singledadof1's Journal


New Member
I'm pissed off....

I'm 40 years old and my problems go back to when I was in middle school in the 80's.  My default personality is introverted and a loner.  The isolation made my people skills worse, and now that I'm a single father, the depression is really kicking my ass.  I ended a marriage with the mother of my son (she's still an exceptional woman) and had a chance with another exceptional woman last year that I also ended.  The isolation-depression-introverted combination is not good.  I've known about this Porn-ED stuff for years.  I've even done reboots for a month or two several times but I always went back to the comfort zone.  If I had actually gone through with the reboot and abstained from porn, then that second woman might be my wife right now.  I'm angry enough now to do a reboot.

The Plan: My son lives with his mother during the summers so I'm going to join a gym in June.  I have a set of dumbbells, workout dvds, and a good pair of running shoes.  I'll do this just like when I quit smoking 7 years ago; substitute one habit for another and keep busy.  Will it work with this beast?


Welcome SingleDad, you might want to start with reading the materials at Maybe you've already learned about what happens to our brain on porn. It is so necessary to replace our emotional reactions to PMO with a clinical understanding of things. The emotions will always be there but they shouldn't be driving the bus.

There are so many great guys here. You'll quickly see that you're not alone or weird. Peace brother.