15 days- Short time with major improvements


I know 15 days is only a short time in my reboot but I have seen some drastic changes in my self when it comes to mental clarity and sexual feelings.

- I am more focused on my short and long term goals in my career
- I was able to climax with a real female for the first time in 4 years (was not the best but still a climax without porn or visual stimulation was a success in my books)
- My ability to engage in long talks with people has improved; due to the fact I am less anxious when approaching and interacting with people.

There is still a long way to go in my recovery and I am not focused on the days as much, but so much the journey and little improvements. Even though I have acknowledged my 15 day streak (continuous) this will be the last time in a while I will check on my progress to update.

Any advice to stay motivated is greatly appreciated and I will happily reciprocate.

Keep on driving

"What's your why...?"
- Eric Thomas.