performance anxiety


hello. as i am 33 i wanted to ask how are you coping with performance anxiety issues? i am 63 pmo free, nofapp also. i have a very young girl (20 yrs old) who has a boyfriend but kinda wants to hang out with me (kissing and cuddling). she mentioned she is willing to go all the way, but me having not had sex for more than 3 years is a scayry thought indeed. i get boners during kissing and all (in the outside) but i am scared to death to invite here home...what to do ? btw: i have viagra wich i intend to use the first time if it happens. God what have i done to myself (i am an atheist :)) ? Is such fear normal, i mean i have phobia not PA...
I am new to this arena so take my advice with a grain of salt.  I am also 33 but in a much different situation.  I get PA based on past experiences of not being able to perform.  I can usually push through it, but sometimes I can't. 

I have found that open communication works great.  Now admittedly, I am married and have been with my wife for over 15 years so that is much different than just meeting someone.  Obviously she can tell your interested if you get erections during making out sessions.  Perhaps just opening the dialog saying your a little nervous, that way if you do fail then it isn't something she can start blaming herself for.  If you don't bring it up, that will probably be the first thing that comes to her mind (I am guessing).  Plus getting it off your chest may make you a bit more comfortable, and be able to relax and enjoy it.

That is the one thing that really confused my wife... we would make out and be intimate.  And I would be very erect.  Then we would start, and it would go away.  I tried to explain that I was just anxious about not being able to perform, which kills an erection.  At first she swore it was her, that I wasn't in to her or I was turning gay or something... but I think over time she has come to realize its just an anxiety problem.

Another thing that has helped in the past for me is visualization.  I have found that in times when I think I may be losing it, if I slightly change positions where I can watch either what I am doing or how she is reacting, that is enough to help me push through it.  This is probably something where YMMV definitely applies, but it works for me.

Finally, I have also found that while I do tend to start to lose an erection in the beginning, that if I keep going (and don't completely lose it) then I regain it to full status, and it is much more enjoyable when you can relax about it. 

I don't know if any of this will be helpful to your situation, but at least I can post what has helped me in the past.  Good luck!


Active Member
It's all about relaxing mate! If you don't feel comfortable, just don't do it. Having sex is supposed to be fun. The way I overcome this feeling was taking it step by step. Just give all attention to her without 'having intercourse' in your mind. This takes the pressure away and you can focus on comforting her, while you get relaxed doing that. I did this by telling her to just lay down and enjoy the oral stimulation. When you are doing this and feel that things are feeling good, take one step further. Good luck!

This girl chose you because you're special for her. She decided to go all the way now, but that's not the only thing that makes her want to spend time with you.

So if you do have boners I say just go for it. What's the worst scenario possible? Probably you might start good and not be able to keep the erection for too long (20 year olds often have a different pace, you know). Even if that's the case, you can still please her with other methods and you can wait and experiment on how it goes next time.

Don't feel judged, because no one has the right to judge you. Just do your best for her.

Remember, you're healing yourself. This is a process, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the process ;)