Can food help out?


Active Member
Hi guys,

Great posts, journals, etc. It is really helping me out. After almost two weeks I find myself having lots of withdrawal symptoms. Headaches, no energy, no libido, anxiety, sleeplesness. I know it's all part of the game and I am definitely going to beat it, just like you all. If you go through hell, keep going.. Found it here and it's my new slogan these days.

On the other hand, after a lot of reading, I concluded that most of these things are related to low dopamine levels and the symptoms are showing us that our mind is rebalancing these dopamine levels. I know, time will heal all wounds, but isn't there a way we can help out a little?

I was searching for an answer, when I found numerous articles on the internet about the adjusting and structuring meals that contains a lot specific amino accids such as L-tyrosine and L-phnenelaline. One would say that these aminos are key elements in the production of dopamine and retaining them.

To me it sounds like a pretty good idea, but I am not at all a food expert and, probably because of that, I came up with the following questions:
- Main question: would higher levels of amino accids, or other things, actually reduce the amount of time someone needs to get his dopamine levels rebalanced?
- Would it actually be a good thing to drastically raise the amount of certain amino's or would it be better to stick with more time and let the rebalancing process take its natural path?
- If this would work, is it actually a good thing to higher dopamine levels artificial? Or would it even delay the time needed to go through this withdraw period?
- Does anyone have any experience with this?

Looking forward to hear from you guys! Keep up the good work, we'll all be fine in a couple of months!

Let me add one of the sources I found some interesting info :


New Member
Hey Davenl

I was sorta wondering this myself because if you date sorta often, many months with a dysfunction is rough and you cant help but wonder how many more times your going to humiliate yourself before you're throwing backs out again. I read that green leafy vegetables are good for blood flow and I have been taking enzyte 24/7. I personally havent noticed a huge difference besides waking up with raging erections. Do feel good things that naturally improve dopamine levels like laugh and do fun things and also exercise. Im not too sure man but i would imagine a really good diet can only help. Spinach is high in magnesium which can improve libido amongst other things.


Active Member
hi cantnutwithher, thanks for the reply! Good to know things won't make a huge difference. I kinda thought that already. On the other hand, eating healthy is always a good idea and I guess when you have a shortage of minerals and vitamines it is always good to take some extra actions on that. Maybe it won't stimulate the dopamine production directly, I am sure, when living as healthy as you can, it will most certainly help your overall health and so will it do with the natural dopamine production. You agree? Keep up the good work and stay strong!


Active Member
hey Davenl
Before my reboot I thought my issues were caused by lack of blood flow, or high blood pressure, low t or something physiological... So I took a crapload of supplements including horny goat weed, L-arginine, fenugreek, DHEA, vitamin D, zinc etc...

they didn't do shit.

And as you and I have come to learn, the problem is in our brain not our blood. As far as I can understand it, it might just be a waiting game... Sucks but anything good is worth waiting for (isn't that what women say?)  Stay strong


Active Member
that1beachguy said:
hey Davenl
Before my reboot I thought my issues were caused by lack of blood flow, or high blood pressure, low t or something physiological... So I took a crapload of supplements including horny goat weed, L-arginine, fenugreek, DHEA, vitamin D, zinc etc...

they didn't do shit.

And as you and I have come to learn, the problem is in our brain not our blood. As far as I can understand it, it might just be a waiting game... Sucks but anything good is worth waiting for (isn't that what women say?)  Stay strong

Thanks once again mate! Good to hear you (ofcourse) already tried it out!