Get Up-ah (Get on up!), Get Up-ah (Get on up!),Stay on the Scene (Get on Up!)...

Hey everyone,

I find myself on here, after midnight, trying to get my act together. I'm 23, and I've quit porn on and off for the past few years, only to come back to it for whatever reason. It's been a struggle, and given the privacy of porn use, I've always had problems opening up to anyone about it (only my brother, and a couple exes to whom I'm still close know I have a problem, and even they don't realize how bad) Now, I am putting my foot down and stopping this for good. I hope I've found something here that I can use as an outlet to keep myself engaged and stop myself from slipping. Anyway, here's my story.

The first time I watched porn, or at least saw nude pictures, I was probably 10, trying to figure out why I was getting boners. My mom told me not to go to 'bad websites', but I honestly had no interest in doing so until she told me not to. I wanted to see what was so bad. But I liked what I saw (naked women! WHOA!), and continued looking at it. I remember some days, even school nights, staying up until 1am or 2am browsing. This continued on and off, until I found video clips, and then discovered that KaZaA, which I had used to download music and games, could also download porn. Somehow, this all went largely unnoticed until I was in 7th grade. At that point, I had been using an old laptop and had downloaded a ton of porn to its hard drive. One day, my dad decided to borrow it to install a special cell phone wireless card (in the days before 3g), and stumbled upon my porn cache. That night, he came up to my room and we had a talk. He told me that it's all fake, all acting, and that real sex is not anything like that. He didn't tell my mom because he didn't want to freak her out. He told me not to do it anymore, especially because of the legal ramifications. Unfortunately, I didn't listen.

Flash forward to high school (all guys school, makes meeting girls hard). While most kids my age were out meeting girls and dating, I mostly stuck at home and power gamed for hours (not an addiction there, just was really bored, and honestly don't have time for gaming anymore with a full time job). With the rise of torrents, I was downloading all sorts of videos, and in HD quality. Things got way more realistic. I would sit in my room and watch for hours episodes of a certain website involving a ?porn studio on wheels? (I gotta admit, the guys were hilarious and the lead up to the sex actually seemed to turn me on more than the sex. Too bad it was all fake, and even worse that I didn't realize it until I was in high school). I began to develop an unrealistic view of sex, and of how people get together, that stayed with me until college.

I didn't have my first kiss until I was 18, and as college started, began to learn to interact with girls. Had a few makeouts from 18-20, and a couple of opportunities to lose my virginity, but I abstained since I wasn't dating any of those girls at the time. I still was watching porn throughout this period, albeit much less frequently and seriously because I had a roommate.

I began dating my first girlfriend the end of my sophomore year, but the way we started is where my problems really became evident. We met during one of the biggest party weekends of the year, hook up, go back to her place, and try to have sex. Since I was a virgin, I'm freaking out and very nervous, so the anxiety prevents any kind of erection, even with help from a blowjob. It ended with her in tears, thinking there was something wrong with her (we were both a little drunk). Somehow, we kept seeing each other, and kept attempting to have sex, but I could not get it up without some serious stimulation. We ended up dating somehow, and finally, about 2 months in, after "I love you"s were said, everything suddenly started to work. I could get hard for the first time with her without physical stimulation, and everything worked out. I was not watching porn much at this stage, as I was trying to focus more on my girlfriend, so I instead fantasized about her. I think I had reached a level of comfort with her where the anxiety went away, and my erection was more based on intimate feelings than physical attraction.

We dated for one and a half years, during which I did quit porn flat out for a solid 3 or 4 months. I used a web filter for a while, but realized that it was a crutch, and that I could get around it whenever I wanted. I slipped a couple of times, mainly when we had especially bad fights, but generally bounced back. It wasn't until she suggested we try watching together that things started to get worse. It was a weird experience for me, but it caused me to want to revisit it on my own, and this in turn, started to affect my erections. This occurred towards the end of our relationship, but was not the reason we broke up (long story there...). We are still friends today, but it took a while to get there.

I had a few hookups here and there, but could never get it up outside of manually stimulated semi-hard boners. I always assumed it was because I had been drinking. I really fell back into porn after that, and it didn't help that the next girl I dated was a virgin. That was a bad, rebound relationship, during which I used porn frequently. Coming out of that, I began dating another girl who had been a close friend for a few years, and was one of the few who knew about my porn addiction. When we finally did have sex, I was using a condom (she insisted), which I hadn't really done before because I was so desensitized. The first couple of times, it wasn't working very well. I learned to relax, though, and as I became more comfortable with her and realized my feelings for her, things started to work. We didn't date too long, and had a very rough long distance breakup (though we're now rebuilding our friendship... even after she dumped me in the middle if an amusement park...after I had flown in to visit her...). Really hit the porn after that one.

I have since been with a few other girls, but have been unable to get a psychological erection, just physical one, but usually not enough to penetrate. These problems have lead to anxiety, embarrassment, and self-fulfilling prophecies of erection doom. I since have hooked up with my two exes again, and although it was a little difficult at first, I was still able to get a regular erection with them, so I'm guessing that the familiarity and residual feelings helped contribute to that, but otherwise, it feels like I have a very small physical sex drive, outside of wanting to watch porn. I do sometimes very much want to be with a girl, but when I do, I just can't get it up.

I attempted a reboot about four weeks, ago, but slipped about two weeks in. I need to get myself back to whatever 'normal' is, as I can't keep embarrassing myself with any girl I'm interested in, as I don't necessarily expect us to trade ?I love you?s before we start having sex. I hope that by posting here and interacting with others like me, I'll be able to stay on top of it this time. Here are my goals:

1. Quit Porn for good. No internet porn, magazines, hardcore, softcore, SI Swimsuit, etc.
2. Stop masturbating for a while (1-3 months? Harder than it sounds), if not for good
3. Try to finally get in shape (I had been working on this on and off, but now I'm finally getting somewhere)
4. Start reading again
5. Lay off the pixels (outside of work, stop using computer/TV/Games so much)
6. Finally write my funk album (bass player here, we never get the girls)
7. Update this page daily if possible about how things are going.

If you have any suggestions, or encouragement, please comment.

Thanks for reading,


P.S. Sorry for the novel, but it was a lot for me to get out there and try to figure myself out.


Well-Known Member
Hey lonebassman,

I just can tell you that your story sounds familiar to me and will sound familiar to almost all guys out here.

This is a fantastic help outlet, so you are in the right place. You will be good :)

From my perspective this is a freaky hard addiction, so no wonder about your struggles - I started fighting it when I was around your age and I am still in the fight. And probably will be for the rest of my life (most of us will be, I think).

But you will find great solace in the YBOP site (second thumbnail from right, next to "Logout"), which has a tremendous amount of information about the addiction and how it works. It's great because it explains everything so rationally - it frees you from any guilt or bad feelings about being addicted. We're all victims to the mechanisms that have been explained there.

I'm keeping fingers crossed for you!

Hey, thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. I actually found this site through YBOP. Both are great resources. I've been lurking most of the day reading other journals, and I'm realizing how similar a lot of these situations are. I'm glad to know there is such a group out there for people like us.

Today hasn't been hard for me, as I've been mainly working all day, but I think I need to cut back on facebook and dating sites (Ok Cupid, Tinder, etc.) Going through so many attractive girls at once is probably not helping, clothed or otherwise. I've been trying to get back into dating for the past couple of months, but only this past week found someone that really interested me, so maybe quitting these online dating things will be easier, as I'll be trying to focus my attention. We'll see.  :D
Today was a pretty good day. Deleted Tinder from my phone and temporarily closed my OK Cupid profile. Hoping that will help. Facebook is unfortunately too vital to my life for me to delete, as it's the only way I stay in contact with a number of people (I wish I could get rid of it since I hate it). I decided to go full on NoFap, as I think it will help this recovery process, and also help me in my other goals. I did have a couple very minor urges, but I blocked them out. I also confided in a close female friend about my struggle. She is supportive, even if she doesn't quite understand it (didn't give her the details, just that it was something I was going through and I hope to be remain positive about it). Haven't hit a flatline yet, but I'm expecting one, as it happened when I tried this a couple weeks ago (without NoFap). I'm feeling positive about how this will all turn out as I read about your achievements and successes. Let's keep on conquering!
Weird night. Ended up hooking up with an ex who is about to go abroad for a year. Barely got it up, finished way too quickly, then flatline. Felt nothing with the O. It just felt purely physical and mechanical. I think I'm starting to enter the flatline. I say, bring it on body.

Definitely gonna take a break from hookups for a while. Let things reset and not let repeated PIED get me down. I think that would just end up slowing me down.
Encountered a couple triggers today, but kept my cool, despite having a couple urges. I'm not gonna let it get to me this time. Ended up playing a lot of guitar and bass instead of giving in.

Staying off facebook is hard, especially when I'm bored at work and the brain fog sets in. Smartphone addiction is another thing I need to break. Rewards when it goes off with messages, and just knowing people are giving me attention. Definitely something to work on.

Now that I am being mindful, I'm realizing just how much sex is used to market to us. It's ridiculous. Even in things like the news, or a simple billboard advertisement, the imagery is there. Makes me glad I don't have cable.

Anyone else realizing more and more about yourself and the way you live by doing this, and what you want to change besides rebooting? Any other things you want to reset during this reboot?


Well-Known Member
thelonebassman said:
Encountered a couple triggers today, but kept my cool, despite having a couple urges. I'm not gonna let it get to me this time. Ended up playing a lot of guitar and bass instead of giving in.

Staying off facebook is hard, especially when I'm bored at work and the brain fog sets in. Smartphone addiction is another thing I need to break. Rewards when it goes off with messages, and just knowing people are giving me attention. Definitely something to work on.

Now that I am being mindful, I'm realizing just how much sex is used to market to us. It's ridiculous. Even in things like the news, or a simple billboard advertisement, the imagery is there. Makes me glad I don't have cable.

Anyone else realizing more and more about yourself and the way you live by doing this, and what you want to change besides rebooting? Any other things you want to reset during this reboot?

Point for you for the culture thing. It's mindblowing. We are inundated with sexual images every day. Take the magazine covers: I struggle to find a one which is not sexual. I still believe it's possible to avoid all those cues that but damn it is difficult.

And then how it affects people: women, men. The way women dress, what they wear, how they look. It's an absolute frenzy.

Your question about reboot is a good one. I myself been thinking about it a lot. One of my of-reboot quest is to become more satisfied with my life. I actually believe that the reboot should directly help with that. Just like that. I just think that the brain chemistry imbalance that the addiction puts me in is the main culprit of my bad mood and negativeness. If you asked me now, I feel like it's already getting better. But let's be patient :)
You're right jkkk, it's more than just rewiring your brain, it's improving yourself to be the best man you can be.

Haven't posted in a while. Been very busy at work. Too busy to even think about this stuff, which is a good thing I guess. Managed to work out today. Haven't had any serious urges today or yesterday, but thoughts do creep in now and again. I'm managing to keep in control though.

Wow, I made it a week without P or M and didn't even realize it. Let's keep up the momentum!
It's been a few days since my last update. I had a few urges this past week, and nearly slipped up a couple times, but stopped myself. Clicked a news headline about a porn star, and of course there was an underwear pic, but no nudity or sex. Closed it immediately. Need to be more careful with eye grabbing headlines, and sex in the media.

My dreams have gotten more sexual. I actually dreamed I was about to start PMOing, but I stopped myself in the dream and shut off my computer and left. I'm glad I still have that control. Also had dreams where I was with certain girls I actually know in person, so that's good at least, since that's where I want to get myself eventually. Morning wood is returning pretty well, but I'm still not yet aroused by touch alone.

I've never in my life had blue balls pain, but I am just now starting to feel some. The longest I had typically gone without any MO for as long as I can remember was about a week, usually from being in vacation and having to share a room with someone, not because I seriously tried not to MO. My last O was a week ago today, so it's starting to build up.

This is the longest I've gone without MO probably ever, and I'm happy with my progress. Looking forward to hitting the two week mark.


Well-Known Member
thelonebassman said:
It's been a few days since my last update. I had a few urges this past week, and nearly slipped up a couple times, but stopped myself. Clicked a news headline about a porn star, and of course there was an underwear pic, but no nudity or sex. Closed it immediately. Need to be more careful with eye grabbing headlines, and sex in the media.

I am absolutely with you on that! This is really dangerous stuff. And they put it out there for a reason - it really gets more hits than news on some new specie being discovered in Brazil. Media in general are really unhelpful with rebooting.

Congratulations on the first week, man, this is a big result :)
It's been a while since I posted. Thanks jkkk, it means a lot. Looks like I hit 2 weeks, and I am feeling pretty good about it. I've been incredibly busy at work so I haven't had much time to even think about this stuff.

Only have a couple things to report. First, I did MO once in the past week. I found myself getting hard just thinking about a particular real girl, so I thought I would test it to make sure it was not like a PMO fantasy. It apparently wasn't, but I took it too far. Felt bad having to restart NoFap, but luckily did not feel any urges for P. Still, I've been regaining normal non-addicted response, though at a slow pace.

Had a date with this girl a couple days ago, which went really well. We had hooked up a couple weeks ago, just before I joined the site, and I couldn't get it up. Still, she remained interested and we kept talking. Since she works nights, its hard to get together, but we finally did. At the end of the night, I kept things slow, did not go to the bedroom, just made out. Felt some response from that that I haven't felt in a long time, though it was just a hint, not enough to get fully physically aroused. I'm encouraged by that feeling and hope to feel it intensify. There will definitely be a second date, once we figure out when she is free.

This morning I was looking for a media file I had downloaded, and in my downloads folder I found what I thought was the file. After I opened it, I realized it was a short P clip. I immediately closed it and tried not to think about it. I think I managed to avoid any of its pull, as I haven't thought about it today (fantasy or desire to watch), and immediately deleted it after finding it. I'm not resetting my counter since that was not an intentional viewing and I deleted it immediately.

Since I've hit two weeks, I'm going to update on my goals:

1. Quit Porn- so far , so good.
2.Quit MO- One slip up one week in, but feeling better about it
3. Get in shape- Haven't been able to work out as much as I like since work has been going late this week and will continue until June. Still, feeling in some of the best shape of my life (despite needing to lose some weight, my muscles are the most developed they have ever been) Trying to eat better. Will try to hit it harder in June.
4.Reading- No progress, unfortunately. Not much time here.
5.Get off pixels- Deleting dating apps was very helpful. Facebook is a problem, especially at work, where I get bored sometimes, or when brain fog sets in. Only watching a couple tv episodes a day if I'm lucky
6.Funk album- New song in the works!
7.Not updating daily, but am keeping constant. I would also like to become more engaged in the other journals, which I am reading, just not commenting (finding time is hard for me).

Thanks for reading guys. You're the best.
Having some major struggles. Came very close to slipping. Almost pulled up P today, but stopped myself. Caught myself on Maxim, but stopped before I got too far. I've been able to go a week at a time on NoFap, but I end up trying to edge and always go too far. I think part of it is I feel my libido returning a bit, and feel like I need that release. However I noticed significant drops in libido after MO. While it does keep my mind clear for a while, I worry I'm employing the same reward circuits as with P when I do this. I'm trying not to fantasize much, and when I do, it's about my own experiences with real girls. It's all still quite an improvement from where I was, so I'm not beating myself up about it, but I know I can do better. Been incredibly stressed with work, having had to work the entire holiday weekend without a day off, and unable to see any girls or work out or do any of the other things I had set as goals. Things are starting to calm down now, so I hope I'll be doing better with this. Can't believe I've hit 3 weeks. The differences are definitely evident, and I hope I continue to improve.
Been incredibly busy at work, but that's calming down now. Haven't even had time to think about this. I think I'm improving. Nearly reached 30 days.