

Active Member
I am free from my addiction now with no relapses or triggers and I have completely changed my life, though I still have problems in other areas, at least I am better off. I have been free from any major relapses since February 2014, while triggering myself to October 2014, until I decided to go hard mode. It has been roughly 6 months free from any problems and my emotions are now generally under control. But there is a slight problem, I do not seem to get any morning wood, that and the only real erections I get are from touch, rarely spontaneous. It is not all that strong, though it seems to be better then it used to be. My point is, what will complete my recovery now?, will talking to women more often and entering a relationship really sort the rest out?. I guess I am scared, especially now I have no excuses, apart from other stuff I have to sort out first.


Active Member
Without a doubt rewiring is the best option for a quicker recovery. Nobody knows if your brain is even still capable of finding its way back to it's old state without a helping hand, some people might be able to rewire naturally but why wait another 3, 6, 9 months to find out? Talking to women will definitely help you rewire. Your weak erections and lack of morning wood are likely a result of the temporary damage porn causes, just imagine the wiring in your brain as a twisted mess in need of some serious sorting. Best of luck.


Active Member
I've noticed when my gf and i makeout and cuddle that i seem to be getting harder every week that goes by. My nuts no longer hang down far and my dick has more blood flow to it than normal