I feel something is Happening

Hi Guys, currently 212 days porn free and 58 days PMO free. had an absolutely horrible few days just ridden with anxiety, was having panic attacks on the bus on the way to work and my mind felt on fire all day long! that aside I have genuinely felt better and had some morning word here and there.

My libido is still pretty low though, I did stumble upon a site saying taking Ginseng boosts sex drive and erections I've read this in a few places and reviews on sites like amazon seem very positive. Anyone else tried? Nothing to lose! Just ordered some.


If it works for you let us know!

My experience with supplements to treat ED has been poor. I haven't spent huge money on the best stuff out there, but I've gone through a few dozen bottles of various supplements available at the store. A lot of L-arginine, ginseng, ginko biloba, HGW, vitamin E, C, B, D, Fish Oil, zinc, Mangesium, ect.

None of it has done anything to help with my erections. I do not believe blood flow is the problem, and supplements like Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng literally did nothing for me. I am skeptical that placebo plays part in a lot of positive claims.

Don't mean to be negative in any way. I've used supplements to help with sleeping and relieving my tense back/neck with huge success, so I am not doubting the effectiveness of supplements. Best of luck!