What Should You Do If Your Husband Looks at Porn?


Active Member
That's a interesting read.  While I don't share the authors religious beliefs I do see the value in the article and I believe they can be extended to everyone.  For myself it was a minor epiphany of not understanding why I could be aroused for porn and my wife yet I simply could not perform.  It's a shame that the article doesn't go that far into the problem and where soe men might have their eyes opened to the reality of the addiction.  While it's nice to mention teamwork and I do believe it is a fundamental base to fixing the problem I, personally,  believe that the husband has to admit the pixel infidelity to really begin to heal.  I know from personal experience that once I came to the conclusion that I was effectively straying from my marriage the process to stop was far easier.

I guess everything is personal perspective at the end of the day.  Any tool used to fix this is great and I would enjoy reading more similar articles for my own journey.

Steam rolled

Active Member
Thanks for sharing and thanks for caring.

Once my SO realized  With PMO in his life there would never be a winner we joined teams.

Now everyday is a win for us, thanks to team work!


Thank you for sharing! I am unfortunately at the stage where he will not admit it is a problem. I am stumped as to how to approach the issue again after harbouring up every ounce of energy to confront this in the first place.  He has now done everything to hide his use, changed settings on his computer browser history option, learnt how to delete single entries on his phone... In a way it's mildly amusing to see the effort he has put in to learn the ways to do that, but left the bookmarks on phone on Learning how to do it. But it can't be hidden in his lack of interest in the bedroom, going weeks without sex with me. I'm turning into someone I don't like as a result. I don't like me anymore.


That there is such a good point! You have a wise wife :)