I don't know myself


So, I'm starting this new journey, but I have a little problem of motivation. I read a lot of stories about how good life is and how amazing people feel without porn and it's bad for me that I can't even imagine how's that. I just don't who am I with no porn. I don't know when I started watching porn, but I think it was before 10. I'm already accustomed to my actual limitations. It feels like the guy I'm now is the guy who I ever was [even before porn] and will ever be. Anyway, I just have hope that with this reboot I may know myself. Hope I can find out what living the REAL life looks like.
Does anybody here feel or felt the same way?


And how were you when started watching porn?
You were a child! You couldn't possibly know yourself that much. So who knows what you can do without it. I can tell you from experience that, before porn, I was someone people could look up to. But porn steals your personality, at least part of it.

Give it a try and you might discover wonderful things about yourself. At least I can assure you that you will have more time to do other things.

Hope that helps ;)


I can totally relate, for a long time I knew I "should" quit, but for the life of me I just couldn't think of reason why I would "want" to quit.  I functioned well enough and didn't get into much trouble.  I can see now I was totally delusional.  I would stay up really late all the time, felt like crap all the time, I was only doing 60% of my job, nearly destroyed my marriage multiple times, little to no consistency in any areas of my life, was constantly the victim, and missed out on so much of life - exercise, hiking, connect with people, hobbies, etc.  So really take a hard look at the things you have just come to accept as normal but actually aren't, and look at all things you could be doing but aren't.  Ever want to learn karate?  Go white water rafting?  Write a novel? Think back to when you were a kid before age 10, those memories are still there somewhere, what dreams did you ditch for this addiction?  What interests did you drop a long time ago? Model planes, cars, space exploration?  Spend some time on this and write it down, things are more real when we put them on paper.  Get excited for the life you could have.  Also remember ALL addictions are progressive and escalate. There is no exception to this that I have ever heard of, it just happens at different rates. Where will you be in 10 years if you continue?  20 years?