Zero libido. But can get hard.

Hey all

Im 23. Had been into porn and masturbation since 12 years. Never got in to hardcore porn. Only vanila porn.

Started reebooting  in feb 2014. But was relapsing. Got damn serious 4 months back.

I get semi hard mw. Can get hard by hand. My brain is hurting guys. Der dis burden on it.

I cannot get arouse. But i can get erection.

Zero sexual desire. Plus too much pressure on brain dat it hurts.

I need help.


Active Member
I think you're still in your flatline. How hard the flatline hits, and how long it takes, seems to be different for everyone. I think you can try going no PMO, or MO at all for a while and see how it goes?

Case in point: the zero libido is something I'm experiencing now as well. It's pretty weird because with stimulation, I can indeed get pretty hard, but without stimulation I never get passed like 30% or something. It's something that improves. To illustrate: when I started my flatline, which is about two weeks ago, I couldn't get an erection AT ALL, without stimulation.

So avoid stimulation, avoid porn, avoid masturbation. Keep it up for something like 30 days, or even 90 if you can make it. It makes your brain reset to its factory default settings. Good luck!