successful reboot and migraines

So I did my 90 and have now managed to stick with nofap for around 180 days. Noticed an increase in migraine headaches and thinking it's because I'm not dealing with my stress with M like I used to. Curious if anyone else has had similar issues. I went more than two years without headaches and have two in the past month. They're manageable and I can kick them with Aleve and a rest. Could it be hormonal and not stress-related?


Hey idk what it can be, but I don't think is something serious.
I wanted to know if you have seen any benefit from being aober for 90 days? For example, like if you been more confident? Etcc..


Active Member
Relax buddy your brain is trying to adapt to natural behavior and is trying to establish new neural pathways but i do have one question when did you start to feel to get pleasures from everyday activity and when you started to feel joy in your reboot journey

Chaos Mind

Active Member
To me it's the other way round. Hours of PMO caused severe headaches. When I stopped they suddenly disappeared. Maybe you need to look for another reason...
JG2690, So many benefits from my reboot including more confidence.  I flirt better and I am also very aware of when I'm checked out by other people. The greatest benefit has been stronger athletic performance. I run trail races and obstacle courses like Tough Mudder and I have upped my mileage and have begun conquering obstacles I once failed like rope climbs and and rings. I'm much more focused and alert and handle stress better.
aboodos94, I guess about 20 days in I knew I was committed for the long run and began to find ways to get past urges, i.e., exercise, tea before bed. It was a challenging journey, one of my most difficult ever, but I just really wanted it, and then joy came from the success as well as the proof the reboot was working. I found my safe place where I felt confident and had no triggers, the gym, and I spent most evenings there exhausting myself so that I could sleep at night. I wouldn't have succeeded without that outlet.


Thank you @Janson2015. I also wanted to tell you since you run and do exercise often maybe that is what's  causing your headaches. I'm really active as well and sometimes I can be running in the sun and all of sudden and get a severe headache out of nowhere, maybe because of the sun or maybe because I didn't eat properly or I wasn't full enough before exercising. So what I'm trying to say that maybe your migraines can be attributed to other things. Also, I don't think masturbation is bad it actually reaps many benefits as long as you don't think of porn while you're doing it.

PS Can't wait to get like you after 90 days and reap the benefits of rebooting.