Maynard's Journal


Glad I found this place.  I'm a few years away from 50 yo, and my story is so similar to a lot other over 40s.

Been addicted to porn for 35 years or so, since I was 11 and found my parents "European" porn magazines in their nightstand.  When I was old enough, would go to all night newsstands to buy Penthouse, Hustler, etc.  When VHS came along, I rented/bought plenty of those, too.  I had a fairly regular teenagerdom/early adulthood.  Lost my virginity last night of junior year in HS, and had several girlfriends throughout college and my early career.  When they were away, I'd take out the hidden tapes and masturbate.  Still had plenty left to have a normal sex life with all of them.

Then, I got married in my late 20's, and had a normal sex life for a long time in my marriage. ven for the first 5-10 years of the high speed porn era, I still had a fairly normal sex life.  I'd still watch porn and masturbate anytime I got more than a few minutes alone.  Then, the high speed porn era began.  I started looking for ways to be alone so I could watch and masturbate.  Even for the first 5-10 years of the high speed porn era, I still had a fairly normal sex life.  My wife caught me watching porn a few times, and it caused some serious problems in our relationship.  We almost broke up two times because of it.  Still, I couldn't stop.

Then, about 5 or  years ago, it got really bad.  I took a job in another city, but didn't want to move the family, so I commuted.  I had an apartment I'd stay in during the week in the other city, and come home on Friday afternoons.  I'd often masturbate more than once a night, and found myself going from link to link to link looking for more extreme pornography and sex acts that I didn't even know existed prior to seeing it on the Internet.  Frankly, I didn't even enjoy much of it.  I'd find it, and quickly click back to "tamer" stuff.  It was the seeking that was the attraction.

In the early part of this phase, I started having significant performance problems, and it hurt my wife's feelings a lot.  I think it caused her to shut down, and me as well.  We haven't even attempted to have sex in 3 or more years.  I'm 100% positive I would not be able to perform.  Yet, I can get an erection when I watch porn.

My wife is extremely intelligent, so I know she knows something is up, but we don't talk about it.  Probably the only reason we're still together is because we have a couple of kids. 

The whole family has now moved, so I'm no longer commuting during the week, but it hasn't changed anything with my porn addiction.

In fact, over the past 6 or 8 months, I've started visiting asian massage parlors to get hand jobs, mostly to see if I can even get an erection.  I can't.  I feel terrible that I've now gone one step further away in our marriage.

I feel depressed and generally like shit all the time, and think my porn habit is a fundamental reason why.  I really want to quit, and am committed to the 90-day hard reset.  It's great to know I'm know alone, and that others have similar stories.


So, finished the first day.  But, I've finished the first day before.  What a fucking emasculating disease.  I'm successful at work, have a nice family, nice house, beautiful wife.  So, why do I feel like such a fucking loser?  I can't even stick it in her and make her cum.  I'm a chickenshit.  WTF.  I'm not really even sure how this happened upon me, but it did.  It doesn't come in big waves, just little step by steps. 

I have tried to go no PMO before.  I went 30 or so days, several years ago.  But, I celebrated my hard earned success by getting a hand job by someone I don't even remember at an Asian Massage Parlor.

I guess I wonder if it's even worth it.  Given the state of my marriage, and the lack of sex for 3 plus years, why not keep masturbating to PMO?  I don't even know how to approach my wife anymore for intimacy....



Respected Member
Hi mate.
Theres parts of your story that i couldnt help nodding my head in recognition to. Some of the things you said are eerily familiar.
It was only after i started to reboot that i realized all of the problems in my life were caused by PMO. I stopped PMO and, well, what can i say except WOW!
In just a month i was able to get hard enough to have sex with my wife. Whereas a month prior i couldnt get hard at all with her.
But thats only a minor effect of quitting PMO. Its great to cure PIED, but all of the other things in your life that will improve are staggering!
Just stick to it for a few months and you will have your life (and your wife) back. Youll be balls deep in her in no time!
If 90days sounds a bit daunting, set yourself a smaller target and gradually increase it. I started with a ten day goal, i reached that and extended it again ten days. I did this nine times. Each time i could see my goal just a few days away so i had more motivation and drive.
This is the cure, mate.



Active Member

I can relate to much of your story, especially how your habits evolved.  For me, my pied was occasional, but it happened often enough that I would not try to initiate sex with the wife even when I was horny.  I am no expert, but I can say quitting pmo works. For me, less than a month and I was good to go with the wife.

Just follow the no pmo path and have faith that it will work eventually. Like a dumb ass, once I got to a point that it felt like smooth sailing, I dove right back into porn.  The physical withdrawal symptoms only lasted a week or two for me, but the lure of porn is harder to break free from.

Good luck. You are in the right place.


Thanks Fappy and Unchained --  Made it through another day.  These several days are particularly hard because I'm traveling away from home, and staying at a hotel was always a good time to PMO for hours.


Active Member
It may help to have the conversation with your wife.  It felt like a ton of pressure was lifted.  Also, you can discuss what you are going through once it's not a secret.  It was always a tremendous help to come home and tell her that withdrawals were giving me hell and getting a hug.  Suffering in silence was much more difficult.

If you don't tell her, tell someone you trust & respect.  Then check out or something comparable.  You say you worry about what you do when away.  The software sends a report of all your online activity in the form of a report to an email of your choosing.

Believe me, accountability is huge.  Part of my pmo addiction for years was the mindset that "no one knows".  Well, if no one knows about your attempt of recovery, it's easy to trick yourself to dive back in one knows.

Good luck on your trip.


Waxing philosphic -  it's strange how it comes on w/out you knowing.  Jacking it is what I've always done.  Magazines in my teen.  VHS in my 20's/30's.  Never had a problem.  Then high speed internet.  Oh fuck, all the hot girls I felt I missed out on in my prime.  More, more, more.  Never had multiple tabs open, but always seeking to fill the hole of what I felt I missed.

Yet, I'm smart, and extremely succesful by objective standards.  You have no idea.  But, behind the scenes, jacking off to porn whenever I could, like a secret life i had to hide.  Which, I did hide.  i do hide.  What an asshole.

Going to strip clubs, amps, jacking off to porn, all the while having an upper middle class, nice house, responsibilities at work, etc. 

It was all fucking bullshit.  I could tell no one, not even my closest friend.  Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! What the fuck did I do? 

Not present for my wife?  For my kids?  Simply, not there. 

Jacking off to some girl I'd probably laugh off if I actually met?

Looking back, I've always been addicted to something.  When I was young, they said I was "hyper" so put me on Ritalin.  Think I was one of the first on that drug.  In college and beyond, smoked a lot of pot.  Guess porn was the next numbing item. 

I've always been good, kind.  But, the shit i look at on the Internet?  Really?  Sometimes I feel like I have PTSD.  The shit I've looked at haunts me sometime, and the images flashback in my mind.  Really?  I wanted to see the violence?  No, but I sorta wanted to search for it to see if I could find it.  When I did, it made me sick, and I still remember some of the vile images.  Actually, gave me insomnia on occasion.  I've never hurt anything or anyone in my life.  Never could.  Who was that?  WTF?

Anyway, rambling.  But, another day done w/out PMO.

I'm really appreciating the support and the stories of others on this forum.




Our stories are very similar. We have so much in common.

The biggest regret I have about my porn use is it kept me from being present in my life for any of the good things going on - good career, great kids, etc. On the up side, it is the best thing about giving it up. I am alive again. I am living life with all its ups and downs and just dealing with it, not numbing myself. I can tell you that it is so much better. That is why you must give it up - to live life again.

The depression that comes with giving up on porn will try to pull you back in with thoughts of "why shouldn't I just go back to it?" You have to have this answer ready. For me, it is because I want to live again.

I also can relate to the anger about how emasculating PMO is. I felt like a fucking pussy. Well I feel like a man again. And it is an amazing feeling.

Go the hard route, give up all that other stuff, and the rewards are there. You can do this!



Thanks Phoenix - 

Continuing the hard route.  A little nervous because I'll be by myself this weekend, with unlimited access to Internet.  Will have to power through...



Good luck Maynard.

I think you will suddenly one day find that you and your wife are connecting again and the intimacy will return.  Seems to be happening for me, but my wife and I also decided to try an open relationship, which, although we are not doing much outside the marriage now, for me it takes the pressure (to be intimate like teenagers again) off our own relationship.  If my wife wasn't in the mood for sex I would slip into a spiral of despair thinking I would never have sex again in my life.  Now there are other options - but to be honest (and I just posted about this) after 60+ days no PMO I am less obsessive about how much and how good the sex I'm getting is.  It seems more important to me that I can hold a conversation with my wife and maintain eye contact!

You don't need to try polyamory but you do need to have zero expectations, so that you can relax completely and be yourself.  I'm not sure if a hard reboot means no sex too, but that could help (if you explain to your wife).  I never tried the hard approach, so best not comment further.



That is tough. When you have an addiction like this and you are tested very early on, it is difficult to get through. Being alone with unilitmed access to internet is a real challenge. One thing that helped me is I used a porn blocker (K9). This proved to be a very big help. Even though I always had the password and could undo the blocker, it was enough to slow me down and prevent me from relapsing. I have since uninstalled the blocker and no issues. It was just a nice additional help in the beginning. Of course, I also deleted every pornographic image I had!

Good luck to you. You can do this.
