What to do after a reboot?


Hello guys,

I finished a 40 day reboot a few days ago, and it was a mixed experience, don't know if it was good or bad to me. My background was that I was never hardcore addicted to P or M, but let's say I did it 3-4 times a week before the reboot and it was a test to see which benefits it gave me.

Week 1 and 2 were great for me, my best days of the reboot were at day 7-8 after no PMO'ing. Anxiety was better and had a lot more confidence. But after those days I was feeling worse and worse, It started with feeling overstressed, bad sleep, feeling uncalm after week 2. The stressed up feeling was weighing more and more on me, everyday I continued. In week 3-4 I had days where I felt desensitized the the world around me, I wasn't interested in socializing with women or friends anymore and I felt tired. This builded up in week 5-6, the last days of my reboot, I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks, and I felt very anxious in social situations, something I NEVER had, even before the reboot, I was always feeling comfortable in social situations. After day 40 I couldn't hold it anymore, I fapped (on porn  :D). I felt a relief of stress, and I felt good for a while. However I was left with the social anxiety and low confidence, in a much higher form than before my reboot, than ever..?

What isn't clear for me is what is the point of no fap, is it the goal to never watch P or M again? Or is it the goal to do a reboot and than start to masturbate on a lower frequency, what are the opinions on this?

Because.. When you don't have a girlfriend how is it healthy to not have any sexual action, I'm afraid that when I continued this reboot for to long it would have killed my sexual energy and that it would have make me more anxious and stressed than ever.


As you can see, I am a little bit over 40 days. I can tell you my goals and I think it is for everyone to set their own goals. It is definitely not to watch P again but masturbation is fine. When I "heal" my brain and get rid of the DE I want to rewire to real girls. I can already feel my brain is changing.
You need to ask yourself why exactly did you relapsed and watched porn again. Why did you not just fap. The anxiety could have come as a phase of the reboot - it is the same as fighting any other addiction and you can find withdrawal symptoms lists on the internet. It is natural that some people feel down for a while, do not want to meet people and have low libido, you know like a flatline. I had this period too when I was constantly sleepy, did not have interest in social interaction. It changed recently. I am happy and confident even when I don?t chase girls around. My mind is balanced even though just recently it was a complete chaos. It is hard to tell when your reboot is finished, especially if you do not have a girlfriend. Well obviously those 40 days were not enough for you if you have promptly jumped to PMO but you will find the satisfaction from masturbating to porn is fading quickly. It is a hard habit to break not to masturbate to P and just enjoy it for yourself. I would suggest that you try again and next time you feel great urges try to overcome them (like I have recently been very horny but did not budge) or just try to experiment with different frequencies of M, but certainly without P...