Quote from Viper

I was just surfing around the conversations and came across this one from Viper last month, "They don't have to be naked to tamper with your triggers." 
Yow! That was a great one Viper!  I have to be careful. I haven't PMO'd for 9 days. I've dumped all my downloaded stuff, all my shortcuts and links, everything I thought would make relapse easy.
But then I found myself making like subconscious stealth end-arounds, trying to fool myself into thinking that where I was was cool and posed no threats. Though I was actually just slightly off normal google research, I was starting to see scantily clothed babes or reading some alleged sex advisor. Then I found out that the so-called sex advisor was selling all sorts of sex toys and sexy outfit stuff on the back of her site! From there I was only a click away from hitting porn! Damn! The freakin porn world on the web can trip your triggers when you're barely off the straight and narrow!
Your observation, Viper, was dead on! 
I didn't relapse and I've got things together again but 1) I'm really glad I found all you folks here to learn from and vent to, and 2) I was such a stupid, naive moron for the past couple decades thinking porn was cool and everything was okay.
Thanks for the statement Viper, and thanks to everyone for being here for each other. Keep your eyes on the goal, not the damn computer monitor!!
Best wishes everybody!