Broke after 34 days



It got to Sunday and I couldn't focus or do anything as my whole body tingled until I orgasmed.

straight on a chat room and was at the usual. watched a little live chat rooms too but didnt interact. standard porn doesnt really do it for me. the chats last a few hours and the MO

have discovered coolidge effect too and got me confused as to where my issue is. with my gf I'm super hard if not seen her in a week or so, but if we try sex next day etc im never as hard or O as intenselt. But ive known from last year when single and seeing many girls i didnt have this issue. in past ive often lost interest in partner after 3-6 months. weirdly saw my gf as more attractivr again after MO

i dont have standard pied from my understanding because I can perfrom zero problem with them on night 1 but couldnt be bothered next morning or day after.

Confused but starting again


Completely normal fgpied

Stay focused on the man you want to be, and use the technics i know you already know about, cause i saw your other topic.

34 days is a great progress and it's not all lost just because you rellapsed. Now it's going to be easier if you stay focused, because some advance was already been made.


Thanks Man, I really appreciate that

I felt so good the first 2 weeks and then got frustrated about the quality with my GF.

I know I ended up lapsing partly because I don't know when I will se her next so there was no short term target, but because the distraction of day to day was maddening. I was undressing every girl i saw with my eyes and flirting with anyone and everyone.

I want to be able to O with the same hardness and excitement and buzz more than  just the first time I see her after time apart.

I think my novelty addiction was around long before internet, and the collidge effect coupled with it is just amplifying the issue.

I have doubts at times that I can ever sustain a relationship but I have to make this 90 days to test it

Cheers again



failed so badly

MO over skype with GF on wed and then fri night and sat spent a lot of time in chat rooms as old ways

weirdly after O i found myself craving my gf attention and to be close whereas normally after O i could happily have no female interaction for hours or days

I havent gone fully back and set up alternate emails, skype, kik etc just chatrooms and a some live chatroom viewing

But still not good enough and trying again. I got 34 days before so splitting my 90 into 2 x 45 days to reach achievable targets
