happyTrails journey-1st post


New Member
I am very glad to have found this community.  I have been married for nearly 15 years and we have two great kids-11 and 6.  What I have been doing to my wife is best described as robbing her (and us) of several years of intimacy. 

Like many here in the 40+ category, internet porn has not always been a part of our "porn experience".  I can remember looking at Playboy magazines that friends had found in their dad's closet as far back as middle school.  While magazines were always around through adolescence, I ditched them without issue whenever I had a serious girlfriend.  Fast forward-I got married in 2000. We got an internet account around 2002.  And that is where i discovered this beast we are all fighting against. 

At first, it did not seem to interfere, but as the years went on I would find myself having trouble cumming with my wife during sex.  I first attributed it to a mental block.  Then as it became a pattern I assumed I was "over-thinking it" because I had trouble cumming the last time.  Downward spiral until I "woke up" and realized I have not made love to my wife in 7 months.  Turns out I was right about it being mental, but for the first time I now understand what that mental block was being caused by.  My neurological pathways have been compromised by internet porn. 

I came clean with my wife and she was devastated.  She felt robbed of that time, cheated on, betrayed-you get the picture.  I was terrified I was headed for divorce.  My family means the world to me.  She has made it clear to me that she will not tolerate this.  I know that I need to kick this habit FOR GOOD.  We are independently going to start counseling and I pray to find the strength to put this shit behind me. 

I am grateful for this community and the support that I hope it will offer as I begin my journey.  I would use porn in waves and while I would average only about a couple times per week, it has been going on for years.  I need a reboot to fix our marriage.  Today is my 8th day without porn and I look forward to the day I can proudly say it is my 800th.

Thank you for your time and interest.  Keep up the good fight all.


I'm glad you're here, man. I understand everything you wrote and can relate completely! If you haven't gotten it yet, get the book Your Brain On Porn. I finished it literally five minutes ago and got on the forum to journal about it ? and then saw your post.

This is so beatable and reversible it's a crime we haven't known how devastating it's been along the way.

Welcome, man. Be strong today. We got this.


Active Member
Welcome Happy,
Get your wife to take an hour and watch this video with you:


Please watch the following as well.  Listen to all 5 and don't skip ahead, but starting about at about 1:15 into video 3 and ending about 2 minutes is later is something your wife may need to hear.


I can truly identify with your initial introduction and think it is great that you told your wife.  It is important that you have her support and understanding.  You both need to realize that this is an addiction that you are trying to overcome.  I hope you never slip up along the path, but I sure have.  It was important during my relapses to be able to communicate to my wife.  If you are fearful of her judgement then you may not be able to be 100% honest, which leads to guilt, shame and other negative feelings to tend to push us back into self medicating with porn.

Knowledge is key.  Read, read and re-read everything you can find.  Start at yourbrainonporn.com, here, yourbrainrebalanced.com and read all you can.  Knowing what has happened inside your brain and what will happen as you try to quit will be a determining factor in your success.  A white knuckled approach driven by either love of or fear of our loved ones almost never works.

Stay strong and good luck!


Let me just echo everything unchained just posted. There are a lot of moving parts to everyone's story, to be sure. So I hope you lean into the path meant for you. Nine days ago when I happened upon the sentence "Porn is junk food to your brain" (HolyCrapWTF), I started reading. Right away. Within the space of five minutes I was convinced and all in. I shared it with my wife (she was sad? for me, for us, for it all?but she understood. I spent the last week reading more every day and abandoning everything I could think of that had any tie to it. I finished the book YBOP this morning and shared again with my wife where I've been, what I now understand it's done to us, where I am today, what I've decided to do, and where I'm going. To be clear: I did not go into any extreme details and she didn't ask. I don't believe honesty pivots on full disclosure of every last nuance.

I'm a different man than I was 9 days ago.

Keep going


Active Member
Howdy Happy.

Welcome to the club, it's good to have you.  Congratulations for coming clean to your wife, this will make the journey alot easier.  I'm 69 days in and I can assure you the world is better on this side.  It will take some time for her to get use to the idea of whats happened but give the space and time needed.

Keep posting and good job for making the choice to live again.