Lets do this


@Afb7 - I wasn't sure how that might be translated by someone else.. sometimes I tend to ramble out my thoughts like that.  But I'm glad it made sense to you!  You're very right about pain being a big part of our lives and how our natural tendency is to respond negatively to it which puts us in a bad place.  I used to be so envious of friends I had that seemed to glide through life without any worries or problems.  I would ask myself why everything in my life seemed to go wrong while people I was close to always had the sun shining down on them.  But what I eventually realized is that it wasn't that they never had any problems, it's that they created their own pattern of responding positively to their pain and losses.  I saw them as unrealistic optimists that just always got lucky, but their optimism over time actually became their reality.  They are also some of the most grateful people I know.  Anyway, I think that's kinda what you're sayin.

@FlyPheonix - I think you mentioned this before and I had never really thought about the significance of it but it's been on my mind a lot.  What a great discovery.  I know this will be a big help to me in the days ahead.  Thank you!

Well, last night was garbage night.  As I began to round up the trash from the kitchen and the bathrooms I remembered that I had been meaning to get rid of some PB magazines that have been sitting in box in my room.  Even though I hadn't so much as glanced at them in almost a year, I've been reluctant to throw them out.  It seems weird but I felt a strange attachment to them.  Like memorabilia that I didn't want to let go.  And it's not like they were anything special.  Maybe in the 90's they would be considered racy and taboo, but in fact, these days they're considered more main stream and 'classy' than anything.  But I think as Gabe Deem said 'leaving these things around is like leaving a time bomb waiting to go off.  It's all gotta go.'  And right he is.  So in the trash they went!  So long magazines of lies and deception!  I won't miss you because I'll be too busy enjoying living my life.   

So today was a good day and I was able to stay mostly busy to keep my wandering mind occupied.  I made dinner and ate by myself on the patio watching the sunset and listening to the wind blowing through the trees.  It was so calming that even after I finished eating and it was dark I still sat there for a few more minutes just taking it all in.  I don't think I would have appreciated something like this before the reboot.  It felt strangely like being a kid again and remembering that there is this whole amazing world out there waiting to be explored and experienced.


Active Member
Beautiful post Sanju. And congratulations on getting rid of those magazines.
Yes any stuff which is remotely conneco to P could be potential time bomb.
Glad to see you enjoying little things in life. I used to do that once. But not so much these days.
So I am going to FOCUS on them and remind myself this is what I truly like.

Keep it going brother.  Your posts are inspiration.



@Phoenix0015 - Thanks for the kind words man.  Sometimes those are the things that keep me a float and encourage me to hold out for just a little bit longer.  Every day is a battle.

Well, not to be a downer, but today was a rather shitty day.  My TMJ has been so much worse lately, my bite is all messed up and all the dentists in the world can't seem to fix it without wanting to do some drastic, untested, crazy expensive procedure.  I'm feeling at the end of my rope on this one.. almost completely overshadows my struggle with quitting porn.  And all this due to the fact that I had braces to straighten my slightly crooked teeth out in the first place and ended up screwing me up bad.  Hopefully tomorrow I can look at things more optimistically.  I guess on the bright side, today was another PMO free day.  Pain is a pretty good motivator.


Ok, well I got past the bad day I was having and the days have been slowly getting better.  I hope that continues.  It's really more about my attitude toward things that what is actually happening in my life, good or bad.

But today is day 28 of PMO free hard mode! (we gotta do something about that terminology btw.  maybe 'ultra mode' or 'diabolical mode'?  hard mode sounds kinda...)  Anyway, 28 days is one day better than my last attempt and just a few shy of my personal best.  I'm happy to make it this far, but I have a long, long ways to go.  No time to get cocky now (er, overly assured of myself, rather).  Gotta keep focussed and continue pressing on. 

But.. I do have a trip coming up in a few days.  I'll be gone for several weeks, out of my comfort zone, subjected to all kinds of potential dramas, boredom and mundane activities.  If you haven't guessed by now, I'm going home to visit my family.  It sounds strange, but this is a huge potential trigger for me.  Not in the traditional sense of being exposed to arousal, but in the complex emotional realm sense of things.  But it also has the potential to be very encouraging and honestly it could go either way.  I probably won't be on the forum too much or at all because my parents are anti-internet, which is also a downside.  This forum has really helped me a lot so it will be tough going without.  So, wish me luck!

Lastly, I would like to share an article I had sitting in one of my browser tabs for over a week.  I hadn't gotten around to reading it until just now and it was a little more...let's say 'intense' than I was expecting.  If you've skimmed through my journal, you know that I'm a Christian.  This article is mostly directed at those who call themselves Christians but I would recommend it to anyone to read if you are open to reading it.  But be warned, this is some heavy stuff and may change the way you think about your faith in a big way.  It really gave me a lot to think about.


One comment I would make here though, referring to this article, is that the message is not 'you have to be perfect otherwise your faith is faulty' but rather 'you need to be actively, relentlessly and vigorously seeking and growing in your faith - and thatwill precipitate your freedom from lust'.  If you're already doing that and not seeing the results you should be, then you need to re-evaluate your definition of living in faith.  I know I was not until very recently and that kind of scares the crap out of me.





Day 51.  No P, no M, no O.  Never thought I would make it this far, but here I am.  It hasn't been easy, that's for sure.  But after the first month, the habit becomes a little less habit like.  Gradually it becomes more of an impulsive thought that can be dismissed.  But after 51 days, I'm still not sure if I'm ready for intimacy with a real woman.  It still feels a bit numb in that cold area of my brain.  The old thought patterns are still there; selfish, perverted, objectifying thoughts.  I've just pushed them into the background so they makes less noise.  Hopefully I can find a way to get past this plateau and start seeing some results in that area.

But I will say, I do feel more calm and comfortable in my own skin.  I'm less critical of myself and others.  I feel more in touch with reality and life in general.  So that's an improvement!

Anyway, it's late.  That's all I got.  Stay strong and don't let your guard down!  Anticipate those triggers before they get to you...   