does anyone have any tools to stop watching p###?


Active Member
Dude, it is NOT an addiction you CAN'T overcome!
you CAN DO IT.

The only thing you have to make clear: How far are you willing to go for that?
I had really a problem with using my PC at home although having all this filter stuff. Even the DNS server allowed Pictures in Google and so I ended up looking at sexy pics of dressed woman on picturesearch. I felt like a dork....

Now I simply only use my pc at public places and not at home.
You can also go hardcore and only use a kid's browser or block all sites other than those you need with a whitelist only browser. The only thing however making you overcome this shit will be you trying. I usually am not the one to give a push to somebody, but you need it ;D. There is simply no way that all you did until now was in vain!!!!!! never forget that.

You can overcome this if you try and make a serious commitment to yourself.
List up what you motivation is:

why am i doing this?
what is there to gain?
why should i go on with this?
is there need for me to stay without porn?
is porn really my problem?

It never can be easy but it is doable!
And you can do it, too!!!

all the best:
