Porn free and healthy


After years of being told my ED was because of my type 2 diabetes, I've finally regained sexual function by rejecting internet porn and fapping. I can't believe that after years of being told that porn was okay, I finally learn what the danger is of using the internet. I stopped  fapping on April 8 and (thank God) have not even viewed any porn at all while completely stopping masterbation. Even harder to believe is that absolutely no one (not my doctors, friends, even my wife) ever thought that internet porn was an issue. What a terrible waste of my life. This needs to be a national topic, not just something talked about in whispers. I'm in an SA group that all share my issues with internet porn (some have issues with hooking up with prostitutes and bargirls and the like, but overall the issues are internet porn). If my life weren't such a shambles, this would be the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Please don't be afraid to tell anyone who talks about porn the dangers the internet poses regarding desensitization, PIED, and addiction.


Yeah...Internet Porn is the 800 lb gorilla that's wrecking the life of so many people, but no one seems to want to acknowledge its presence.

Your finding that internet porn-and not your Type 2 Diabetes-was the cause of ED is very very significant. Thanks for sharing.



Active Member
Like you I had a difficult time uncovering the truth about the damage porn can cause.  When I would have trouble focusing on sex with my partner, I blamed her.  Because I too had a type 2 diabetes issue I blamed that on ED (may have some something to do with it).  I lost weight, look great, beat the type 2, and still had this issue.  I read articles on porn addiction and found a lot of academic material reassuring me there wasn't an issue with porn.  It wasn't until I happened upon the Ted talk by Gary Wilson, that a lot of what I was experiencing made sense.

Reading the stories of other guys my age, and even some older made it clear.  If I wanted to experience sex the way it used to be I had to not PMO... Good news for me is I have some history of not using PMO so I think my reboot will work.  I sure got messed up...

Stay strong, read as much as possible, consider other factors - aging, type 2, etc.  They will make a difference, but the bottom line for me was PMO was replacing thinking about my partner.  I had no problem getting an erection with porn, but was starting to have an issue in real life.  That I was moody as hell after a PMO session.  That my behavior wasn't in line with my sexual preferences and life values.  I am confident no PMO will help me!  Hope it helps you too!