curious about another dopamine releasing activity


Active Member
I was reading recently that marijuana is another major dopamine releasing activity.

I never realized this but it makes sense as I have gotten rather addicted to it's use as well (not currently using).

I'm wondering what the percentage of users on this forum are also users of marijuana..

My theory is that it'd be a high percentage.


Active Member
I don't but yeah I've seen a lot of people saying that marijuana was part of the reason why they relapse.


I don't.
but marijuana would be fun if it is dopamine releasing activity.

can people replace porn addiction with marijuana ?


That's something I've been asking myself pretty much lately.
I smoked marijuana for 7 years
I quit about 5 months ago because I was smoking too much it affected my concentration at work with a little paranoia..
After 22 days with no PMO I guess I'm missing marijuana much more than P
So I believe they are both related somehow, I would be glad if anyone knew the effects of smoking while on hard mode.