Anyone care to offer advice?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm a 27 year old guy, probably starting looking at porn around 15, but didn't have access to high speed until 18. Generally my porn use is every day or other day. Sometimes, I've had to spend an hour just to find the right scene, if you know what I mean. First sex at 19, with a long term girlfriend. The main issue for me was ED when putting on condoms. Since then I have had about 10 sexual partners, each time the main danger zone for my erections has been the putting on of condoms, and especially penetration. During any foreplay, usually not too much of a problem.

I thought I didn't have a problem with sex without condoms, and presumed I had some sort of condom-related performance anxiety which I never really addressed (my partners would usually end up starting on a contraceptive) but after a good read of I realised I don't get anywhere near as hard an erection or satisfying an orgasm with a real girl as I do with porn.

I'm currently single, and since I don't want to risk having disappointing sex with a condom (I'd rather not go unprotected either) I've been recently turning down any advances cute girls have made towards me. I'm fairly sure on reflection that my issue is porn. In fact I stopped watching it 3 weeks ago anyway to see, but have continued masturbating.

I wonder what you all think...

1) Do we reckon this is consistent with PIED? I don't have too much of a problem with my own hand or with unprotected sex

2) Is it ok to masturbate on this reboot if I don't fantasise at all? Isn't it just the avoidance of all artificial stimuli? I just can't imagine going months without any orgasm..

Thanks in advance for insights you might have..


Active Member
I have a kind of a similar problem. I had (well, still have but it's getting better) a PIED problem. Since I stoped MO and PMO I get up to a satisfactory level (100% still a pleasant surprise). But recently I started trying out condoms and they slip, they make me lose my erection and even if I manage to have sex wearing them, it's everything but pleasant. I have to hold it in place, it makes me softer and so on.

Quitting porn and MO is the first step. It might be a long road, but you'll get there. I am still on the road to using condoms :p I heard advice like "find a girl on pills" and so on and me and my girl use contraceptives, but I still feel that condoms are something we have to get used to, as an evil necessary in some situations.

Also I feel a bit down about this, so this is on par with PIED as a problem that bothers me about my masculinity and all that.


New Member
Thanks for that. Condom issues don't seem to be mentioned in many threads (or I just don't find them).

It's really cool that everyone on here is being so supportive of each other. I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and try no P or MO for the whole 90 days. Maybe more by reading some people's accounts.



Active Member
Try it for 90 days and make those 90 days the rest of your life :D Well, this came out pretty bad, but I meant stop this foul proceder forever ;)

I too feel like condoms are ignored in those threads. I always read about PIEDers inviting a girl over and all I can think of is "How the hell do they manage to "suit up"? this is my main concern about any sexual encounter in the future.