Relapsed on hard mode on 78 days! thought I was cured, all good but no orgasms!

I thought I was cured. I felt pretty horny for about 2 weeks and was getting morning wood and mild erections just from thoughts. I have been over 200 odd days without porn and thought what more difference will 2 weeks do, I was 78 days into hard mode and saw great benefits, so really what more 12 more days do?

Masterbation felt amazing, best it has felt for years!! but absolutely no orgasm whatsoever, I felt nothing in my brain at all! and did not feel tired of fatiged afterwards.

I was scared so have MO a few times since then, same story. All signs are great and I feel I can have sex again but only feels good in the penis and no "explosion" sensation on climax in the brain. Even when I was addicted to porn I got that sensation.

pretty scared, is this normal? Not really sure what to do now? Start another days or just see how sex goes.

I started this thing because I erections were weak and orgasms were getting weaker, everything seems better now apart from non existant orgasms!

any feedback thanks in advance!
Wow!  you're so far into this thing.  Good job man. 

I'm sure you're fine at 78 days.  This whole thing is pretty weird right?  I'm not sure what to tell you.

Maybe just focus on getting it on with someone and see how you feel.  Stay safe though haha.

They say intimacy with another person is a good thing - I completely agree.  So put yourself out there.  What are you doing using your own hand?!!  You've come so far.  Just get out there and bang something.  If it goes poorly, get out there and do it again!  And again until you get your "awesome" back!

Sound good?

Idk...that's what I'd do.
glad to hear this.  go out with no pressure.  One of my fav things to do is simply to mingle with people and flirt and simply not care if it goes anywhere.  Not sure why, it's just satisfying to flirt and be flirted with.