Getting Started and Feeling Hopeful


Hey Guys,
First of all, a huge thank you to each of you who are taking the time to read and comment on my journal. I'm just starting this thing, and already I feel grateful for the support that I am confident is on the way! And now to my story:

First the short summary: I have struggled for many years to try and overcome lust, porn use, and masturbation, and mostly failed at it, but I've learned a lot of things about myself and about relating to others and to God along the way. I'm at a point in my life where a lot of different things seem to be coming together, and it's hard to briefly explain why, but I just have this uncanny sense that things are going to look different this time than they have in the past. Does that sound like wishful thinking? I don't think that it is. Perhaps as I tell more of my story along the way, my reasons for feeling that way will make more sense.

For now, I must run to a Bikram Hot Yoga class (which is something I started two years ago and in and of itself has been life changing for me--but more about that later). In my next post I'll give a little more background about myself. Thanks so much for reading and responding.



Active Member
Welcome to the forum. You will find a very supportive community here and a safe haven. We look forward to your story.


Not sure how detailed is helpful for me to be, but I'll try to give the highlights of my story that stand out to me.

Around age 7, my older brother shamed me for innocently touching myself through my pajamas one morning. I somehow took that to heart and almost completely put my private parts out of my mind. Around age 9, I got the number of a sex hotline from a friend, and called multiple times to listen to the pre-recorded scenarios. Scenarios which I really didn't understand, but found FASCINATING. I did not know anything about masturbation at this time. A few weeks later, my parents got the phone bill and my mom made gave me a serious dose of shame over listening to such things. I was very confused, as I really had no idea what I really had been listening to, and all I knew was that these new and powerful emotions I was experiencing were "wrong". Around age 11, in 7th grade (I started school a little early) I saw a boy (who was probably already 13 at the time) getting himself erect through his sweatpants and showing it off proudly to the girls. I was both scandalized and electrified. I went home, put on a pair of sweats, and spent the rest of the evening imitating in my bedroom mirror what he had done in class that day. My own genitals, which I had been ignoring for so long, seemed so alien (but also fascinating) to me. I discovered how to masturbate myself and instantly became hooked on lusting after other boys in my classes. A few weeks later, some 8th graders were talking about masturbation and asked me if I did it and how it felt. I naively admitted that I had and that it felt GOOD. They found this to be hilarious, and took great delight in teasing me about it the entire rest of the school year. They did not tell me they did the same thing and that it felt great for them too. On some level, I thought I must be the only person who had sexual feelings and who did something like that, and that horrible feeling stayed with me for a long time even after I knew for sure that pretty much everyone masturbated, etc.

Fast forward to high school, 10th/11th grade. I started becoming very interested in whether the God thing was just a story or something real. I decided to do a bunch of research and came to the conclusion that the Bible was God's Word and the resurrection of Christ was a historically legitimate event. I actually left my parent's church, which I felt was too watered down and went to a more engaging congregation with a friend from band who's family already attended there. Before long, I felt convicted that my constant lusting, daily masturbation, and my sexual attraction to other boys was not God's desire for me. I talked to the pastor about it and he basically affirmed me as a man and a new creation in Christ, prayed with me, and never asked me about it again. I think we both assumed my orientation would sort of naturally change on its own, but, as you can probably guess, nothing changed at all. I was actually really getting into studying and meditating on the Scriptures, and I imagined that the more time I spent doing that, the more self control I would develop over "the flesh", but both my sexual and my spiritual desires seemed to grow in tandem, rather than diminish one another, as I had been led to believe would be the case.

This internal struggle continued on into college and I eventually learned of Exodus ministries and through them, Regeneration Baltimore. I attended sexual addiction/recovery groups, emotional wholeness groups, and individual counseling off and on for a number of years, and certainly learned a lot about myself and some skills for relating better to others, but my mainly gay orientation, and my inability to get much distance from lust, masturbation, and now high speed internet porn, remained largely unchanged. On top of everything, I started hooking up with other men pretty regularly through various websites and apps.

In the past few years, I've accepted that I love both God and men, and have stopped tying how I feel about my relationship with God to how I am "doing" sexually. And I have opened up to a lot more friends and colleagues about the sort of complicated story of who I am. For the most part, I've met with a ton of love and support. And it sure feels good to be able to completely be myself without this sense that I am keeping important aspects of who I am hidden.

In general (partly due to the above paragraph, but also many other factors), I feel like I've really started getting to know myself better over the past several years, and have been able to live more out of that center. Essentially, a lot of emotions that I never learned from my family how to engage with and communicate about, I am doing a lot better job at, and that makes all the difference in the world. Regularly practicing Bikram hot yoga has helped tremendously with that. It's amazing how the more you get the tension worked out of your body, the easier it is to feel. And the easier to connect with other people. Which is such an amazing gift.

But porn and masturbation has still been a big thing in my life. I would consider myself to be a pro at edging. And it frightens me to think how many hours have been lost to that practice--and what else was lost with those hours.

For whatever reason, though, despite my many, many failures over the years when I've tried for "sexual sobriety", something feels different this time around. One thing might be that--with God's help--I have cultivated a decent network of friendships where I (and the other party) can be emotionally honest. Let our hair down, so to speak. I've also been seeing a new therapist and have been starting to get some perspective on my emotional history and on what it is that I am actually feeling during the course of a day/week, that I don't really think I ever had before. I do have this uncanny sense that the next 12 months are going to be a time of great change and growth for me. I would not be surprised if setting aside porn and masturbation play a big role in that.

One thing I am not concerning myself with setting aside at this time is actual in-person sexual interactions. I do have a few friends with whom that is an option, and where I am in my thinking right now, connecting sexually with a real person does not do the kind of damage that being sexual with myself and with images on the computer screen does. (And based on what I've read in other people's stories on here so far, having sex, so long as you are not masturbating yourself, does not seem to interfere with a reboot.) And I guess part of what I've grown concerned about in the past few years is the increasing difficulty I experience getting an erection when I'm with another person, versus surfing the net, despite the fact that I am in some of the best shape of my life.

Anyway, that's a lot. I'm starting to have conversations with a few friends about this, and seeing whether anyone is interested in being hardcore in the loop on it, sorry for the pun. Also looking into installing a filter, get the settings right and then having someone reset the password for me.

Please feel free to make any suggestions, ask any questions. I've watched some of the Reboot Nation youtube vids, which were very inspiring and informative. Going to try and do a little reading and posting daily as I'm able, in order to keep my motivation up.

In terms of a check-in, Tuesday was the last time I looked at porn, and Tuesday night/Wednesday morning was when I started firming up my decision to get into doing a reboot. Interestingly by Thursday, two friends of mine had reached out to me saying they were also considering something similar, and I had told neither of them I was also considering doing so. Today was a bit of a challenge, as a buddy that I sometimes am sexually intimate with was going to come by, but he ended up standing me up because he totally double booked himself with work somehow. He's a great guy, but pretty disorganized, and I had to find a way to express my frustration to him without being a complete ass, because this is not the first time he's "teased" me like this.

I'm a little concerned also if I don't put a filter on whether I will slip into looking at inappropriate youtube vids. But I'm also concerned with filters in general, because my experience in the past has always been that I start getting really creative about what might titillate me on the internet, and end up getting into things I might not otherwise have.

In closing, I guess another one of the big things that IS different for me this time around with attempting anything like a reboot, is that I am not doing it out of shame. I'm not doing it because I think God will be displeased with me otherwise. And it's amazing how much that kind of pressure sets you up for failure before you've even started. I'm doing it because I want to. I want to feel my masculinity energizing me at all times, and especially with the goals in life I am pursuing, and not just when I am touching my penis while frying my brain to sexual video after sexual video. Well, we'll see how far I get! If I mess up, I can always start again. And I don't think God is sitting up there judging me and shaking His head in disappointment. He loves me and is cheering me on nonstop.

I guess that's enough for one entry! Thanks for reading, and take care.


Active Member
Glad you opened up. You will be surprised of how many Christians are plague by this addiction.  So welcome once again! You will find a very friendly community here without judgement ready to show support.

I realize that God is an important factor in your life and you are right, he is very loving, compassionate and merciful. We humans, not so much. We are idiots that way. You knowing he loves you will help your recovery from porn.

I am not a therapist, but based on what you reveal it seems there is a lot of baggage from the past. The longer you view porn the more retired your brain becomes. It can lead to PIED, depression, social anxiety, among other things.  But essentially it sounds like you might be experiencing PIED. If that is the case I would encourage you to read Gabe Deems posts of FAQ where he talks about everything he had to do.

It also seems there is another side of it that you are dealing with. Do you know about your triggers or what are causing your urges?


Thanks for your thoughts! I actually typed up a rather lengthy response and then my web browser crashed before I had a chance to post it. I am proud to report that although the crash was probably due to the fact that I had a bajillion tabs open on the browser, none of them were in any way porn-related! And while I'm checking in, things have been going well, and I haven't been significantly tempted to look at porn or masturbate so far. The biggest temptations were when I thought I was going to be hanging out with a friend in one case, and a hook-up buddy in another, and they had to cancel last minute. Partly due to frustration, and partly due to it just feeling like the most natural thing to do in order to fill the time, I pondered PMO for a few moments. But the feeling I have right now is similar to a handful of other times in my life where I had been struggling and struggling and struggling with the whole PMO thing and then just woke up one day, decided to stop doing it, and then suddenly stopped struggling. In each case, weeks would go by (the longest period was 75 days) where although I felt tempted at various times, my mind was made up firmly enough that it was really not difficult to say no. But what would eventually start happening is that the temptation to just fantasize (often about that first time I saw a boy masturbating himself through his sweats back in 7th grade) becomes stronger and stronger. I suppose in one way, it's a good sign, because normally, my brain is so saturated from the direct stimulation of high speed internet porn that fantasy just does absolutely nothing for me. But if I haven't PMO'd for several weeks or more, I get to a place where I know that if I give in to the temptation to fantasize even for just 10-20 seconds, then I'm a goner. So that's kind of my biggest concern right now, even though it is at least a few weeks off. But I am wondering how I can prepare for that.

You mentioned triggers, and to be honest I have identified many triggers for myself (both visual and emotional), but really from a very theoretical standpoint that doesn't really seem like it is yet connecting with whatever deeper thing is going on. I will check out Gabe Deem's FAQ's and see if anything there resonates. I do experience a kind of anxious/internal bleeding kind of feeling in my belly from time to time that until recently eluded me. I am starting to connect with it more and I think that it has a lot to do with frustration over not feeling like I have a legitimate outlet for my deeper emotions. It seems like there are very few scenarios where it's truly safe to just let my emotional hair down. However, I'm starting to find more measured ways in which to express those more private, sensitive emotions, and also finding more friendships where I can be emotionally honest, and that is helping a lot. Also, I'm slowly learning how to stop fighting that feeling, and instead just let it be there. I guess we'll have to see what happens as I go along. I am going to try to spend a little time each day checking out and commenting on other people's posts that are helpful to me and see where that leads too.

Thanks again for your response. By the way, it does not surprise me one bit how many professing Christians struggle with these things. Just because you say that you trust God doesn't mean you've learned to do so in a way that is truly engaged with real life. And so much of the church seems to have such a 2-dimensional approach to so many issues. As if saying "Trust Jesus more" or "Pray and read your Bible more" are going to magically untangle deep-seated emotional and relational problems that have become ingrained over years of time.


Just checking in. Still doing well with no PMO. Past few days have been feeling a lot more sexual energy rising up. Has felt good, but also a little intimidating not necessarily having the "usual" outlet for it. But I'm enjoying being able to feel more fully present in interactions with both men and women. I had 3 days where I wasn't able to get to Bikram, and finally got there tonight and MAN does it help.


Active Member
Keep it up. You are already pass the 20 mark, which is the toughest.

Keep treading forward!


So I actually made it to 14 days before I pretty consciously made the decision to masturbate due to feeling stressed out about some work stuff. And once I opened that door, unfortunately, it was not long before I decided to look at porn again, and that got me back into a rut of going back to that stuff again and again through yesterday. Not sure when/how I will begin my next reboot, but I strangely do not feel discouraged. A lot of really emotional stuff came up with a friend just two days after I went back to PMO, and has proved a great learning experience. Basically, I met another Christian guy off OK Cupid and although we hooked up the first day we met, we decided to try just being friends with cuddling but no sex. And we've actually been able to pull that off and it has been amazing. But after about 2 months, it started to become apparent that at the least, our friendship was a much higher priority for me than for him, and when this came to a head, it was pretty upsetting, I think for both of us. Because I felt like  a chump, and he worried whether he needed to draw some kind of a line. Actually, there's a lot more to it, but I had a big realization as a result of it all, which was that at some point in time, I had unconsciously given him (in my own mind) the authority over my loneliness and contentment. Because of the fact that spending time with him, and being able to touch and be touched, felt so comforting, I started looking to him as the answer to my loneliness. Which no person can ever really be. And I didn't know what to do about that. But when I realized that I had on some level given him power over that, I also realized I could take that power right back. And once I did so, I started feeling a lot better.

Then we didn't talk for about a week, but he just reached out to me tonight to see about getting together again soon, so we'll see what happens. I definitely hope we can actually continue to build a friendship. I just need to watch myself to make sure I'm not looking to him to make me whole. I gotta take care of that stuff myself.

So I'll check in and report whether I get back to a successful reboot. One thing I've committed myself to for the time being, is getting to a Bikram hot yoga class every single day. When I can, I'll do two classes in a day, but not for the purpose of giving myself a day off. I think that will help me tremendously.


Active Member
Hey WakingUp,

You start again. Good for you. As long as you don't give up you will defeat this. Before long you will find yourself successfully passing your goal. :)


Convo with my buddy went well, although not doing so well on the no PMO. Got through most of Sunday and all of yesterday...oh and most of today...but I put grindr and scruff back on my phone the other day...don't know what the fuck I was thinking. Anyway, having guys reaching out to me definitely got my mind going and I started looking around and before you know it...PMO. So right at this moment, it seems almost silly to even be posting. Good news is that I have been going to Bikram every day and my music practice is going well.