Morning erections? Please read


Guys.  How much do you feel the quality of morning erections is an indicator of recovery??
Meaning, when things were really bad I remember almost never having them.  Now I do have one most mornings and the quality is what I would consider good but never GREAT.  And I feel the same when I'm with my girlfriend. I just have so much confusion!  I don't watch porn anymore and haven't for a while and even when I did I don't think I was to the level of most of the stories I've read.  But I've also suffered from prostatitis which I think could be a cause if erectile problems.  Or also it could be in my opinion a result of too much M.  I have also suffered from depression which I know saps libido. But then also there's always the question if the antidepressants hurt your libido.  I'm certainly not as horny as I used to be.  But at 47 should I be?  Should my erections be as strong a anymore??  I have a gorgeous girl that I have fallen in love with.  I can please her - I do use cialis - but have a hard time reaching O.  I Don't know if it's in my head.  If it's cause erections aren't great if it's medication if it's that I'm still not fully rebooted if it's that maybe I drink too much.  Just so confused!!  But going back to the first sentence I feel that if my morning erections were rock hard and the issues were only with a partner the it wasn't anything physical.  But the erections are about the same no matter if it's morning or with her it alone


simbo67, morning erections were a very encouraging sign for me. Each guy is different, but it should tell you that you are on the right track. For me it was kind of like a down-payment. I'm still new at this reboot stuff, but I know there will be a nice return on investment if I don't give up. Peace!


Yes.  Always feel like 85-90%. 

And I have a girlfriend who i thjnk I've fallen in live with but I find it VERY DIFFICULT to orgasm with regular sex. 


Mine happen occasionally, and I would say they feel like 75% strength. It's more than enough to make things work with my wife, plus when we have sex now I seem to be able to get right at it. I'm usually in flatline unless I'm with my wife. I trust that things will keep getting better and that I'll be more attracted to real sex than PMO.


I'm no expert but I wouldn't worry about the orgasms right now. Everything works better without porn.


Any of you guys think that because we are mid 40's that we maybe are expecting too much?  That we shouldn't think we can have an erection like at 25 or even 35??

As for the orgasm, I am going to take that advice and not dwell on it.  I still enjoy the sex and she is having great orgasms.  I would love to but I'm going to let her know that she shouldn't think it is in  any way her fault or worry about me. 


I think the morning wood isn't necessarily the first sign of a recovering reboot. I think it is more a confidence booster than anything else. Particularly after a flatline, waking up with a nice erection is one heck of a Hot Damn, I am a Man! kind of feeling. Not everyone gets them. Not everyone needs them to complete their recovery. If you get one, enjoy it, but don't put pressure on yourself if you don't get another the next morning or even the next few mornings.

As far as whether or not we should be expecting ourselves to have the same erections and stamina in our forties (I'm 46) as we did we were younger. I would think we would not. Our bodies have changed as we have gotten older. Our metabolism is different. We are less strong, no matter how much we work out. We have less endurance. And we need more sleep. (Or at least, those are all true of me.) I think to have the expectations that we should be the same as a 20 year old in bed is a product of the media and the impressions of porn. There are no cameras in the bedroom. We are not performing. Feeling like we are or comparing ourselves to anyone else, even our younger selves, does nothing more than put pressure on ourselves. And that, my friend, is the last thing we should be doing. We should simply enjoy being with someone else intimately, with or without erections.


Congratulations KidQuick on 100 days! Great job and very inspiring!


New Member
I was excited to run across this thread as this is exactly what I've been going through. I'm 40, been about 90 days without PMO and getting morning erections here and there. I have had sex with my girlfriend, but still haven't orgasmed with normal sex, and since I don't PMO it's been 90 days since I had one. I tell myself I'm on the right track and I think the morning erections are showing I'm going in the right directions, but it's getting frustrating. I just please my girlfriend and can have penetration 65% of the time, but it's like rolling the dice sometimes. I also use some cialis, but that doesn't always work.

I guess I really wanted to know where you guys are now Chile, KidQuick, Sodonewithit, simbo 67.. as these posts were in april you guys would be 3 months passed this point that I'm in. Can you give me a glimmer of hope? Where am I headed is it another month 2, 3 ? I realize everyone is different, but would really appreciate someone's words of wisdom on this.



Respected Member
Chile said:
For me it was kind of like a down-payment. I'm still new at this reboot stuff, but I know there will be a nice return on investment if I don't give up. Peace!

I think Chile said it best in the quote above. Its a great investment and it shows that this whole process is working. If it's not all the way there, it will be eventually!

The Wood Don't Lie!

Seriously, morning erections are great, they are fun, they are a confidence builder. However, they are not everything. It's been 90 days since I first started my reboot. Before RN I never had MW, just thought it was because I was getting old. During sex I had a hard time keeping it up. Orgasms were work. I really had to concentrate to finish with an orgasm. You feel in might be possible if you can hold onto a feeling, just keep on task...

Takes all the fun out of it when you have to grit your teeth.

Now, when my wife and and I make love its like I am laying back and letting a wave wash over me. It is much more giving but individually the feeling is intense and amazing. Once I felt like I could go on forever, and realized she was getting a bit sore. So the next time, I said I would make it quick. It was over in about 45 seconds. We both had a good laugh about it and I assured her I would slow down next time.

Do I get has hard as when I was young? No.

When I was younger I was fearful I might have to break the thing to get it into any other position besides missionary. However, since I have started my reboot, I would say it has been the best sex I have ever had in my life. 55 years of MO with P thrown in and I now know how it is suppose to feel.

Long and short of it, Porn sucks the life out of you.

Now my erections in the morning are maybe 90%. I am not through with my reboot so I only see things getting better. Don't last as long as when I was a kid but it is sure nice do know its there; ready and able.

Sorry for my rambling on.


New Member
Thanks! It just means I'm on the right track and to stay the course. It's frustrating though! I wonder if it takes longer to reboot when you have a significant other??

Thanks again for your words they help!


Respected Member

I wonder that myself. I think it is easier as I am able to connect with a real person and to do so makes me feel like is is all worth it. However, going without the O may be the quickest way to reboot.

Any thoughts folks?


Brooklyn Jerry

Active Member
Since I have been tying to quit PMO I have had good wood. Not always when I wake for the morning, but may turn around in the middle of the night and feel an erection. Since finding this site an realizing Porn wS a problem I can say it has helped my sex life.  I am a widower 65 yo. I know PMO did  effect the relationship with my late wife, we didn't have sex as often as we should have because I would MO during the day which made me less horny for her. After my wife passed I for sure used porn as a release. I met a lady and after I are months we had sex , the first time we were together,  I sure was horny. It had been over two years since I had been with a women. After a while I started with the porn again, easy when you live alone. It affected my performance with my lady,a few times couldn't last long enough to have an O. I began taking Viagra and even went so far as to get some injectable drug . Since  almost completely stopeed PMO I have needed Viagra.only thing is take is 2000mg of L argine  with my daily vitamin. So far I have not had an issues in the sex department.i am thankful,I found this forum


Respected Member
Brooklyn Jerry said:
After my wife passed I for sure used porn as a release.

I have wondered how I would react if I was alone. I admire you as someone who can recognize their problem and tackle it without the help of a SO.

I am glad you found this site too. More power to you.