20 years are enough (Arthur's journal)


Hi everyone. I am still a little shocked about the fact that until I tried to think of a subject for this topic, I actually hadn't realized that I've been a porn addict for more than half my life. It started when I was 17, now I'm 37. Fuck.

I've been a masturbator since as long as I can remember. I used to rub my penis on my bed's mattress as a little boy, something that I continued to do until I was 22 or so. Around puberty I began to think that my masturbation habit made me a horrible person and tried to stop many times, but couldn't. When as a result of my masturbation technique I got a phimosis at around 13, I took it as proof that something was horribly wrong with me and that I would never have a normal sex life -- so I masturbated even more. I was extremely shy with girls and felt unworthy of even talking to them.

Things took a turn for the (even) worse when I got Internet access at 17. Right from the beginning, I spent whole nights PMing. Sometimes I went for a week with one or two hours of sleep per night. When I left my parent's home to go to college, I took my porn habit with me.

Student life seemed to have the potential for curing me. I made many new friends, female friends even. But as soon as I realized a girl was interested in me, I panicked. The was the phimosis thing, my mark of Cain, which I was sure I could never talk about to anybody. This repeated realization threw me into depression. I self-medicated with porn, as I was used to. My stash was my treasure. Then I got a job as a research student, with my own little office with a computer in it. The computer had high-speed Internet access and a CD writer. Guess what followed. I spent many many nights in that office downloading porn and edging, terrified of what would happen if someone found me. Once there was a knock on the door at four in the morning. I figured that maybe I'd hallucinated and went back the next night. Until the IT department notified my professor of the gigabytes of data that had been downloaded from my computer. He asked me if I knew anything about it, I muttered something about trying out various Linux distributions, and that was that.

And then there was Freyja (not her real name, obviously). She worked for the same professor, we became friends. She was interested in me, and boy was she persistent. I tried to pretend there was no attraction until after about half a year, she just grabbed me and kissed me. My first kiss at 24. The next day, I called a doctor about the phimosis.

Fast forward 13 years. Freyja and I got married, we have two little kids, we bought a house. We even still have sex. Happy ending? Not quite. There's still the porn, which eats up all the time I have to myself. For example, I've had the house to myself for the past three hours and wanted to work on my PhD project, instead I watched porn. I am so sick of this.

My first serious attempt at rebooting was about a year ago. I managed a little more than 20 days before I relapsed. It wasn't pretty. In the days before the relapse my brain was constantly playing loops from my favorite videos. I couldn't concentrate. After the relapse I told myself that I'd consume porn "responsibly", which actually worked for a few weeks before I binged again.

So, what's left from the list? My triggers are anxiety, stress, frustration, the sight of attractive women. At work, I routinely get all of this combined. Often on my commute home from work, all I can think about is the porn I'm going to watch after Freyja has gone to bed.

What am I grateful for today? That my life has turned out so much better than I expected before I met Freyja. Today, specifically: that I am now writing this post rather than watching porn.
There are loads of attractive women at my work too, tough tough triggers..
Am still learning deal with that trigger, besides looking away at times,I can't find a perspective of looking at them that could lessen that trigger.

I am seeing the loops from my favorite videos too. I have a hard disk filled with porn movies, highly tempted to go watch one. I know I have to delete those files but damn tough..
you erased your porn?


I'm trying to follow a "don't stare" policy. Which means no looking unless I have a reason. If I see someone attractive I don't know I just look the other way. At work and with friends it's more difficult. And it's still pretty cold where I live, when summer comes visual triggers will abound?

I have deleted all my stuff. In fact, I have the habit of erasing everything every few weeks hoping this time I'll succeed in stopping the PMO business. (If I count all these half-hearted attempts I tried quitting hundreds of times already.) But high speed internet means that when I want something again a few days later, I'll have dozens of videos within a few hours. I've tried filters in the past (with the help of Freyja who had the password), but I'm rather technically skilled and usually find a way around this stuff. It just increases the amount of time I spend looking for P and, in fact, makes it even more interesting by adding the technical challenge.

I can really relate to you though when you say you find it tough to delete your files.  15 years or so back the thought of losing my collection was probably my biggest fear. I don't think I'm exaggerating: Dropping out of college seemed less scary than losing my P!


Wow, four days already. It's always so easy in the beginning. 10 days is the mark for me where it gets really difficult. Symptoms so far: many things remind me of P that usually don't. Names remind me of actresses, random words remind me of P sites, etc.

I've been very busy these past few days, which is good. It'll likely stay that way for quite some time, which is even better! Feeling quite optimistic right now.

Watched an episode of True Detective last night that had some rather nice nudity in it. Gave me ideas, but nothing I couldn't deal with at this point.


Hey. Part of your story is similar to me. I had a tight foreskin with some small light spots on it that were harmless grease glands in the skin. My doctor told me a woman would not even notice it if she gave me a blow job. This held me back getting close to women for years and probably lead to the use of porn to make up for it. I had pushed away lots of girls at school and by the time I was a young man I had no confidence. I ended up having a circumsism getting a girl moving in and wrecking it with porn use. Crazy. I'm on the reboot journey with you. Keep going pal


Hey daws, thanks for the encouragement. I can really use it.

I'm home and just got a call from work about a problem that I think I may have caused. I'm now going to look into it and will probably find out that indeed I made a mistake. Nothing catastrophic, but still not nice at all. Will put a painful dent in my fragile self-worth.

I will be home alone by then. That's precisely the situation that would normally lead to a porn binge.

To make things worse, summer has come where I live which means rather a lot of skin outside. Was on the playground with my two-year-old yesterday and was surrounded by yummy mummies. In the past I would have just been ogling all the time, but I managed to ignore the sights and enjoyed playing with my daughter much more because of it.

I'm also trying to cut out the fantasizing. I still MO, but the only fantasies allowed then are ones about my wife. It works and it's actually quite nice.

It's much more difficult for me to stop fantasizing when I'm in bed at night. I've used sexual fantasies to help me fall asleep since as long as I can remember, and the habit is hard to let go. I think it's inevitable though, as the fantasies always incorporate P scenes I've watched at some point, thus reminding me of P and aggravating the craving.

So, let's see what I did wrong at work. I'm promising myself that when I'm done, I'll post here again to keep me from doing That Other Thing.


Active Member
It's excellent that you've recognized you'll be in a danger zone soon due to your work situation and have decided to make another post here.

Hope you make it back here soon with good news! (In my book, even if the work situation was catastrophic but you managed to avoid porn afterwards, that's still good news of a sort)


Ok, turns out it was only partially my mistake. So my self-confidence isn't in ruins :) However, right after I sent the mail explaining what had happened and how to fix it, I started mindlessly browsing some tech news web sites, which is what I often do before embarking on a P binge. Noticed it early enough though, stopped and came here.

And then I experienced something that I'd forgotten from my previous reboot attempt: the strange sense of loss when the P-loving part of my mind realizes that I'm serious about quitting. Cravings masquerading as nostalgia. Weird.

CrazyGopher, thanks for your words of encouragement just as I was typing up this reply!


I'm afraid I will be writing a LOT in this journal. I don't expect anybody to read all this, but I find it helps a great deal.

Half an hour ago, I sat at my computer working. Or actually, procrastinating, but at least not by watching P. We have moved into a new place a while ago, and have a nice little home office at the top floor. Next to my screen is a small window that looks out onto another building. I glance over and see? something very interesting (I will omit the details, don't want to trigger any fantasies). My heart starts racing, and immediately my perception is focused exclusively on the window I can see across the street. I've known this feeling for a long time, I've been a voyeur long before I became a P addict. I wrestle with my conscience for a few minutes, but then the scene gets even more interesting and I grab my camera and zoom lens. For the next few minutes I'm in voyeur heaven, until something blocks my view.

First I thought, I guess the universe doesn't want me to be at peace. But then I decided to view it as a challenge, another opportunity to change and grow. Even as I'm writing this, I can't help but glance over at the window again and again in case something interesting happens again (which it will sooner or later). If I manage to not look, it will be progress I can notice instantly. I am reminded of an interesting idea I heard in a Buddhist lecture once: "Imagine everybody else is enlightened, and they're doing whatever they're doing just to help you along the path to your own enlightenment." I'll try to see this "room with a view" situation as an opportunity to learn to control myself on a second-by-second basis.

I will add a second counter for (real-world) voyeurism to help me along.
Names of porn actresses flashing through my mind, went through exact same phase!

I don't know if I should count now as just relapsed or not, just MO. no porn though so an improvement I should say.
Had sex with wife last night and tonight libido was too high. I think kuz colleague at work, used to fantasize about her.
Feel some guilt and shame now. Guess I should start my counter again.
you keep strong man. my mistake was I lacked a discipline, I should have logged in forum before been tempted.


Thanks Phoenix. I wrote my two cents about guilt and shame after MO in your journal.

I feel like I'm going through my psychosexual development backwards in ultra high speed. Yesterday voyeurism, today: material I would have fapped to when I was maybe 12 seems super-interesting again. We bought a paddling pool for the kids. On one side of the box there's a woman in a bikini. I had to turn the package around to keep me from staring at it.

In other news, ditching P has not miraculously fixed my life. I just procrastinate like regular people now. Spent three hours online looking for a new sound system for the living room instead of doing urgent work.
Hey arthur, thanks!
Am kind of applying same no stare policy as u. works great till now. when I walk, am no longer a 360degree women scanner, in the lift today, there was a woman nearby, I didnt even glance at her. Am like robocop, look straight and go straight to where I have to go. I know what you mean by the psychosexual backwards, It feels on right track somehow. Going backwards would mean going towards an era in time when we were healthier mentally. A time when our brain were less corrupted by P thoughts.


Robocop! That's a nice way of putting it!

I find it wonderful how when I don't look in the first place, the urge to stare just goes away. It's nice to realize that while the woman is still there, I am free to turn my attention to other things. A small triumph every time.

I didn't sleep well last night, and when I finally fell asleep I dreamt of P. It was exactly like watching P, I could even tell you the names of the actresses I saw. Pretty depraved stuff also.

When I woke up I needed a release, MO'd under the shower, fantasizing about Freyja. From flaccid to O in less than a minute. Helped a lot.


I'm at work, doing really boring stuff that I've been putting off for weeks. Also something that puts me in the danger zone, particularly if I give in to the temptation to procrastinate. Which I haven't been doing much today, luckily. Thoughts creep up anyway. So I came here just to remind myself that things are different now.

And now, back to work.


Took a break at work, read some tech stuff, came across the picture of a cute looking female developer. Went through her entire blog looking for more pictures. Guess that's overlearned behavior?


Ok, it's starting to get interesting. Kids asleep, wife out, first impulse in this reboot to open one of my favorite P sites just to see what's new. Triggered by a totally harmless picture I just saw on a news site. It's the dreaded 10th day.

I'll have the house to myself June 6th through June 8th or 9th. That's going to be tough. I'm promising myself that I'll post regular updates here, at least three times a day. The plan is to start the days with meditation and a healthy breakfast, then work until noon, cook and eat lunch, work until about 6, work out, maybe go out with friends, otherwise watch TV or read, but at any rate: no idle time with a computer.

That's a good plan arthur.  Sometimes it's as if all female names are P actresses names.
You must keep yourself busy during that time you having house to yourself.
Am having house to myself today but managing ok, concentrating all efforts on other work. watching movies or documentaries or forum just now.
P is leaving my mind little by little, relating less and less to it in real life.
Somehow though, am feeling little more stressed.


Like last time, once I'm past day 10 it's getting more difficult. It's not so much that I'm struggling against impulses -- it's that I become the impulses. I'd forgotten about this. At some point, all my resolve to quit P is gone. It's like I never made the decision to quit.

In every day life, I try to remain in Robocop mode and succeed most of the time. But sometimes it's just impossible. I just came home to find a play date of one of my kids in the garden -- together with her mother, whom I'd never seen before. The mother was so stunning it made me a little dizzy. I made conversation with her for a while, but then I just had get out of there, and I'm afraid I wasn't extremely polite about it. Can't get her out of my head.

I'm noticing something I'd noticed before, but had forgotten as well: that sometimes the wish to watch P has more to do with misogyny or aggression than I'd like to admit to myself. I can feel it now. Something like "You beautiful women think you're so irresistible, but if I want to I can watch somebody like you being degraded and abused for my pleasure."


At the computer, about to do some work. Wife and kids are downstairs, will be out during the afternoon.

My brain is trying a different sell: not the Revenge On Women one, but the It Would Fit So Well spiel. You know? Alone, some days left in one of my sharehoster premium accounts, fast internet, almost two weeks since I last looked what's new -- it would be so perfect! So much new stuff to discover! This situation is MADE for a porn binge! Sure, I'll be hopelessly behind on my work by the time I'm done, and will feel horrible. But this is an opportunity that simply can't go to waste!

If it weren't for this forum and my counter, I'd be at it by now without a doubt.


Pretty much right after writing the previous post, I loaded a web page that I knew was dangerous. Not P, but in the direction. From there, things escalated. I hated the whole experience, but I could not stop.

I'm trying to not feel too crushed about this. I've tried to quit and failed hundreds of times, one more time isn't the end of the world. I'll give George Collins' "Breaking the Cycle" book a read and see what else I can change once I have a clear head again.