When it's hard to resist (or: the ballad of "Don't!")

Chaos Mind

Active Member
When I come home drunk and my computer whispers "swith me on!" - it's hard to resist.

When friends talk about masturbation like it was as normal as breathing - it's hard to resist.

When a poster announces the invitation of an American porn star to my local club - it's hard to resist.

When my girlfriend is out and I have the appartment all for myself - it's hard to resist.

When joy seems just one click away - it's hard to resist.

When I feel low and porn promises to show me what limitless sensation feels like in first person - it's hard to resist.

When I feel high and successful and want to reward myself - it's hard to resist.

When I am let down by a flirt at the bar - it's hard to resist.

When my body is flooded by testosterone - it's hard to resist.

When hot celebrities pose on public TV - it's hard to resist.

When boredom takes over - it's hard to resist.

When I know it's there whenever I'd like to use it - it's hard to resist.

When I realize that porn is the only companionship I seek at the moment - it's hard to resist.

When I fantasize about the sexy girl that sat next to me in the bus the other day - it's hard to resist.

When normal sex appears boring and my mind shifts through alternatives - it's hard to resist.

When I get horny for no reason - it's hard to resist.

When I feel like my balls want to explode but there is no one I can talk to - it's hard to resist.

When life challanges me,
When demons tempt me,
When it's just so fucking hard to resist,
Because everything seems so complicated

Then I need to find a way out of that circle,
And that way needs to be simple.

I clench my teeth
I break the chains.

I simply...
