Looking back


Staff member
I have been thinking and talking to my husband about the addiction.  It is just that the feelings of not being enough is the hard thing to get over.  He did not use when we first got married.  Then in 1999 we got cable with all the movie channels.  And a tv in our bedroom.  That is when he started using.  It was Cinemax stuff, HBO.  But those channels got more and more daring.  Then he started having me go to bed first because he wasn't tired yet.  This got more pronounced once our youngest moved out. Then I had a surgery and he would sleep downstairs on the couch.  I did not ask him to do this, he just volunteered.  Then if I wanted sex, I had to ask.  That had started earlier, but it got worse during this time.  I guess in my brain I knew.  There were times I would wake up and lay there in bed and he would have it on with no sound.   

Anyway, 15 years into our marriage was when he started using. I was 48 at that time.  He used until I caught him on the couch downstairs.  For me it is a matter of he didn't use when I was young he started using when I was older.  That has been such a blow to how I feel about myself.  Even though no one ever thinks that I am 63.  They usually guess around 40-45.  So it is like I was fine to him when I was younger, then not fine, then once I found out at age 60 I am once again okay. (Because he stopped and has been wonderful about quitting)  And with the way porn addicts act, during that time it felt to me that he did not like me.  I knew he loved me, but I was treated as though he did not like me.  That is overwhelming.  That is the hardest part to get past.  He didn't like me.  I get that he loved me.  I asked what he did on a regular basis that showed me he just like me and enjoyed my company during that time.  And he said he knew what I was talking about.  Sorry this is so long. Thank you for listening.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gracie!

I just read your message, figured I'd respond here.  :)

Feel free to always send me a message if you'd like a male perspective!  I'll try my best and I don't mind reading long messages at all. haha

I understand that feeling you're going through.  I've had that feeling, although for a shorter time, with an ex of mine.  She was not a very sexual person (we were in your early 20s mind you).... It would make me feel like a horrible lover as I was used to sex multiple times a week with other women, now I meet this girl who I care for who goes MONTHS without needing sex and it just made ME feel like a horrible person and not wanted/needed.  I would constantly think it had something to do with me, and she would constantly tell me she was always like this.  But it doesnt matter what people say sometimes, your feelings > what anyone can possibly say to you.  (This is actually the women who got me to start watching porn more often, which inevitably caused me to abuse porn and formed PIED)  I am not blaming her because it was my choice/decision to use porn, but this was my "faulty reasoning" to do so. 

I can only imagine living with that feeling for years, I am so sorry :(  But hopefully your husband is now committed to his reboot and that will positively change your relationship for the better.  I know years of breaking down trust is hard to build back up, but over time you will solidify that bond and learn to trust him again.  If he does indeed love you, then he will do right by you.

One thing I must say from a male perspective.  I ALWAYS thought I was watching porn due to a deterioration of my "want" for the woman I was with.  I figured well, we're just no longer as sexually into each other as we once were, so it's BETTER that I just watch porn, instead of possibly cheating.  We males TRICK ourselves into thinking this is the better option of the two... but what we don't realize, is the the hunger for sex between us and our women actually fade away DUE to the porn consumption.

What I am trying to say is, the porn consumption is actually a CAUSE of the problem, instead of an EFFECT of the problem.  but many of us men believe it to be the other way around.

Good luck to you Gracie! :)