A mess


Active Member
I was doing so fell, I actually went into hard mode October last year, but it went out of control, when I started isolating myself and ending up viewing erotic images and even some soft core sex scenes in the stuff I read, though I never actually masturbated, or watch full on sex scenes, it has been going on for roughly a month. I feel like I have already relapsed and my mind is telling me to go back on the hentai/manga I use to view. I do not know what to do, it feels like I have lost all my progress and I am turning it all into a mess again!. Apart of me, wants to go back and give up, sometimes I don't see the point. I am 26 year old virgin, with a shitty life. Sorry for the rant, but I just needed to let some steam off, I am sick and tired of it all and feel like crying sometimes. I have this voice in my head, saying "You know what, you have failed and relapsed, you may as well just watch it".


Active Member
Hey man, there's a lot I could say right now- but I'd rather you jsut PM me, I would like to talk with you! Keep your head up!


Well-Known Member
So cry man,

I don't cry often.  I wish I could cry more easily.  If you can cry, then by all means let those tears out.  The few times I have cried, have felt absolutely amazing.  I wish I knew the trick to crying more. 

Your brain will constantly try to trick you into getting its porn fix, that voice in your head that you described, I promise you is heard from THOUSANDS of porn addicts attempting to reboot, myself included.  That fucking quote has caused me to relapse/binge multiple times.  You need to realize that that voice is bullshit and is a lie.. even if you slip up once, one slipup is better than binging and doing it 5 times.  ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT.

Youre not alone dude, many of us are going through the same thing.  Just reach out to us when you need help.  You can beat this.

Here is a link to my success story.  I think it might help you.


Also, read other people success stories!!  You'll realize all problems you are feelings are not unique.  People who have beat this have gone through the same thing as you have!!  That means you can beat this too.


Active Member
Quick question, how long have I been set back?, do I have to start over, especially how it has been on for a month, or can I still recover some of my lost progress?.


relapse or binge is a complete fall.
you start over.


Active Member
I understand that, but have I lost my progress?. I do not mind restarting my counter. I am just scared I have lost all I have worked for.


Well-Known Member
There is no set time frame for beating this thing.  Therefore there is no "complete reset" blah blah blah...  This is a personal journey of yours and when you FEEL OK again is when you've successfully rebooted.  For some this takes 3 months, for others it takes over a year. 

The best thing you can do is not beat yourself up over relapses, but learn from them and correct your mistakes.  Also don't add pressure of "time to reboot"... Time means nothing man, when your reboot is complete you will know it because you will FEEL it.  Don't add meaningless stress by worrying about specific times and lengths.  Focus on avoiding porn.  That should be your only focus. 


Long war.
it is a guerrilla warfare
some times you win.
some times you lose.
some times you are attacked.
some times you attack.

long war.
just keep moving.

when you fall , just get back right away.