Start over


Active Member
So, my man and I decided the last year was shit. And we love eachother enough to start over. So what does that mean? Well from my perspective it was for him to stop the covering up, deleting history, to me this was a greater betrayal of my trust. He still doesn't get it. Porn is just a thing. And he has bounced from I will stop, to hiding it, to being hell bent I have the issues and not giving it up but still hiding it. To me the hiding it deludes himself. He can't see the time he spends on other women if it is gone from his sight. I also promised I would stop the detective work. Sneaking around to uncover the truth. Surprize! Nothing changed. But then I did. I have been to great length trying to heal myself. From Pshychs, to yoga nad meditation, and then I went and seen a medium spirit healer. Now without pushing the boundaries of peoples imaginations, she helped me greatly. I managed to start quite a stir about taking it personal on here. I have stepped back a bit from this site because I seemed to wollow and focus to much energy on something that was not getting any better. I wrote a very forward letter that upset my man. But also claimed back my value. I told him I love him, but valued my body and no longer wanted it to be used and abused for his pleasure without a second thought to my needs. Sex was rare, but it was pretty disappointing from my side when I did get it. Things are not amazing now, but I feel a better. My man seen my request for him to stop deleting his records so he can see them as a form of manipulation to make him someone he is not. So. It continues. But. I have taken a backseat in caring and taken my own advice. Looking after me. Our relationship is wonderful in every other way. Except for the effection and sexual side. But it is getting there. Now on the rare occassions he touches me, he thinks of me. And thats a start. Man this is a slow process. When I found this site a year ago, I really thought we would have progressed past this point.

Emerald Blue

Well-Known Member
This is my experience so far by means of comparison. I'm still in the first year. Emotional roller coaster ride doesn't come close.

At the outset, I had a vision of what progress would look like. I assumed we'd talk openly and he'd answer my questions honestly and accurately, that some degree of accountability of his internet activities would be reasonable and that he could talk to me about his own difficult feelings. I thought we'd both work towards a common goal which would be to beat this problem and reconnect. I expected reassurance and some degree if understanding.

It hasn't quite been as expected. From the get go, he was not forthcoming about his behaviour at all. When I asked my questions he usually lied. I had to do my own detective work to learn what I did and even then he'd deny it all or feign memory loss. I found myself in the old trickle-truth predicament. He was frequently obstructive and would explode in anger if I questioned him about some of his viewing habits, and even if I discovered past evidence of viewing porn subs.

In fact, he couldn't talk about his porn behavior at all without becoming moody and angry and would blame me for not letting it go. He insisted that it was all in the past and I was the one who was not letting it go and who was "obsessed". At other times he'd feel intense guilt and shame which would sort of freeze his ability to communicate.

From starting out being sympathetic towards me he seemed to become angry at me. In fact, he would be very angry at me and fly into a rage if I asked him any questions he didn't want to answers.

As a consequence, we lost the connectedness that we were forging. The process was fractured by my discovery of p sub material after our d day. He was very angry, refused to answer my questions, told me that he didn't know what I was talking about and flew into a rage. Not only that, he demanded to know how I found out (just like old times so he could cover his tracks). I was utterly devastated by his reaction. He isn't a violent man but the intensity of his rage was like being punched in the stomach. My bodily reaction was one of shock and I felt  traumatised It seemed ridiculously out of proportion to some stupid porn sub crap. Seriously, it just wasn't worth it. His extreme reaction was what did the damage. If he admitted to it he would have prevented so much upset. I can't describe the state of shock and distress I was in. I still feel a bit traumatised by the memory of it.

After that episode I suppose I just wanted to protect myself from any further hurt. Sexually I just lost everything we'd been working towards. I became less interested and I lost the ability to orgasm. I haven't recovered from it. I guess the brain/mind has its own defence mechanism.

One thing that was very difficult, especially after his lying and, later on, his raging at me, was the damage to my ability to trust.

To his credit, he has been resolute about so far is his decision to quit porn. So far so good, but with my inability to orgasm and my interest in sex much reduced after the p sub - and that was months ago, he has become less interested in sex. I suspect he has resumed masturbation (without porn) although he'd never admit to it if he did. I asked him to tell me - in the context of his recovery from porn and in agreement to be more open about sex and our sexual needs - but  I know he'd never tell me. He's also been talking about being vulnerable to relapse. He seems more resigned to that possibility whereas before he was determined to keep away. Whether that's a danger sign or it's actually an admission that he has an addiction that he must always take steps to prevent going back to it, I don't know.

I've come a long way. The harsh realities are that he's fundamentally dishonest about his own acting out behavior, even if it's in the past. Despite initial promises I can detect the old patterns of non-communication and non-disclosure emerging. If I'm distressed about issues affecting my own recovery from his porn addiction he doesn't reassure me. I also suspect that there are aspects of his past acting out behaviors that he has not admitted to and has no intention. All this is rather upsetting, but I am still determined to move through these difficulties.

I have made a lot of progress though. I have my own recovery work to get on with. I have arranged help and support for myself. Writing my posts here also helps me work through my own feelings and experiences and it is comforting to know I am not alone. I have let go of my anger although I still feel it in waves that pass quickly so it's no big deal. I know he has an addiction and that it was not a reflection on me. I know that he used porn as a coping strategy that was ultimately damaging and unhelpful. I don't have all the answers. I have good weeks and bad weeks. It's never straightforward. It never goes smoothly and it's never what you expect. And utterly draining and exhausting too.


Staff member
This is the hard part.  We are told that we must heal ourselves.  We are partnered with someone and often we are married or firmly committed.  This act makes us one organism.  It makes us one.  Two parts merge and become one.  The whole cannot become better or heal if only half does the healing.  Each half needs the compassion, understanding, support and love of the other half to be whole.  If it is not there, healing cannot take place.  This is why I believe in men telling their partners about their addiction.  Maybe not all the details.  But if the partner has discovered the details, then own up.  But if she knows, then you have an optimum situation you can help each other heal. 

We women beat ourselves up.  We have a problem in our one-ness that we did not know was there.  It was well hidden.  Kind of like an infection that starts below the skin's surface it all looks the same and then suddenly there is this sore.  And we don't know how it got there.  And once we realize how bad it is, we start taking steps to make sure it does not happen again.  And then we find out we can't take steps to do that.  So the organism can't heal without knowing the cause and how to get the infection out.  All the parts must realize infection has occurred.

I have been lucky.  My husband eventually recognized that he had to change.  It took awhile.  Like others, longer than I would have ever imagined.  But as I mentioned before, we used "Love You Hate the Porn" blog and book.  We did the exercises.  It lets the couple know that the husband caused the pain and he is the one that can heal the pain.  It talks about attachment.  It talks about how important that attachment bond is.  He cried when this showed how important this bond is.  He saw he was the instrument of healing and without him healing could not occur.  When I discovered his use I was 60 and we had been married 27 years.  It was devastating.  I never thought we could or would heal.  I told him I did not know if I could get past this.

So short answer is, it is very difficult to get ourselves strong.  He is our attachment.  Who we look to.  Once married we are his attachment as well.  We are who he should look to.  And that gets skewed by porn. 

4 years out and I still have what we call "moments".  And he can pick up on it in a flash.  Sometimes our conversation goes well and sometimes I am emotional and grieve.  But we get through it.  And sometimes we can joke.  There was commercial talking about protein for breakfast.  He said or you could get it another way.  And I said or you could lick your hand.  And he looked at me and said "Not anymore".  We have come a long way.  But it takes two working everyday.




The person we turn to for comfort is the one who has hurt us the most. Very hard to reconcile.

Noah Church also has some really good youtube videos that has raised my husband's awareness. Also Love You Hate the Porn has also opened his eyes. It's really amazing that they have no clue how much their addiction wrecks us.

Steam rolled

Active Member
Great news chicka you are working on YOU healing!
Its really ashame your SO still dont get it.
But I care more about you- So good for you girl keep on keeping on :)