Cialis and DE?


Anyone have an opinion on if they think Cialis contributes to DE?  I have read a few things that suggest it could.  I have been using it and to be honest I'm afraid to try without it although I think I would still get an erection.  I didn't realize until just recently that DE was something different and I now see that is more of my problem and has been for a while.  I can get a good erection and keep it for a good amount of time but I don't get enough sensation to get to orgasm.  Eventually I just more or less get physically tired out and my brain seems to lose interest because it just doesn't feel that good.  That's when the erection starts to go away. 

on another note the more I read on this site the more I feel that masturbation was more my issue than the porn.  Anyone else think that?  While I did watch porn I didn't do it for hours on end like I see in so many posts.  And a good part of the time I wasn't masturbating.  If anything I feel that I started watching porn to try and get some "new" fantasies into my head when I started realizing that getting an erection to masturbate wasn't automatic anymore.  I DEFINITLY and guilty of abusing it but masturbating when I wasn't even horny and using masturbation as something to do when bored.  I think that really screwed me up.


Active Member
Quick response, im at work -

1. Yes, Cialis and Viagra - many users have had problems Oing on these drugs.

2. PMO causes DE as well. As someone who has DE and has used Cialis a lot in the past, I blame PMO.


Thanks for the reply.  greatly appreciated. 

have you stopped using the Cialis?  Any thought on the M being my biggest cause of DE and some ED?


I think the same for myself, haven't noticed too bad withdrawals from porn so far, hence I believe masturbation may be behind my ED And DE.. I find when going to put on a condom my erection goes down very fast, which I believe to be because I'm used to a constant stimulation of my hand on my penis, so when it stops it thinks it's over and goes soft, oppose to not being mentally stimulated by porn being the problem... On terms of DE, it may be, since I've stopped, although I have chose not to actually orgasm during or outside of sex with my girlfriend, I have noticed when doing it a much heightened sensitivity in my penis and I think I could cum a lot quicker, or cum at all during sex, for I would never be able to climax through anything except a handjob or me doing it myself while she just does something else..


Thanks for the reply.  I can't say how helpful it is to compare and share with others. 
I'm a little confused by the second part of your post.  Since you stopped what ?  Porn?  And am I reading correctly that you choose not to cum with your girlfriend but you now are feeling more sensation and think you could??


Well yes since I've stopped porn as well, but I believe it's because of since I stopped masturbation..yes I choose not to orgasm, I don't really want to as I think it might slow my reboot or make it harder, but I still have sex without climax and it feels a lot better, crazy better actually! Not just physically as well, I'm so much more engaged and am not just focused on getting an orgasm but am enjoying the entire experience and sharing it with my girlfriend! The best bit, so far I've had a good erection, can't wait to actually climax during sex or foreplay!! ::)


Wow thank you so much. Our stories sound very similar!  It sounds like you have been dating this girl for a while?  And also sounds as if you have discussed this with her?  I've been divorced over three years now and started dating someone about six months ago. I really like her and she really likes me.  I don't have a problem getting erect with her (I am using cialis) but find it almost impossible to reach orgasm without doing it myself.  I have been able to a couple times but with much difficulty.  She is having great orgasms so that makes me feel good.  I'm planning this weekend to talk to her and make sure she knows I'm ok if I don't get there. I still enjoy the sex and just holding her.  I've been doing very little M over the past few months but now I'm not going to at all.  A lot of the times I was just TESTING to see if it was working any better. I now realize that was definitely making it worse!  How old are you?


Yes I have about 8 months now, and yeah I did, I explained the science behind it, what it is, and mainly some of the things she should except for the next few months..if I waa you perhaps try and not without the drugs. I mean don't you want to be able to naturally? I always had to then touch myself after all the sex and foreplay, while she would just kiss me or touch herself as well, but it's so annoying because it makes it so much longer and takes a lot of the 'passion' away from the experience..but yeah knowing they're still orgasminf does make you feel good I know what you mean!! Good luck telling her!! Kissing,hugging, spooning, dry humping, all those are good as well, you're still sharing the sexual or physical contact so you're rewiring!

I'm actually only 15,(birthday in a week), I started when I was 11 by accident from my brothers computer, doing it ever since, and have been having sex with my girlfriend since 14, but only experienced problems somewhat recently!