Determined to stay the course



Just a quick status update for my motivation. Sense my bad relapse it has been three weeks and thinks are going. Not great not bad either. I am starting to get the urges again 3 weeks seems to be when the withdrawals start getting stronger.

I want/need to break free and reading about our common struggles I realize that we are not alone! We are in this together and together we all can be porn free!

Loneliness and alone time is the enemy for me. I begin to want that fake feeling from porn, coming here and being reminded that it just an illusion is helpful for me.

I hope everyone stays strong against our enemy, it is poison and slowly kills our true person. If like me and you start to forget that, come back here and be re motivated to succeed.

Remember porn is not an option.



Stay the course. Just think of all the effort that you've put into it the past three weeks.

You're not alone. If you do feel alone, remember that you've got lots of guys here with similar trials who are pulling for you to succeed.

When I am running a race and starting to struggle, I break the remaining distance into manageable chunks. One mile instead of 5. Or perhaps just to the next telephone pole if I am really struggling. You can do the same here. Instead of focusing on months or years, you can focus on days, hours, or even minutes without porn.

Stay strong,



Starting to see the benefits again. I have more energy during the day and am feeling better about myself. Things at work are going well. Life without porn is a better life and the true life.

Stay strong everyone!


Great to hear from you again CN. I am inspired by your fighting spirit to get back up and not let a relapse keep you down. Peace!


Bad day and bad results. Been fighting a cold, extra stress at work and with alone time = bad results. I have to admit the rush did feel good for awhile, but not long.
Now I feel worse than before, isn't that the way it works. I am thinking that I am shooting for to large of a goal and need a smaller goal. Going to work with that.
I do not want to go back down the path of several days of relapse like last time.
Time to pick myself up, slap myself silly and move on.
I am better than porn.
Hang in there and keep fighting, it will be worth it in the end. Try to keep busy that's what I think is going to help me a lot.


Yes brutha you are better than porn. A smaller goal is oftentimes just what we need to feel momentum again. Until I can break 30 days, 30 days will be my goal. I've stumbled 3 times now. There is no room for porn, it can not be negotiated with, but when we fall there is no room for shame. Shame's only goal is to drag us down farther and has nothing to do with overcoming porn. We know that what we did was wrong...end of discussion with our inner voice of shame.