I don't have to be sober forever, just today.


Active Member
I was reading some of the journals tonight and I got inspired.  I have a hand written journal I keep at work but I like the idea of an open journal.  I have been away from this forum for months now and it has taken it's toll on my sobriety.  I feel like I need to revisit the beginning of my recovery.

I found Reboot Nation a year ago.  At that time in my life I was in perpetual fear.  I didn't know who I was and I was terrified that my life would forever be split in two.  One life I lived was that of the new husband and father -- caring, intellectual, and the guy that worked hard to get where he's at.  The other life I lived was a secret one.  For most of my life I could keep these two lives separate.  Consequently, as my addiction reached new heights I found it difficult to manage the charade and my deceit was becoming increasingly obvious to my wife. 

Looking at porn and masturbating at work, at home, or even out in public, I was driven by my sexual exploits.  My marriage was deteriorating as my porn-use had me preoccupied on average 3-5 times a day.  I actually found myself using porn more frequently at work.  I worked out of my own company truck and this made it easy to isolate myself and I did so ritualistically.  I would park in seemingly empty parking lots and look at porn and masturbate throughout my work day.  This behavior was certainly the type that could get me fired from my job or worse, arrested, yet it never stopped or deterred my behavior.  It seemed I was never sexually satisfied and this caused friction at home.

I would constantly pressure my wife and complain that, "I can't live in a sexless marriage".  I would rationalize my excessive use of porn as a result of my perceived sexual neglect, rather than accepting that it could be reason my wife and I were growing distant.  Sex and intimacy were one and the same in my world.  My disfigured perception of love and intimacy only kept me in denial of the pain I was causing to not only my wife, but to myself as well. 


Active Member
It's been a hard to accept the harm that I've done to myself in my addiction. My setbacks are probably a sign that I might still be in denial of how difficult my life was before recovery.  "It's just porn, it's not heroin."  I rationalized to myself that porn helped keep me balanced.  "Porn-use is not only common among men, but it's healthy."  I truly believed that this addiction couldn't ruin my life.  I suspect that the problem with heroin isn't in it's chemical properties, rather it's what happens when the addicted mind gets a hold of it.  I have met plenty of people who could infrequently use porn.  It appears some people can develop healthy porn habits, though I have yet to see any science that supports the health benefits of porn consumption.  But in any case, it isn't the existence of porn that is my folly, it is that my mind uses porn as a mechanism to numb or dull pain.  I never realized how much pain I was hiding from until I tried to control my porn-use.  As I have been in recovery, it is clear to me that I was never in control.  Porn and sex steered this vessel into the rocky shore. 

As I sit here tonight on my couch it would be just as easy to return to that uncontrollable state.  Despite not having internet as a result of a powerful wind storm the other day, acting out in my addiction requires only my imagination.  I'm the kind of addict that will wander around in the dark looking for something to have sex with (by something I do mean inanimate objects).  The funny thing, it isn't even about getting off.  It's all about chasing that high.  It's the uncontrollable urge.  See my issue isn't about sex so much as it is about control.  I want to be in control.  My freest moments of sobriety come when I am able to admit that I have no control. 

I know that if I open up the browser, wander aimlessly through the house looking for stimulation, or even just lay in anxious silence that I am already submitting to my addiction.  Very seldom, if ever, am I able to snap out of the trance once Google is up.  It isn't having a sip of beer that traps the alcoholic, it's the spontaneous trip to the grocery store.  For me, the sound of a computer starting up sends me into a frenzy. 


Active Member
I have quite a lot of resentment in my life.  At the moment, I feeling resentful toward my wife.  I keep feeling like anything I say or do has the potential to start an argument or annoy her.  I feel like just being in the room gets her agitated.  I also feel worthless in our relationship.  My wife rarely shows me affection these days and I feel mysel growing more and more frustrated about this.  Maybe I have a false image of what love is, but I guess this just doesn't feel like it.  It's more a feeling like we can sort of tolerate each other.  Like we'll sit in a room together and not strangle each other so we must be in love?  I don't know.  If I'm not taking responsibility for my part in this than I'm on the path back to porn.  I have issues with codependency and I'm constantly seeking validation.  My feelings of worthlessness are just symptoms of my disease.  My recovery needs to come first and this means loving myself and continuing to inventory the person I am. Porn will not help me feel better!  I know I've got some stinkin thinkin going on and if I go to porn I will not be able to turn back. 