Starting Over


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a new journal. Although I'm still trying to break the P addiction I feel that I am much different now than when I first came here and started my previous journal. I have learned much more about myself and the addiction and my whole attitude and outlook has changed because of it.
I showed up here full of despair and fear and without any confidence or feelings of self-worth. Now I know that P is something I will leave behind, that I'm not as sick as the material I view while using, and that I have as much right to be happy and healthy as anyone.
I still get depressed and ashamed when I feel like i'm living a double life, and scared when i wonder what people would think if they found out. But i know that when i get enough space between myself and P, with the addiction farther behind in the rearview mirror, i will gain a different perspective on it. And be more comfortable in my own skin.

Lately i have been relapsing once a week. But during the days i'm clean it's no struggle. I have no desire to use P most days. But when the compulsion happens i have been mostly powerless against it. Then i use, then afterwards i feel no desire to use for another week or so.
I know one of main triggers and try to prepare myself when i know i will encounter it. There are also some other internal and external cues going on that i don't have completely figured out. I know i use P as an escape when tired and/or overwhelmed. I also use it as a reward for working hard and trying to keep up with the demands of work and home. I believe another trigger for me is not having time set aside for myself. I think without time for me and my recovery i quickly become tired and seek P for escape and reward.
I further complicate the matter by hiding all of this from my wife. I believe it would be easier on me if she knew but i'm not sure it's fair for me to add that burden to her for my benefit.
I also have been neglecting my stepwork, another side effect of no time for my recovery. This is going to have to change to move on.
I hope you all have a good clean day today. Thanks for being here.


Active Member
Hey pinkerton,

I'm really happy to read that you feel so much progress in your journey that you have decided to make new journal. That really means it's a major milestone for you and I think that gives confidence to anyone of us here, because we feel that we can have same progress and reach same milestone. I think I'm not so far away from this because many things you say make kind of an echo in my mind. Anyway, nice decision to write this new journal, best of luck to you for this second part of your journey.


Well-Known Member
Thank you philgood,  this is not exactly what i thought it would be like when i first found ybop and rebootnation. But after working on it for this long and reading about the struggles of others i think that i really underestimated the addiction.
Good luck.


Staff member
The burden is not in telling your wife, the burden is keeping the secret.  Because whether or not she knows what it is, she know that something is not right.  I am surprised that the men here think that their entire outlook is different and their wife somehow does not know something is wrong.  We are treated different when you are a porn watcher and masturbator.  You do not need us for pleasure.  We notice this.  We may not know why but we notice.

Let the secret out. (not all the yuck stuff you watched)  Just a simple I have been watching porn.  When you don't tell, you are not taking responsibility for how you have chosen to change your marriage.  She did not get a vote, you chose.  So talk to her.  You will feel much better and you have an ally.  I always recommend the "Love You Hate the Porn" blog.  It has lots of information to help women understand and men too.



Well-Known Member
The secret is indeed a burden but it is mine. I explained in detail in my previous journal about me, my wife, and pornography. And i've never had e.d. of any kind or reduced libido.


Well-Known Member
Didnt mean for that to sound so short. I apologize. I will check out that blog. And would be glad to discuss any of this further if you're interested. We might gain perspective.


Well-Known Member
Feeling good on day 7.  I hadn't been on here very much lately because i had restricted my internet usage on my phone. I ended up removing the restrictions so i could look at P anyway and i was essentially shuttibg myself off from the help of this forum. So i think i will leave my internet time unrestricted but put content blockers in place.


Active Member
I think you're right, the personal time is critical, something I neglected, wouldn't allow myself to rest and I fell, not too hard and I have been able to pick myself up. I find that you have so much more honesty in these later journal, something we all struggle with.

Stay strong man, it ain't easy..


Well-Known Member
It ain't easy. True words.

On day nine and just like clockwork there has been a little more temptation to use P. I am trying to be more aware of it and take action while the notion is in its earliest stage. I did look at Loce you hate the porn as gracie suggested and found some useful tools there. I'm also still looking for a good mobile app to block and filter. The k9 app has more bad reviews than good. I currently have mobile fence but i really need another person to be the administrator otherwise i can easily bypass it. I will talk to my brother about that today.
Good luck yall


Well-Known Member
Did talk to my brother and set up the mobile fence app using his email address, so now if i want to get rid of it i have to get the password from him. I know it's not bullet proof but i feel good about it.
After failing to make it to even 20 days for so long, each new clean day feels like a blessing. Though i think today i have been taking it for granted. Maybe the new is wearing off a little.
P and M impedes my growth and prevents my from being my best self and from having all the gifts gained by being my best self: self respect, love for others, personal connection with others, energy, ambition...
Good luck ya'll, glad to be here and be clean


Well-Known Member
This will be day 14, God willing. For some reason i have a goal of 23 days. I set that goal at some other time in my recovery. I think i just wanted to get past three weeks.
I have been thinking lately that I just need to continue to put myself in position to be free or become free of porn. I can't always explain relapses but i can keep doing the things i know are right and believe that good will come of it.


Well-Known Member
Not very happy with my job at the moment. Especially unhappy with one of my coworkers. Writing it here to unload some of the weight. Otherwise life is good. Just hard to get past a bad mood sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Job going much better than last time i wrote. Improved feelings toward coworker as well. Remarkable how things pass when i just leave them alone. Kind of depressed last night and short tempered but i was also very tired and i think i have/had a cold. Also more tempted last night, lots of sexual thoughts and P thoughts and some dreams. Feeling better today after a few cups of coffee. Lucky to be here, grateful for my family and work and God.


Well-Known Member
Hey i completed my arbitrary goal of 23 days! I think i will celebrate it just on principle. Maybe it will help attach strong good feelings to the right path. 


Active Member
Congratulations pinkerton on achieving your goal.

Proud of you man. Just keep going till you have absolute control in yourself. 

Good to know job and in general life is better. Take care my friend.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks phoenix. Hope to keep going and going but who knows what will happen?
Getting close to 4 weeks clean makes me feel happy. I have been here a few times this year but have always tripped, slipped, slid, whatever. I don't know what will be. I want to try to continue to do the right things and give myself my best chance. For me right now that means daily prayer, talking with my brother, planning ahead for temptations and difficult situations, making time for myself to visit this site and also to do things i enjoy. God willing i will be sober today and then the next day...


Well-Known Member
Really just checked in on my journal to see my counter. Feels good. Now i'm going to try not to think about it too much and get on with my day. Good luck everybody.


Well-Known Member
Tough morning, was having P flashbacks earlier, was late for work, then made some mistakes after i got here. Going to be ok though


Well-Known Member
4 weeks. Congratulations man. You are doing really good and not thinking too much about it might give you even better results.

Keep up the hard work!.  8)


pinkerton said:
Really just checked in on my journal to see my counter. Feels good. Now i'm going to try not to think about it too much and get on with my day. Good luck everybody.

That's the best way to deal with this (or any other) addiction.  Work on creating an awesome life for yourself, and the addiction will naturally start to fall away.  Recovery doesn't need to be difficult or feel bad all the time.