I wasn't sure about a title, basically this is my journal.


About the Journal

This is my journal. It's not much really, but I hope it helps at least me. I've been lurking around this place for a few days, and I finally decided it was time to do something about my problem. I am happy to get comments here or whatever, but I am a third year law student, so life is kind of busy. That said, replies might be short, or non-existent. Feel free to message me if I say or do something inappropriate with this journal.

About Me

I am 28 years old. Which feels kind of ancient for this particular forum but I am (usually) a strict rule follower. I am married. I met her in high school. We split during high school, but when we came back for the summer after our second year of college, we hit it off again while working the same charity function. We don't have any kids just yet, but they are definitely in the future. She's not pregnant, we just want a couple of kids some day.

I am from a military family, so there was a lot of moving around when I was younger. My parents divorced when I was around 10. Both of them remarried later. I have one younger brother from my mom and dad's marriage, and two younger half-brothers from my mom and stepfather's relationship.

I have always been a fairly active guy. I play ice hockey occasionally as a substitute goaltender for a few local teams when they need me. I am at the gym or working out in some fashion about 5 days a week. As I mentioned above, I am a law student, and I am quickly approaching graduation. So most of my time is occupied with dedicated studying and research. Well, it should be anyway.

My "Problem" (As I call it)

Like most guys my age, the internet was the born before I could really understand the power of such a wealth of information (and other things). My first experiences with pornography were with my buddies at school in sixth grade. It was actually a pretty stereotypical situation at a sleep over. Someone brought a dirty magazine, and we all passed it around. Probably five or six weeks later, I'm not sure how, but I found some pics of topless girls on the internet. Of course, being a stupid 12 year old, I didn't know how to clear the history and I was found out. My stepdad decided it might be time to have the "talk" with me. Looking back, it seems a bit odd. Mostly because my mom and biological father were always very forthcoming about sex, relationships, and the like. Anyway, part of my step father's talk was about pornography and the fact that its really quite widely available on the internet if I'd like peruse that kind of thing. He showed were all the best stuff was, how to find what I was looking for, etc. He did use some of the pictures to explain certain things about female anatomy and various adult activities that I was certainly not getting health class. Further, he showed me how to get rid of the evidence that I was watching porn online. We had high speed internet for my mom work. My buddies figured out rather quickly that my house was a great place to see all kinds of crazy stuff so we had lots of sleep overs without much sleeping. I got a computer in my room and that was that. I was hooked. It wasn't anything too crazy back then, just the run of the mill low production value "pizza guy comes over" type stuff. But the more time I spent alone with that old Gateway computer, the more weird things got. Eventually escalating into softcore gay porn for some reason. As the ball rolled into high school, and when I was about 15, Limewire became a thing. I could download all the images I wanted and things got progressively more intense. I kept a meticulously organized library of porn, which I physically destroyed when I was 20. Right now, I still have one. It's in a slightly different form hosted by a website I frequent, but I still have it. I never revisit an image or a video, so I'm not entirely sure why I keep it, but I feel compelled to catalog an image I find particularly arousing. I can't actually orgasm to porn without cataloging it. And I really struggle to keep an erection while viewing if I don't. I tried a few times to just watch an entire video all the way through without thinking of where to put it. I usually watch about the first 2 minutes, fast forward to some of the more intense scenes, then to the end. Then I put it in a file based on various categories. Like the parties involved genders, acts performed, and then into quality, etc.

I'm not gay, I know that now. But for years I thought I was because I really liked gay porn. I spent a long time very confused about what I wanted. I dated girls but used the gay porn furiously. To this day, it's my primary problem. I'm sure people reading this are thinking "this dude is gay and in denial." Not really, I know that I find gay images in fantasy quite arousing, but I dated a couple guys in college and, with one of them, fooled around. It was so not for me in the flesh, as it were. I am a bit of a modern hippy, which is really depressing to see in writing.

My wife knows I watch gay or bisexual porn, but, for the most part, ignores my predilections about other guys. I love having sex with her, and I have had plenty of other sexual encounters in the past. But lately, as in about the past two years, I find that I have to edge myself for a long time - about 20 or 30 minutes - before we have sex, or else I can't perform at all. I don't really struggle with morning erections, I still get those. I can get it up but it takes a lot of focus and thoughts about the porn I watched earlier in the day. Another problem I have been struggling with is that I use porn even more obsessively now that I am getting more and more anxious about graduation. I mean, before, I was quite the binge user. I'm talking like three or four times a day, compelled to find and catalog images, then maybe a day off because the skin on my penis would be sore from over use. Then back at it. Now, it's almost constantly calling to me. I can't sleep without a quick porn session and some cataloging. When it's time to really study, I boot my PC and head straight for the websites to "help me relax" so I can study efficiently. After finishing part of an assignment, I reward myself with a few files or maybe a video (which get cataloged) and then move on to the next part of my readings. I want this to stop because, frankly, I'm not getting any younger and my recovery time is getting longer and longer. Every time I use porn to have an orgasm, I feel horrible, because I know I won't be able to give my wife what I want to give her: loving, full relationship, and my utmost dedication (physically and emotionally)

My Goals

I want to be completely porn free for 90 days. I also want to go without edging at all during that time, even without porn. I think I can do it. If I make it, I should hit day 90 about two weeks after graduation, right before I start studying for the bar exam. I am not sharing this particular part of my life with my wife right now because I am supremely embarrassed about the way I consume and use pornography. Also, because I am feeling particularly "masculine" I want to deal with it alone. Over time, I might feel better, but for now, I just want this to be about me dealing a problem I have. A problem I can fix, on my own.

Final Thoughts

Okay, so this was tediously long. I'm not terribly religious anymore so it was kind of therapeutic to get it all out there, so I'm sorry for that. I'm also not sure about how I am supposed to keep this thing going. I guess I'll just post in here everyday about what's going and how I am feeling. Some of them are just going to have to be short, but others might be longer if I have time. So thanks for reading, feel free to respond, or message or whatever, I'll just be here, studying hard.

I can sympathize with a lot of what you are saying and honestly it's a bit creepy.

Getting it all out like this helps but I promise telling someone in your real life (doesn't have to be your wife) will help too.

I sympathize the most with the cataloging. Most of the files I dowloaded I didn't even watch. At most I would watch 2% or so but couldn't finish until a daily quota including a full range was archived. Whether you are collecting files or bookmarks/links, you will have to eventually get rid of them completely if you want to defeat this. You're wasting your time, relationship, peace of mind, and physical health. Quite frankly you deserve to treat yourself better.

Datsyk said:
My stepdad decided it might be time to have the "talk" with me. Looking back, it seems a bit odd. Mostly because my mom and biological father were always very forthcoming about sex, relationships, and the like. Anyway, part of my step father's talk was about pornography and the fact that its really quite widely available on the internet if I'd like peruse that kind of thing.

A blessing and a curse which is true for most of life's situations. The sex positive route does well to correct a lot of the puritan taboo in our culture but it doesn't do enough to be realistic. I'm sure you stepfather forgot to mention the side effects may include portion huh?

Datsyk said:
I'm sure people reading this are thinking "this dude is gay and in denial." Not really, I know that I find gay images in fantasy quite arousing, but I dated a couple guys in college and, with one of them, fooled around. It was so not for me in the flesh, as it were. I am a bit of a modern hippy, which is really depressing to see in writing.

Shouldn't matter either way. You are who you are, don't ever be ashamed of that.

Homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder likely exists. It's natural for people with addictions to grow their addictions. For people with porn addiction it just means ever increasing novelty. I slipped into bestial porn at one point in my addiction. Would I ever do that in real life? No and I certainly would not enjoy it. It's all about keeping the addiction alive and getting that fix. When you give porn up, you will naturally see your 'tastes' go back to what you actually like rather than what your brain on porn likes.

Datsyk said:
I find that I have to edge myself for a long time - about 20 or 30 minutes - before we have sex, or else I can't perform at all. I don't really struggle with morning erections, I still get those. I can get it up but it takes a lot of focus and thoughts about the porn I watched earlier in the day.

Your penis is broken if it takes fantasy to spring life into it whereas the real world keeps it asleep. This should be your primary motivation to go through with the reboot. Take a moment to realize what that means.

I'm 27 and saw major improvements in the last sexual encounter I was in. I didn't O, but certainly could have, kept a full erection about 80% of the time and never had to fantasize once. My last last encounter (before starting the reboot) was practically the opposite. I would say 30% full erection and spent an enormous amount of time thinking about the raunchiest images in my head.

Real sex shouldn't be spent like that. You aren't enjoying the person you are with if you don't derive pleasure from their presence. You're just masturbating yourself and someone else happens to be in the same room as you.

Datsyk said:
Now, it's almost constantly calling to me. I can't sleep without a quick porn session and some cataloging. When it's time to really study, I boot my PC and head straight for the websites to "help me relax" so I can study efficiently. After finishing part of an assignment, I reward myself with a few files or maybe a video (which get cataloged) and then move on to the next part of my readings.

All classic signs of this addiction.

Datsyk said:
I want this to stop because, frankly, I'm not getting any younger and my recovery time is getting longer and longer. Every time I use porn to have an orgasm, I feel horrible, because I know I won't be able to give my wife what I want to give her: loving, full relationship, and my utmost dedication (physically and emotionally)


I think you've laid out enough of a reason to kick the habit for good. Porn is harmless if used appropriately, but it has consumed your entire sex life and it's at a point where you'll have to choose either having a real sex life or having to deal with this addiction forever.

You have the information, you know the consequences, keep this journal and make the right choice for your health.

Best of luck to you.



DragonSlayer: Thanks for the encouraging words.

Today's Entry 4/7/2014:

What a day. It was quite rough. I quit chewing about four weeks ago and I've not had a craving like this since the second day of chewing. For chew that is. Honestly, I'm feeling pretty motivated about avoiding PMO. Last night my wife and I had a little fun together. I don't know if its was because I was feeling so good about myself or what, but it was good time. I didn't O becuase I am sticking to the program and she knows I didn't, we just didn't talk about it much.

I went for a run today and had a rather embarrassing social experience which would normally have driven me straight to the computer when I got home, but right now I am just gritting my teeth and trying to get through it. I have two huge papers to work on that have to be completed before graduation (otherwise I don't get my degree), and i can't concentrate at all. With my experience with quitting chewing, I expected this kind of distractability. The anxiety is really getting to me right now.

I noticed as I was getting ready to shower after the run that I couldn't bring myself to look in the mirror when I didn't have any clothes on. Normally, I have a mildly  positive body image, but today - for the first time in a long time - I don't like what I saw. I know it's only day two, but has anyone else had anything like that?

Anyway that's all.


Your story is like an action movie. You probably grow up a really strong person, that what i think from reading your life. Even though you are experiencing PMO. Anyways about your question, I am a person who got addicted to about everything you can think of and went through every withdrawal. Especially PMO when i stop i usually experience a feeling of hating everything. One day i woke up and decided that i hate my cat and actually sold it to other people. It was sad but i later knew it was just withdrawal and it was probably best for my cat to have gone to other people, who knows maybe i would have killed the cat if i would have kept it. It is because your brain is used to a certain level of dopamine and it is not getting it. Anyways wish you the best and you are not alone in this. Also about the Gay porn thing, it is a normal phenomena because you are not watching porn for the sexuality or because they are beautiful women anymore after 5 or 10 years, you are watching for the dopamine hit. Whenever your brain sees a new wierd video it releases more dopamine to keep you interested. See for yourself, after 90 days see how more beautiful your wife will become.

The Limp Joker


TheLimpJoker said:

Your story is like an action movie. You probably grow up a really strong person, that what i think from reading your life. Even though you are experiencing PMO. Anyways about your question, I am a person who got addicted to about everything you can think of and went through every withdrawal. Especially PMO when i stop i usually experience a feeling of hating everything. One day i woke up and decided that i hate my cat and actually sold it to other people. It was sad but i later knew it was just withdrawal and it was probably best for my cat to have gone to other people, who knows maybe i would have killed the cat if i would have kept it. It is because your brain is used to a certain level of dopamine and it is not getting it. Anyways wish you the best and you are not alone in this. Also about the Gay porn thing, it is a normal phenomena because you are not watching porn for the sexuality or because they are beautiful women anymore after 5 or 10 years, you are watching for the dopamine hit. Whenever your brain sees a new wierd video it releases more dopamine to keep you interested. See for yourself, after 90 days see how more beautiful your wife will become.

The Limp Joker

Thanks for the reply Joker. I am browsing around on http://yourbrainonporn.com/ right now trying to find some coping tools. I cannot keep my hands off myself, lol. I really don't want to ruin something I've started, but I am like borderline right now. I can't believe how much harder this is than nicotine. With the dip, I could just not buy a new can, but since all of my school work is done right from this computer, it is so hard not to fall back into old habits.



Well I missed yesterday becuase it was insanely busy. We had some bad weather in the area and I just didn't have time to post. However, here we go:

Day 4 4/9/2015:

It was a rough night last night. i had the weirdest dreams I can remember having a long time. Long story short, I was trying to convince a bunch of my guy friends not to gang rape this girl so we all went fishing instead. It was freaking crazy, but it was just a dream. So that was weird. I was anxious all day and just wanted to get home from school. I haven't fired up my desktop since starting this thing because that's where I almost PMO'd, so staying away from the "chair" as I dub it ahs been heard. I can't put away my laptop though because it's what i use for school.  It's been a struggle to not follow my patterns on this thing. I think retraining my brain is going to be a bit easier on the laptop because, functionally speaking, it's a lot harder to do what I "need" to do on here.

I'm experiencing a profound sense of drive right now, though, and I have made some progress on projects that had been stalled for some time. I wonder if it's because I am not wasting my time PMO'ing and obsessing about getting the pictures and videos together. I have also been experiencing a huge swing in the my appetite has been. Usually, I eat pretty regularly scheduled meals. However, the past four days have been sort of binge like with my eating. I am not hungry at all for hours, then all of the sudden I feel like I am starving. Another thing I have noticed is that over the day, although I feel very motivated, my mind is very cloudy at times, then all of the sudden very clear. In those moments of clarity, I have found two different mental reactions. Sometimes my brain gets really engaged in work in a positive way; that is to say, I get some serious research and writing done, accomplish a bunch of daily goals, or get a really good workout in. Other times, my mind goes in to extreme anxiety about how little time I have left to get everything done. I start freaking out about my finals (which are about five weeks away), or about how I have three papers now to write and none of them are even close to finsihed. I have tried several different ground techniques in these anxiety moments, but I can't seem to shake the feelings of hopelessness and despair without just suffering for about 30 minutes, then the feeling passes; and I come out all right. I am hoping these kinds of symptoms disappear with time.

Well, that's all for today. I may post a second time tonight if I have time. It's a long school day and I don't usually get home until very late, so I won't be upset with myself if I don't make it.



Active Member
Great work man. I've posted this several times on the forum already, but the absolute best thing you can do if you have a laptop is to take it to a coffee shop or a public place to work. You'll feel happier (IMO), and the new setting will reflect the new change you're trying to make.

Plus, unless you have no shame, it's pretty difficult to watch porn and MO inside a really public place.

Keep up the good work!


dingbat95 said:
Great work man. I've posted this several times on the forum already, but the absolute best thing you can do if you have a laptop is to take it to a coffee shop or a public place to work. You'll feel happier (IMO), and the new setting will reflect the new change you're trying to make.

Plus, unless you have no shame, it's pretty difficult to watch porn and MO inside a really public place.

Keep up the good work!

Good idea! Tht would be a nice change of pace from working in my office.



you are not gay.
but your porn habit has wrecked your brain a bit.
many porn addicts have aberrant porn taste.

I would recommend you to reboot completely. NO PMO.
and if you relapse at some point in your reboot, replace gay porn with lesbian porn. because in lez porn it's all girls.
so this pain and confusion of watching gay porn will go away. but first is reboot from PMO.

avoid triggers and fantasy.


Day 5 4/11/2015

Still here. I had a major setback on a school project so we were in panic mode trying to figure out how to fix things. I've not had any crazy urges the past two days, but I have been having weird dreams. The usual urge to PMO when I am bored is there, but I've been trying to replace that with extra school work or exercise.

A few times, my mind has wandered to porn. I start to see images in my head of video thumbnails or pictures that I have collected. I'm not entirely sure what to do with that. It's not always the extreme images and vids, either. Just this morning, I remember a picture of two people just kissing, not sloppily or anything, just naked and kissing. Kind of like artwork or something. It took everything I had to not reach down and take things further. But I do get the other side of the spectrum as well, and that's difficult in its own way becuase my hands and my penis almost get a mind of their own first thing in the morning. Speaking of morning, I know it's not supposed to start happening yet, but just five days in and I am having the craziest morning wood I can remember since I was about 15. I don't know if that's normal this early. The stuff I've read and watched about rebooting says that should be a ways off, but it's here already. It took about 10 minutes for it to go away so I could pee. Ha! It was a cool, (sort of) new experience that I was glad to have. I hope it happens again soon.

Anyway, that's all for now.



pain, stress and depression of life must be faced boldly instead of hiding behind veil of porn. stay strong. setbacks shouldn't harm your reboot.


Datsyk said:
I've not had any crazy urges the past two days, but I have been having weird dreams.

I've had some strange ones myself right after a recent setback. I wouldn't read too much into it. Good luck on your journey.


Day 5 (again) 4/12/2015

Time warp!!!! Okay, not really. I got all OCD about my counter matching up with my journal, but realized it just wasn't worth the frustration. I decided to just repeat a day on the journal  and go from there.

Pretty simple day so far. I went to a party last night which is a new thing. I don't have many friends, if any really, and going out with my wife to one of her friends' place was cool. No anxiety there or anything, so that was good. We drank a little, smoked a little - which I felt a little bad about since it's been a few months since I've had nicotine. But by the end of the party it hardly mattered since so many people were smoking, there was nothing I could do to avoid the nicotine. My wife told me not to worry about it since I wasn't chewing, so I'm not.

Then we came home very late and had some very fun sexy time. I did end up O'ing though. I tried really hard not to. I didn't use any fantasies to keep it up so it was taking a lot of work to keep it going, and then out of the blue: BAM! It happened completely unexpected. It did take quite a long time to get there, which made her happy, but I had almost no warning. And it was super strong. Not like I've had in years. I was pretty happy about it at the moment, but now I feel kind of guilty for not being to hold back. I should have had more control. I don't mean over having an orgasm, I mean about having sex to completion. I feel like I should reset my counter because I did O and part of the program is putting that down for 90 days.

I dunno, I was feeling pretty good until I sat down to write in here. Seeing the words going down on to "paper" made me think more deeply about what I was saying and feeling. Truthfully? It's making me feel like a piece of shit. Which doesn't make sense. I had a pleasurable, soulful experience with my wife. Something we rarely get, and I feel bad about it, like I did something wrong. On the one hand, it made me so happy to see her happy and to be very happy myself, so double happiness. On the other hand, I've made a commitment to have gentle sex and avoid O for a 90 day reboot, so that's a failure in my book. I hate failure.

*Sigh* Well so much for having a good day.



Active Member
Hey Dats, try not to feel too discouraged about your O - especially as this was with your wife as opposed to you being alone and hunched over a computer screen. I know from experience that it can be easy to fall into the trap of trying to do reboots "perfectly" but this stuff is a process and actually, it's pretty difficult. If you want to do any one thing perfectly then commit to simply showing up to your journal each day and adding an entry, no matter what. This will make it far easier for you to succeed. Measure your success on turning up and documenting your journey - through good times and bad!



4/15/2015----Day 9

Okay, so things got crazy. As in school crazy. I have two huge research projects due in the next two weeks, plus a smaller one for another class, tons of prep for final exams, and prep stuff for graduation party. Thankfully, that means no time for porn. I am up until 4am every night and wake up at 8am for class every morning. I damn near succumbed to the urge two nights ago though. It was tough, really tough. But i made it. I had to lay in bed with my body and mind aching for some computer time. After all, I had been writing about federal regulations on water rights for 6 hours. But i stuck to the plan. I didn't even pull out my phone. just laid quietly for about 30 minutes and I was fine. So that was kind of scary.

Then, this morning I realized I hadn't posted in several days. Time flies when you are under huge deadlines. I have to make this short and sweet. Still with the program, even if my body doesn't always want to be. Tonight might be especially tough becuase I plan to make a major milestone on one of these projects which would have been the usual time I sit down and have some alone time.

With that I bid you adieu for now. Time to get back to saving the planet!



Damnit. 4/17/2015

Well, welcome to day one. I relapsed last night. I'm not entirely sure how it happened. I was working on my papers for school and almost like a trance just ended up where I always do. Finding pics and vids for filing. I really paid the price physically because I was at for something like 3 hours. I do not even know what brought to my old stomping grounds. I just found myself at the usual website looking for anything I could that would get me over the edge.

I'm not necessarily mad at myself, more like I am disappointed that I didn't have the discipline to get through a sneaky urge to PMO. I think my extreme lack of sleep had something to do with it. Plus, I haven't been to the gym in a week where I usually work out a lot of frustration.

So with that said, I am going to jump back on the wagon, this time with a slightly more concrete plan.

1. I need to keep myself more accountable to my online activities. That is, no general browsing. Last night I found myself just jumping around on the internet while I was "decompressing" after a long study session. In the future, instead of browing user sub on imgur, I think I'll try some guitar playing or something constructive. Just nothing on line.

2. I need to keep an entry on the forum ever day. I will plan to set aside time every afternoon/evening (it has to vary to account for class time) to make my entry and keep my self accountable.

3. Severly limit my intake of alcohol. As a budding attorney, the lure of drinking is always around. Add in the NHL playoffs with the Red Wings taking the first game? It might have been a contributing factor. Plus, I noticed that the times I start drinking a bit (not getting drunk mind you) I seem to be easier to fall into bad habits.

4. The internet usage needs to be for three things, and three things only: research for school, communicating for jobs opportunities, and the occaisional game of Hearthstone. I'm not sure how to limit that. I am rather tech savvy but figuring out a way to limit the internet use so much seems like it might be impossible.

With that said, I still feel very positive about my chances at kicking this thing. I just need to keep myself safe and try to keep myself in my routine: School work for the mind, gym work for the body, and quality time with the wife for the soul.

I am resetting my counter, and I am sorry I let the community down here. I will get back to it.



4/20/2015 Day 3(again)

Well, I'm still in my reboot. Nothing new to really talk about, just that time has rapidly become impossibly scarce. I finished one project only to have another pop up for school. Sigh. Two more things to get through, two more anxieties on my mind. I think one of the things that drove me to porn on the relapse night was a sheer need for physical release, which is something I need to just overcome mentally. I feel like I need to realize that I don't need release to feel better. I can get that feeling of physical relief via other, healthier options. E.g., hitting the gym. The problem that comes up is that if I can't find the time to journal  for five minutes, where am I going to find the time for an hour and a half with the weights?

I am definitely feeling the pain right now, because all my brain wants to do is veg in front of some P and wander around rather than focus on all this crap I have to do. I'll keep at it and try to occupy my mind with something else for a while.
