Looking back


Not that I needed any additional confirmation that I am a porn addict I found myself thinking back to some of the things I did to get my porn fix.  For decades I was the person who got up every morning the last possible minute before I had to jump up and rush off to work.  I showered at night so I could sleep longer.  Ate breakfast on the way to work. Bought lunch because making my lunch in morning took too much time etc.  But when my wife lost her job and was no longer going to bed earlier than me, suddenly I found myself lacking me time and I couldn't count on my nightly PMO sessions any longer. It wasn't long before I was getting up before my alarm clock every morning to get a good PMO session in before work. Ironically, when I could PMO at night I had plenty of time to "enjoy" the experience and there was no rush. But in the morning it was all about getting it up and getting off as quickly as possible, so I wasn't late for work.  While it did motivate me to get up earlier it still wasn't enough to give me time for a leisurely session of "self-love".  This pattern actually accelerated my PIED and forced me to face my addiction.  No real question here but really just wanted to write down what I have realized to get it out in the open. Maybe a good chance to hear what others have been able to look back on that helped open their eyes as well