Universal Loving-Kindness in my meditation
4. Accepting my daily struggles as a part of life
5. Expressing love for myself by complimenting myself
6. Expressing love for others?will start by strengthening my relationship with family and close friends
7. Deepening my relationship with a lifetime partner?will start by creating more space in my life for a significant other
8. Cultivating cheeriness
9. Pursuing solutions for easing suffering?will start by easing suffering for myself then working outwardly
10. Prioritizing verbal communication instead of being lost in thought
11. Practicing meditation-- Quieting intrusive thoughts and fostering positive thoughts
12. Identifying things that trigger fear and mental barriers for myself 
13. Staying present and in tune with those around me
14. Learning to cook, clean, and take care of myself more often
15. Practicing my recovery daily by applying above list on a weekly basis


Active Member
"Accepting my daily struggles as a part of life". I find that one to be the most important (to me atleast). Many thanks for sharing and keep coming back.


Respected Member
Wow! Ive never seen such a thorough strategy! You have really thought about everything. Keeping track of all of your goals is a great way to progress in your reboot. Your systematic approach is a great example for others.
No doubt, you will succeed.

benhj said:
"Accepting my daily struggles as a part of life". I find that one to be the most important (to me atleast). Many thanks for sharing and keep coming back.

Hi benhj, I'm glad you found some value in my post. I really enjoy sharing what I learn and my progress. It's easy to get frustrated with what life throws at you. Most of the time everything is going just fine in my life yet I turn small daily struggles into big episodes of suffering in my life. Today a technician was supposed to come help fix something in my house but showed up a few hours late. I got myself all worked up and this really triggered me. It's amazing how these small, inconsequential life mishaps can really challenge my coping skills. Seeing a counselor every now and then just as an outlet for your daily struggles can be very consoling and beneficial to your recovery.

Fappy said:
Wow! Ive never seen such a thorough strategy! You have really thought about everything. Keeping track of all of your goals is a great way to progress in your reboot. Your systematic approach is a great example for others.
No doubt, you will succeed.


Hi Fappola, Thanks so much for your motivating words. I really am trying to apply a thorough plan that is workable on a tangible and daily basis. I couldn't imagine gaining real progress without a real plan. I hope people will find value in the plans I post. Thanks so much for visiting!
Day 42
Mood score: 6/10

I'm finding that I am not journaling as often as I'd like. I'm not sure what my mental barrier is or why I think of it as just another "errand on my checklist". But today I referred back to my posting about my "Top 15 Personal Values" and guess what #1 is....JOURNALING. During my recovery I am finding that I can't seem to quiet my thoughts and stay present. Mistakes of my past keep taunting me, my recent break up has me feeling lonely, and thoughts of the uncertain future bring anxiety. I try to ground myself but the thoughts keep whirling out of control. Journaling on the other hand has the ability to center me a bit more and focus my thoughts. I can get my whirling thoughts out of my head and onto the keyboard.

Since having sex for the first time during my recovery last week, I've been having a chaser effect. This comes as no surprise but is incredibly frustrating. I can't stop thinking about sex and notice thoughts of porn invading my mind once again. I'm spending way too much time on dating sites. I'm trying to learn to balance my life during recovery.  I have more girls I am texting currently. I know many guys would find this to be something to be proud of. Yet, I feel a bit anxious as I am spending time pursuing women for fun and sex with and I don't have any longterm interest in them. Yet, the grass is always greener! If I was back in my relationship I would be complaining about how I'd like to be single and have as much fun as possible when I'm young. One of the Top 15 Personal values I've posted refers to finding a lifetime partner and making space for a significant other in my life. My last relationship ended because I couldn't make enough time and space for her. Since I am only recently out of a relationship, I need some time to be single and re-evaluate when a life partner will begin to fit into my life. In the meantime, my recovery is an absolute priority.

Onward with recovery. Today, I commit to being sober. I commit to starting the next (and better) chapter of my life! Rememeber, always Say Yes to Life!
Unfortunate news. I relapsed on Day 52 (goal was 90 days) which was 10 days ago and watched porn. Since then I've been binging.

Countless reasons for my relapse: upcoming exam, recent break up with my girlfriend back in March, dislike my work environment, yelled at by my supervisor, no gym access recently so not working out....many, many reasons to suffer that have been adding on top of each other and crushing me emotionally. On top of all of that I fell behind on my journaling and haven't had any sessions with my counselor because of my intense work schedule. I've been adapting very poorly to all these challenges. I felt the stress accumulating and I couldn't catch up with it.

I'm trying to learn from this experience, but I'm not sure what direction to take. I have a systematic plan in place (see top 15 personal values in earlier posts), but when life comes crashing down on me , and I don't even have time to reach out for support (or my support people themselves are too busy to chat)-- I feel trapped. No amount of self-guided meditations seems to help when the stress reaches peak levels. The addiction cycle has been on repeat for 8 years now for me.

In analyzing my relapse, I found that this all may have started when I had sex and orgasmed on day 31. I then seemed to have an intense reawakening of the addiction pathways in my brain for days on end.

My new strategy now will be:
Journaling at least TWICE WEEKLY for the next 90 days.
Talking to my counselor WEEKLY for the next 90 days.
NO PM including orgasm for 90 days.

I will continue to strive for what's most important to me in my life.